Encodian - Image

Extensive features for the manipulation and conversion of image file formats
This connector is available in the following products and regions:
Service | Class | Regions |
Logic Apps | Standard | All Logic Apps regions except the following: - Azure China regions - US Department of Defense (DoD) |
Power Automate | Standard | All Power Automate regions except the following: - US Government (GCC High) - China Cloud operated by 21Vianet - US Department of Defense (DoD) |
Power Apps | Standard | All Power Apps regions except the following: - US Government (GCC High) - China Cloud operated by 21Vianet - US Department of Defense (DoD) |
Contact | |
Name | Encodian Support |
URL | https://support.encodian.com |
support@encodian.com |
Connector Metadata | |
Publisher | Encodian |
Website | https://www.encodian.com |
Privacy policy | https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360010885513-Privacy-Policy |
Categories | Content and Files;Collaboration |
Encodian 'Flowr' Image for Power Automate
The 'Encodian Flowr Image' connector provide enterprise grade and simple to use Power Automate actions manipulating all common image file formats, covering compression, resizing, format conversion, watermarking + more
The Encodian 'Flowr' Image connector is supported by Power Automate, Azure Logic Apps and Power Apps.
Register Account
An Encodian subscription is required to use the Encodian 'Flowr' Image connector.
Complete the sign-up form to register for a 30-day trial and obtain an API Key
Click here for a step by step guide on how to create an Encodian connection in Power Automate
Contact Encodian Support to request assistance
Encodian action documentation can be found here, and example flows can be found here
Further Information
Visit Encodian website for subscription plan pricing.
Once your 30-day trial expires, your Encodian subscription is automatically transitioned to Encodian's 'Free' subscription tier unless a paid plan has been purchased.
Creating a connection
The connector supports the following authentication types:
Default | Parameters for creating connection. | All regions | Shareable |
Applicable: All regions
Parameters for creating connection.
This is shareable connection. If the power app is shared with another user, connection is shared as well. For more information, please see the Connectors overview for canvas apps - Power Apps | Microsoft Docs
Name | Type | Description | Required |
API Key | securestring | Get an API Key - https://www.encodian.com/apikey/ | True |
Region | string |
Throttling Limits
Name | Calls | Renewal Period |
API calls per connection | 100 | 60 seconds |
Image - Add Image Watermark
Add an image watermark to the image provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/8967068141597
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
filename | True | string |
The filename of the source file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.png' and not 'file' |
File Content
fileContent | True | byte |
The file content of the source file |
Watermark Filename
watermarkFilename | True | string |
The filename of the watermark image file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.png' and not 'file' |
Watermark File Content
watermarkFileContent | True | byte |
The content of the watermark image file |
Watermark Position
watermarkPosition | True | string |
The position of the image watermark on the image provided |
Y Offset
imageYOffSet | integer |
Set the vertical watermark offset in pixels, starting from the top of the image. This setting will only apply when the 'Watermark Position' property is set to 'Custom'. |
X Offset
imageXOffset | integer |
Set the horizontal watermark offset in pixels, starting from the left of the image. This setting will only apply when the 'Watermark Position' property is set to 'Custom'. |
Rotation Angle
rotationAngle | float |
Set the rotation angle of the image watermark in degrees |
opacity | float |
The opacity of the image watermark, valid values range from 0.0+ to 1.0, the default value is 0.7 |
Align Image
alignImage | boolean |
Assure that the image provided is aligned to the EXIF orientation tags |
Align Watermark
alignWatermark | boolean |
Assure that the watermark image provided is aligned to the EXIF orientation tags |
Image - Add Text Watermark
Add a Text Watermark to the image provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360013560398-Add-Text-Watermark-To-Image
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
FileName | True | string |
The filename of the source image file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.jpg' and not 'file' |
File Content
FileContent | byte |
The file content of the source image file |
Text | True | string |
The text to embed as a watermark within the image |
Watermark Position
WatermarkPosition | string |
The position of the text to embed as a watermark within the image |
Font | string |
The font applied to the text watermark, the default font is set to Arial. |
Text Colour
TextColour | string |
The HTML colour applied to the text watermark, the default colour is set to #E81123. |
