

Compiler Error C2276

'operator' : illegal operation on bound member function expression

The compiler found a problem with the syntax used to create a pointer-to-member.


Error C2276 is often caused when you attempt to create a pointer-to-member by using an instance variable to qualify the member, instead of a class type. You may also see this error if you're trying to call a member function by using the wrong syntax.


This sample shows several ways C2276 may occur, and how to fix them:

// C2276.cpp
class A {
   int func(){return 0;}
} a;

int (*pf)() = &a.func;   // C2276
// pf isn't qualified by the class type, and it 
// tries to take a member address from an instance of A.
// Try the following line instead:
// int (A::*pf)() = &A::func;

class B : public A {
   void mf() {
      auto x = &this -> func;   // C2276
      // try the following line instead
      // auto x = &B::func;

int main() {
   A a3;
   auto pmf1 = &a3.func;   // C2276
   // try the following line instead
   // auto pmf1 = &A::func;