

Overview of projectServiceAutomation

CDM standard entities


Name Description
Account Business that represents a customer or potential customer. The company that is billed in business transactions.
AccountPriceList Sales price list for this customer to capture special pricing agreements for products, roles and categories.
ActualDataExport Data export entity for the actual entity.
BatchJob Placeholder for workflows used for machine learning scenarios.
BookableResourceCategory Categorize resources that have capacity into categories such as roles.
BookableResourceCategoryAssn Association entity to model the categorization of resources.
BookableResourceCharacteristic Associates resources with their characteristics and specifies the proficiency level of a resource for that characteristic.
Characteristic Skills, education and certifications of resources.
ContactPriceList Specific sales price list for this customer to capture special pricing agreements for products, roles, and categories.
ContractLineInvoiceSchedule List of dates that shows when invoicing for this customer should be run. This list is used by the invoice creation job.
ContractLineScheduleOfValue List of billing milestones and invoice amounts for this project contract line.
Delegation Delegation of time, expense entities among users
Estimate Labor, cost, and revenue estimates for a project.
EstimateLine Estimates on a per day timescale.
Expense Main container that holds expense information.
ExpenseCategory Main container that holds expense category information.
ExpenseReceipt Table that contains expense receipt information.
Fact Aggregated fact entity for actual transactions.
FieldComputation Product properties whose values are to be considered as factors for quantity computation on a transaction line.
FindWorkEvent Entity used for counting the number of times resources apply for open positions and other behavioral attributes of resources.
IntegrationJob Staging table for integration data
IntegrationJobDetail Staging table for integration data lines
Invoice Order that has been billed.
InvoiceFrequency Setup entity for invoice schedules.
InvoiceFrequencyDetail List of days expressed as dates or day of week for a specific invoice schedule template.
InvoiceLineTransaction Transactions that are associated to an invoice line.
InvoiceProduct Line item in an invoice containing detailed billing information for a product.
Journal Unposted business transactions, for example, time and expense.
JournalLine Unposted business transaction line details.
Opportunity Potential revenue-generating event, or sale to an account, which needs to be tracked through a sales process to completion.
OpportunityLineResourceCategory List of roles that will be considered as costs when understanding the profit of an opportunity line (Deprecated in v3.0)
OpportunityLineTransaction Sales estimate detail of an opportunity line (Deprecated in v3.0)
OpportunityLineTransactionCategory List of transaction categories that will be considered as costs when computing the profit of an opportunity line (Deprecated in v3.0)
OpportunityLineTransactionClassification List of transaction classification heads, which are four broad cost categories of time, expense, material, and fee, that will be considered as costs when computing the profit of an opportunity line (Deprecated in v3.0)
OpportunityPriceList Sales price list that will used by the opportunity to set default sales prices on all project-based components such as time and expense.
OpportunityProduct Association between an opportunity and a product.
Order Quote that has been accepted.
OrderLineResourceCategory List of roles that will be considered as costs when computing the profit of a project contract line.
OrderLineTransaction Sales estimate detail of an project contract line.
OrderLineTransactionCategory List of transaction categories that will be considered as costs when computing the profit of a project contract line.
OrderLineTransactionClassification List of transaction classification heads, which are four broad cost categories of time, expense, material, and fee, that will be considered as costs when computing the profit of a project contract line.
OrderPriceList Sales price list used on the contract to set default sales prices on all project-based components such as time and expense.
OrderProduct Line item in a sales order.
PriceList Entity that defines pricing levels.
PricingDimensionFieldName Provides ability to override the field name for pricing dimension if the entity doesn't follow the same naming convention for the pricing dimension field as the price entity.
ProcessNotes Stores messages or notes relevant to an operation or process executed by an entity.
Product Information about products and their pricing information.
Project Delivery entity in an engagement.
ProjectParameter List of settings that determine the behavior of the project-based service solution.
ProjectParameterPriceList Set of default cost and sales price lists that the company uses when there are no specific pricing agreements for cost and sales.
ProjectServiceApproval Container for approvals.
ProjectTask Tasks related to project.
ProjectTaskDependency Dependency data between tasks.
ProjectTaskStatusUser User status for project tasks (Deprecated in v3.0).
ProjectTeam Entity used to model relationship between resources and project teams.
ProjectTeamMemberSignUp Entity used to capture all resources that have applied for open position on projects.
ProjectTransactionCategory (Deprecated in v3.0)
Quote Formal offer for products and/or services, proposed at specific prices and related payment terms, which is sent to a prospective customer.
QuoteLineAnalyticsBreakdown Reporting entity that is used to show quoted sales and estimated cost amounts by various dimensions.
QuoteLineInvoiceSchedule List of dates on which invoicing for this customer should be run. This list is used by an invoice creation job.
QuoteLineResourceCategory List of roles that will be considered as costs when understanding the profit of a quote line.
QuoteLineScheduleOfValue List of billing milestones and invoice amounts for this quote line.
QuoteLineTransaction Sales estimate detail of a quote line.
QuoteLineTransactionCategory List of transaction categories that will be considered as costs when computing the profit of a quote line.
QuoteLineTransactionClassification List of transaction classification heads, the four broad cost classifications of time, expense, material, and fee, that will be considered as costs when computing the profit of a quote line.
QuotePriceList Sales price list that will used by the quote to default sales prices on all project-based components such as time and expense.
QuoteProduct Product line item in a quote. The details include such information as product ID, description, quantity, and cost.
RatingModel Represents a model to evaluate skills or other related entities.
ResourceAssignment Entity used to keep track of resource assignment header information on tasks.
ResourceAssignmentDetail Entity used to keep track of resource assignment details on tasks.
ResourceCategoryPriceLevel List of prices by role on a price list.
ResourceRequest Entity that wraps the resource requirement to capture the type of resources, skills, and location required.
ResultCache Cache for scored work items per resource that are returned from Azure Machine Learning.
RoleCompetencyRequirement Entity used to associate skills in a role.
RolePriceMarkup List of markups for prices by role on a price list.
RoleUtilization Gathers data about utilization per role to display in a chart
TimeEntry Entity used for time entry.
TimeOffCalendar Relationship table for time off calendar entries.
TransactionCategory Business transaction categories to classify costs and revenue.
TransactionCategoryClassification Entity used to associate a category broadly as time, expense or material.
TransactionCategoryHierarchyElement Hierarchical relationship of the transaction category with a root node.
TransactionCategoryPriceLevel List of prices by category on a price list.
TransactionConnection System entity used to establish connections between the cost, unbilled revenue, and billed revenue components of a transaction as they happen.
TransactionType Broad classification, such as time or expense, and the context such cost, unbilled revenue, or billed revenue of a project actual.
UserWorkHistory Entity used to look up resources based on demonstrated skills.