Text Size
TextSize | integer |
The size of the font applied to the text watermark, the default size is set to 10. |
Image - Clean Up (Document)
Execute image clean up activities focussed on text based images such as Deskew, Rotate, Despeckle + more.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
FileName | True | string |
The filename of the source image file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.png' and not 'file' |
File Content
FileContent | byte |
The file content of the source image file |
Clean Operations
cleanUpType | string |
Perform file clean-up operations, the default option will auto rotate, auto deskew and auto despeckle the provided file. |
AutoRotate | boolean |
Automatically detects orientation and rotates so that the text is upright oriented, this is enabled by default. |
Rotate Confidence Level
AutoRotateConfidenceLevel | integer |
Sets the minimum confidence percentage (0 to 100) used to control whether the rotation is applied, the default value is 60. |
Deskew | boolean |
Detects the skew angle and rotates to remove that skew, this is enabled by default. |
Despeckle | boolean |
Automatically detects speckles and removes them, this is enabled by default. |
Adjust Brightness and Contrast
AdjustBrightnessContrast | boolean |
This action analyzes a document and automatically adjusts brightness and contrast based on the analysis, this is disabled by default. |
Remove Border
RemoveBorder | boolean |
Locates border pixels and removes the pixels from the document, this is disabled by default. |
Smooth Background
SmoothBackground | boolean |
This works only on color and grayscale documents. This operation smoothes background colors to eliminate or de-emphasize noise, this is disabled by default. |
Smooth Objects
SmoothObjects | boolean |
This only works on bitonal documents, it looks at groups of pixels, and finds isolated bumps and pits in the edges of those objects, and fills them in, this is disabled by default. |
Remove Dot Shading
RemoveDotShading | boolean |
This action will remove shaded regions from bitonal documents, this is disabled by default. |
Image Detergent
ImageDetergent | boolean |
Image Detergent works by changing pixels of similar color values to a central color value, which has the result of smoothing the image wherever regions of those colors appear, this is disabled by default. |
Average Filter
ApplyAverageFilter | boolean |
Performs a 3x3 Average filter smoothing operation on the document, placing the output in the center of the window, this is disabled by default. |
Remove Hole Punch
RemoveHolePunch | boolean |
Detects and removes hole punch marks from a bitonal document, this is disabled by default. |
Binarize | boolean |
Computes all necessary parameters by analyzing the input data before actually performing the binarization. The algorithm is tuned to typical document images, consisting of dark text on brighter background. It is robust to shadows, noise and background images, this is disabled by default. |
Image - Clean Up (Photo)
Execute image clean up activities for standard photo images.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
FileName | True | string |
The filename of the source image file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.png' and not 'file' |
File Content
FileContent | byte |
The file content of the source image file |
Clean Operations
cleanUpType | string |
Perform file clean-up operations, the default option will auto rotate, apply colour balance, auto deskew and auto despeckle the provided file. |
Deskew | boolean |
Detects the skew angle and rotates to remove that skew, this is enabled by default. |
Despeckle | boolean |
Automatically detects speckles and removes them, this is enabled by default. |
Color Balance
ColorBalance | boolean |
Restores and balances the color quality within an image, this is enabled by default. |
Remove Border
RemoveBorder | boolean |
Locates border pixels and removes the pixels from the document, this is disabled by default. |
Contrast | boolean |
Adjusts the contrast in the current image. |
Remove Redeye
RemoveRedeye | boolean |
Automatically reduces the red reflection of the flash seen in the eyes of people in color flash photo images. |
Blur | boolean |
Blurs the current image by averaging each pixel with each of its neighboring pixels giving it an 'out of focus' appearance. |
Diffuse | boolean |
Diffuses the current image by replacing each pixel with a randomly selected neighboring pixel. |
Binarize | boolean |
Computes all necessary parameters by analyzing the input data before actually performing the binarization. The algorithm is tuned to typical document images, consisting of dark text on brighter background. It is robust to shadows, noise and background images, this is disabled by default. |
AutoRotate | boolean |
Automatically detects orientation and rotates so that the text is upright oriented, this is enabled by default. |
Rotate Confidence Level
AutoRotateConfidenceLevel | integer |
Sets the minimum confidence percentage (0 to 100) used to control whether the rotation is applied, the default value is 40. |
