


The C++ Build Insights SDK is compatible with Visual Studio 2017 and later. To see the documentation for these versions, set the Visual Studio Version selector control for this article to Visual Studio 2017 or later. It's found at the top of the table of contents on this page.

The MatchEventStackInMemberFunction function is used to match an event stack against a specific event hierarchy, described by the parameter list of a member function. Matched hierarchies are forwarded to the member function for further processing. To learn more about events, event stacks, and hierarchies, see event table.


template <
    typename     TInterface,
    typename     TReturn,
    typename     T1,
    typename...  TExtraParams,
    typename...  TExtraArgs>
bool MatchEventStackInMemberFunction(
    const EventStack&         eventStack,
    TInterface*               objectPtr,
    TReturn (TInterface::*    memberFunc)(T1, TExtraParams...),
    TExtraArgs&&...           extraArgs);

template <
    typename     TInterface,
    typename     TReturn,
    typename     T1,
    typename     T2,
    typename...  TExtraParams,
    typename...  TExtraArgs>
bool MatchEventStackInMemberFunction(
    const EventStack&         eventStack,
    TInterface*               objectPtr,
    TReturn (TInterface::*    memberFunc)(T1, T2, TExtraParams...),
    TExtraArgs&&...           extraArgs);

// Etc...

template <
    typename     TInterface,
    typename     TReturn,
    typename     T1,
    typename     T2,
    typename     T3,
    typename     T4,
    typename     T5,
    typename     T6,
    typename     T7,
    typename     T8,
    typename     T9,
    typename     T10,
    typename...  TExtraParams,
    typename...  TExtraArgs>
bool MatchEventStackInMemberFunction(
    const EventStack&         eventStack,
    TInterface*               objectPtr,
    TReturn (TInterface::*    memberFunc)(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, TExtraParams...),
    TExtraArgs&&...           extraArgs);


The type that contains the member function.

The return type of the member function.

T1, ..., T10
The types describing the event hierarchy to match.

The types of the extra parameters accepted by the member function, and the event hierarchy types.

The types of the extra arguments that were passed to MatchEventStackInMemberFunction.

The event stack to match against the event type hierarchy described by T1 through T10.

A pointer to an object on which memberFunc is called.

The member function that describes the event type hierarchy to match.

The arguments that get perfect-forwarded to memberFunc along with the event type hierarchy parameters.

Return Value

A bool value that is true if matching was successful, or false otherwise.


The last event in eventStack is always matched against the last entry in the event type hierarchy to match. All other types in the event type hierarchy can match any position in eventStack except the last, provided they're in the same order.

Event types to use for the T1 through T10 parameters are selected from a list of capture classes. For a list of events and the capture classes you can use to match them, see event table.


void MyClass::Foo1(Compiler cl, BackEndPass bep, C2DLL c2,
    CodeGeneration cg, Thread t, Function f) { }

void MyClass::Foo2(Compiler cl, Function f) { }

void MyClass::Foo3(Thread t, Compiler cl, Function f) { }

void MyClass::Foo4(Compiler cl) { }

void MyClass::OnStartActivity(const EventStack& eventStack)
    // Let's assume eventStack contains:
    // [Compiler, BackEndPass, C2DLL, CodeGeneration, Thread, Function]

    bool b1 = MatchEventStackInMemberFunction(
        eventStack, this, &MyClass::Foo1);

    bool b2 = MatchEventStackInMemberFunction(
        eventStack, this, &MyClass::Foo2);

    bool b3 = MatchEventStackInMemberFunction(
        eventStack, this, &MyClass::Foo3);

    bool b4 = MatchEventStackInMemberFunction(
        eventStack, this, &MyClass::Foo4);

    // b1: true because the parameter types of Foo1 match the eventStack
    //     exactly.
    // b2: true because Function is the last entry in both the member
    //     function parameter list and 'eventStack', and also because
    //     Compiler comes before Function in 'eventStack' and in the
    //     parameter type list.
    // b3: false because, even though both Thread and Compiler come
    //     before Function in 'eventStack', the member function parameter
    //     list doesn't list them in the right order.
    // b4: false because the last entry in the member function parameter
    //     list is Compiler, which doesn't match the last entry in 'eventStack'
    //     (Function).