az communication user-identity
This reference is part of the communication extension for the Azure CLI (version 2.59.0 or higher). The extension will automatically install the first time you run an az communication user-identity command. Learn more about extensions.
This command group is in preview and under development. Reference and support levels:
Commands to manage user identities and their tokens for a Communication Service resource.
Name | Description | Type | Status |
az communication user-identity token |
Commands to manage user tokens for a Communication Service resource. |
Extension | Preview |
az communication user-identity token get-for-teams-user |
Exchanges an Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) access token of a Teams user for a new ACS Identity access token with a matching expiration time. |
Extension | Preview |
az communication user-identity token issue |
Issues a new access token with the specified scopes for a given User Identity. If no User Identity is specified, creates a new User Identity as well. |
Extension | Preview |
az communication user-identity token revoke |
Revokes all access tokens for the specific ACS Identity. |
Extension | Preview |
az communication user-identity user |
Commands to manage user identities for a Communication Service resource. |
Extension | Preview |
az communication user-identity user create |
Creates a new ACS Identity. |
Extension | Preview |
az communication user-identity user delete |
Deletes an existing ACS Identity, revokes all tokens for that ACS Identity and deletes all associated data. |
Extension | Preview |
Azure CLI