Image - Compress
Compress the image provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360027350513-Compress-an-Image
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
File Content
fileContent | True | byte |
The file content of the source image file |
Image Type
imageType | True | string |
Select the image file format. |
Image - Convert Format
Convert the format of the image provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360006617857-Convert-Image-Format
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
File Content
fileContent | True | byte |
The file content of the source image file |
Current Image Format
currentImageFormat | True | string |
Select the current image file format. |
New Image Format
newImageFormat | True | string |
Select the new image file format. |
Image - Crop
Crop an image using border values or a rectangle - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/10860483459740/
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Crop Type
cropTypeParameter | string |
Set the crop type action |
operation | dynamic |
Request object, refer to schema definition: DtoCropImage |
- Body
- DtoResponseCropImage
Image - Extract Metadata
Extract metadata from the image provided (Height, Width, Resolution, Format, File Size + more) - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/4431662425489
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
File Content
fileContent | True | byte |
The file content of the source image file |
Simplified Lat/Long Format
simplifiedLatLongFormat | boolean |
Return the Latitude and Longitude as formatted string eg., '45° 26’ 21"N' |
Image - Extract Text (OCR)
Extract text from the image provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360006998078-Extract-Text-from-Image-OCR
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Image Type
imageType | True | string |
Select the image file format. |
File Content
fileContent | True | byte |
The file content of the source image file |
ocrLanguage | string |
Select the language used for OCR processing |
Clean Operations
cleanUpType | string |
Perform document clean-up operations, the default option will auto rotate, auto deskew and auto despeckle the document. |
AutoRotate | boolean |
Automatically detects orientation and rotates it so that the text on it is upright oriented |
Rotate Confidence Level
AutoRotateConfidenceLevel | integer |
Sets the minimum confidence percentage (0 to 100) used to control whether the rotation is applied, the default value is 70. |
Deskew | boolean |
Detects the skew angle and rotates to remove that skew. |
Despeckle | boolean |
Automatically detects speckles and removes them. |
Adjust Brightness and Contrast
AdjustBrightnessContrast | boolean |
This action analyzes a document and automatically adjusts brightness and contrast based on the analysis. |
Remove Border
RemoveBorder | boolean |
Locates border pixels and removes the pixels from the document,this is disabled by default. |
Smooth Background
SmoothBackground | boolean |
This works only on color and grayscale documents. This operation smoothes background colors to eliminate or de-emphasize noise. |
Smooth Objects
SmoothObjects | boolean |
This only works on bitonal documents, it looks at groups of pixels, and finds isolated bumps and pits in the edges of those objects, and fills them in. |
Remove Dot Shading
RemoveDotShading | boolean |
This action will remove shaded regions from bitonal documents. |
Image Detergent
ImageDetergent | boolean |
Image Detergent works by changing pixels of similar color values to a central color value, which has the result of smoothing the image wherever regions of those colors appear. |
Average Filter
ApplyAverageFilter | boolean |
Performs a 3x3 Average filter smoothing operation on the document, placing the output in the center of the window. |
Remove Hole Punch
RemoveHolePunch | boolean |
Detects and removes hole punch marks from a bitonal document. |
Binarize | boolean |
Computes all necessary parameters by analyzing the input data before actually performing the binarization. The algorithm is tuned to typical document images, consisting of dark text on brighter background. It is robust to shadows, noise and background images. |
Image - Flip
Flip the image provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/9798473339292
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
File Content
fileContent | True | byte |
The file content of the source image file |
flipOrientation | True | string |
Set the orientation to flip the image provided |
- Body
- DtoResponseFlipImage
Image - Remove EXIF Tags
Remove EXIF tags from the specified image - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/4415700524817
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
File Content
fileContent | True | byte |
The file content of the source image file |
Image Type
imageType | True | string |
Select the image file format. |
Image - Resize
Resize and compress the image provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360018591034-Resize-an-Image
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
FileName | True | string |
The filename of the source image file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.png' and not 'file' |
File Content
FileContent | True | byte |
The file content of the source image file |
Resize Type
ImageResizeType | True | string |
Set whether the image should be resized to a ratio or specific dimensions. |
Resize Percentage
ResizePercentage | integer |
For percentage resize actions - Set the percentage the image should be decrased or increased in size by. |
Image Width
ImageWidth | integer |
For specific resize actions - Set the specific width of the image in pixels |
Image Height
ImageHeight | integer |
For specific resize actions - Set the specific height of the image in pixels |
Maintain Aspect Ratio
MaintainAspectRatio | boolean |
For specific resize actions - If true, the image height will be automatically set relevant to the image width provided. |
Image Resolution
ImageResolution | integer |
Optionally specify an image resolution, by default the current image resolution will be used |
Image - Rotate
Rotate an image by specified degrees - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/10041551840796
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
File Content
fileContent | True | byte |
The file content of the source image file |
Rotation Angle
rotationAngle | float |
Optional - The number of degrees to rotate the image |
Preset Rotation Angle
presetRotationAngle | string |
Optional - Select a preset rotation angle |
Proportionate Resize
resizeProportionally | boolean |
Specifies that the image dimensions are proportionately adjusted to the rotated rectangle (corner points) projections |
Background Color
backgroundColour | string |
Sets the background color of the rotated image when 'Proportionate Resize' is enabled |
Image - Rotate by EXIF Data
Rotate a JPG image based on its EXIF data - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/16556447851804
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
File Content
fileContent | byte |
The file content of the source JPG file |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode | integer |
The HTTP Status code for the response. |
HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage | string |
The HTTP Status message for the response. |
Operation ID
OperationId | string |
The unique ID assigned to this operation. |
Errors | array of string |
An array of error messages should an error occur. |
Operation Status
OperationStatus | string |
Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed. |
Filename | string |
The filename of the document. |
File Content
FileContent | byte |
The processed document. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode | integer |
The HTTP Status code for the response. |
HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage | string |
The HTTP Status message for the response. |
Operation ID
OperationId | string |
The unique ID assigned to this operation. |
Errors | array of string |
An array of error messages should an error occur. |
Operation Status
OperationStatus | string |
Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed. |
Filename | string |
The filename of the document. |
File Content
FileContent | byte |
The processed document. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode | integer |
The HTTP Status code for the response. |
HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage | string |
The HTTP Status message for the response. |
Operation ID
OperationId | string |
The unique ID assigned to this operation. |
Errors | array of string |
An array of error messages should an error occur. |
Operation Status
OperationStatus | string |
Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed. |
File Content
FileContent | byte |
The processed document. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode | integer |
The HTTP Status code for the response. |
HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage | string |
The HTTP Status message for the response. |
Operation ID
OperationId | string |
The unique ID assigned to this operation. |
Errors | array of string |
An array of error messages should an error occur. |
Operation Status
OperationStatus | string |
Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed. |
File Content
FileContent | byte |
The processed document. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Image Format
imageFormat | string |
The file format of the image |
File Size (MBs)
fileSize | string |
The size of the supplied image in MBs |
width | double |
The width of the image (Pixels) |
height | double |
The height of the image (Pixels) |
orientation | string |
The orientation of the image |
Bits per Pixel
bitsPerPixel | integer |
The image bits per pixel count |
Horizontal Resolution
horizontalResolution | double |
The horizontal image resolution (DPI) |
Vertical Resolution
verticalResolution | double |
The vertical image resolution (DPI) |
Has EXIF Data
hasExifData | boolean |
Confirms whether the image contains EXIF Data |
exifDataJson | string |
Image EXIF Data provided as a JSON string |
Has XMP Data
hasXmpData | boolean |
Confirms whether the image contains XMP Data |
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode | integer |
The HTTP Status code for the response. |
HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage | string |
The HTTP Status message for the response. |
Operation ID
OperationId | string |
The unique ID assigned to this operation. |
Errors | array of string |
An array of error messages should an error occur. |
Operation Status
OperationStatus | string |
Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode | integer |
The HTTP Status code for the response. |
HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage | string |
The HTTP Status message for the response. |
Operation ID
OperationId | string |
The unique ID assigned to this operation. |
Errors | array of string |
An array of error messages should an error occur. |
Operation Status
OperationStatus | string |
Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed. |
Filename | string |
The filename of the document. |
File Content
FileContent | byte |
The processed document. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode | integer |
The HTTP Status code for the response. |
HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage | string |
The HTTP Status message for the response. |
Operation ID
OperationId | string |
The unique ID assigned to this operation. |
Errors | array of string |
An array of error messages should an error occur. |
Operation Status
OperationStatus | string |
Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed. |
Filename | string |
The filename of the document. |
File Content
FileContent | byte |
The processed document. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode | integer |
The HTTP Status code for the response. |
HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage | string |
The HTTP Status message for the response. |
Operation ID
OperationId | string |
The unique ID assigned to this operation. |
Errors | array of string |
An array of error messages should an error occur. |
Operation Status
OperationStatus | string |
Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed. |
Filename | string |
The filename of the document. |
File Content
FileContent | byte |
The processed document. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode | integer |
The HTTP Status code for the response. |
HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage | string |
The HTTP Status message for the response. |
Operation ID
OperationId | string |
The unique ID assigned to this operation. |
Errors | array of string |
An array of error messages should an error occur. |
Operation Status
OperationStatus | string |
Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed. |
Filename | string |
The filename of the document. |
File Content
FileContent | byte |
The processed document. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Text | string |
The text layer extracted from the image. |
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode | integer |
The HTTP Status code for the response. |
HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage | string |
The HTTP Status message for the response. |
Operation ID
OperationId | string |
The unique ID assigned to this operation. |
Errors | array of string |
An array of error messages should an error occur. |
Operation Status
OperationStatus | string |
Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode | integer |
The HTTP Status code for the response. |
HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage | string |
The HTTP Status message for the response. |
Operation ID
OperationId | string |
The unique ID assigned to this operation. |
Errors | array of string |
An array of error messages should an error occur. |
Operation Status
OperationStatus | string |
Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed. |
Filename | string |
The filename of the document. |
File Content
FileContent | byte |
The processed document. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode | integer |
The HTTP Status code for the response. |
HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage | string |
The HTTP Status message for the response. |
Operation ID
OperationId | string |
The unique ID assigned to this operation. |
Errors | array of string |
An array of error messages should an error occur. |
Operation Status
OperationStatus | string |
Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed. |
Filename | string |
The filename of the document. |
File Content
FileContent | byte |
The processed document. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode | integer |
The HTTP Status code for the response. |
HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage | string |
The HTTP Status message for the response. |
Operation ID
OperationId | string |
The unique ID assigned to this operation. |
Errors | array of string |
An array of error messages should an error occur. |
Operation Status
OperationStatus | string |
Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed. |
File Content
FileContent | byte |
The processed document. |