
Geodata API


Bing Maps Spatial Data Service Geodata API retirement

Bing Maps Spatial Data Service Geodata API is deprecated and will be retired. Free (Basic) account customers can continue to use Bing Maps Spatial Data Service Geodata API until June 30th, 2025. Enterprise account customers can continue to use Bing Maps Spatial Data Service Geodata API until June 30th, 2028. To avoid service disruptions, all implementations using Bing Maps Spatial Data Service Geodata API will need to be updated to use Azure Maps Get Polygon API by the retirement date that applies to your Bing Maps for Enterprise account type. For detailed migration guidance, see Migrate Bing Maps Geodata API.

Azure Maps is Microsoft's next-generation maps and geospatial services for developers. Azure Maps has many of the same features as Bing Maps for Enterprise, and more. To get started with Azure Maps, create a free Azure subscription and an Azure Maps account. For more information about azure Maps, see Azure Maps Documentation. For migration guidance, see Bing Maps Migration Overview.

Use the following URLs to request a set of polygons that describe the boundaries of a geographic entity, such as an AdminDivision1 (such as a state or province) or a Postcode1 (such as a zip code) that contain a given point (latitude and longitude) or address.

Supported HTTP Methods



URL Template


Note that these URLs contain a different base address (platform.bing.com) than what is found in other Bing Spatial Data Services API.

Get the set of boundary polygons for an entity that contains the specified latitude and longitude.


Get the set of boundary polygons for an entity that contains the specified address string. The address is geocoded to get a corresponding latitude and longitude.


Template Parameters


Parameter names and values are not case-sensitive.

Parameter Description Values
latitude, longitude An address or latitude and longituede is required. A latitude and longitude specifying a point inside the entity you are requesting. For example, when you request the boundaries of the United States, you can specify any latitude-longitude pair that falls within the land area of the United States. A set of double values representing degrees of latitude and longitude.

Valid range of latitude values: [-90, +90]

Example: 47.673099

Valid range of longitude values: [-180, +180]

Example: -122.11871
address An address or latitude and longitude is required. An address stringthat is geocoded by the service to get latitude and longitude coordinates.

Note: This call will result in two individual usage transactions: RESTLocations (for geocoding) and RESTSpatialDataService:Geodata. For more information about usage transactions, see Understanding Bing Maps Transactions.
A string that contains address information such as street address, locality (such as a city), admin district (such as a state).

Example: ‘1 Microsoft Way Redmond WA 98052’
LevelOfDetail Required. The level of detail for the boundary polygons returned. An integer between 0 and 3, where 0 specifies the coarsest level of boundary detail and 3 specifies the best.
entityType Required. The entity type to return.

Note that not all entity types are available for each location.
A string that contains one of the following the entity types.

- CountryRegion: Country or region

- AdminDivision1: First administrative level within the country/region level, such as a state or a province.

- AdminDivision2: Second administrative level within the country/region level, such as a county.

- Postcode1: The smallest post code category, such as a zip code.

- Postcode2: The next largest post code category after Postcode1 that is created by aggregating Postcode1 areas.

- Postcode3: The next largest post code category after Postcode2 that is created by aggregating Postcode2 areas.

- Postcode4: The next largest post code category after Postcode3 that is created by aggregating Postcode3 areas.

- Neighborhood: A section of a populated place that is typically well-known, but often with indistinct boundaries.

- PopulatedPlace: A concentrated area of human settlement, such as a city, town or village.
getAllPolygons Required. Specifies whether the response should include all of the boundary polygons for the requested entity or just return a single polygon that represents the main outline of the entity. A Boolean value.

- 0 or false: Return only the main outline.
- 1 or true: Return all polygons.

Example: If you are requesting the boundary of the United States, a value of 1 or true returns a large number of polygons which include Alaska, Hawaii and various outlying islands. However, a value of value of 0 returns a single polygon representing the main outline of the continental United States.
getEntityMetadata Required. Specifies whether the response should include metadata about the entity, such as AreaSqKm and others. For a list of common metadata values returned, see the table in the Response section. A Boolean value.

- 0 or false: Do not return metadata.
- 1 or true: Return all entity metadata.
culture Optional. Specifies the preferred language to use for any metadata text about the entity or polygons. A string containing e code of the preferred language.

Examples: en-us, zh-hans, ar.
userRegion Optional. Specifies the user’s home country or region A string containing a country/region code from the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard

Examples: US, FR, CN
preferCuratedPolygons Optional. Prefer curated boundary polygons. Curated polygons have been optimized for display purposes. These polygons are typically clipped to the land, and can fall somewhere between medium and high fidelity. Setting this value to true will return curated polygons if available or will fall back and return a polygon at the specified levelOfDetail. A Boolean value.

- 0 or false: Returns polygons at the specified levelOfDetail.
- 1 or true: Tries to return curated polygons if available, otherwise returns a polygon at the specified levelOfDetail.
responseFormat **Optional.**Specifies the output format of the response. A string specifying one of the following options:

- atom [default]
- json
key Required. The Bing Maps Key to use for this request. A string that contains the Bing Maps Key.


This URL supports the following response formats.

  • Atom (application/atom + xml) [default]

  • JSON (application/json)

When the output format is set to Atom, the results are returned in the response as one or more Atom Entries. For more information about Atom response formats, see OData AtomPub Format and the Atom examples in the Examples section.

Response Fields

The following fields may be returned in the response. For actual examples, see the Examples section below.


Some information has been removed from these responses to make small enough to easily understand. Both of these responses contain a Result class which has the following properties.

Name Type Description
Copyright Copyright A class that contains copyright related information.
EntityID string A unique ID number associated with this entity.
EntityMetadata Metadata A collection of metadata information associated with the entity. For common metadata types, see Common metadata fields below.
Name Name The name information for the entity.
Primitives Primitive[] An array of Primitive objects which contain the polygon boundary information for the entity.

The Copyright class is used to store information about the various data providers used to create the data in the result entity and the associated copyright information for them. This class has the following properties.

Name Type Description
CopyrightURL string A URL that lists many of the data providers for Bing Maps and their related copyright information.
Sources CopyrightSource[] An array of copyright information for the various sources of data used in this entity.

The CopyrightSource class contains the information of each individual copyright and has the following properties

Name Type Description
SourceID string The ID of the source which aligns with the source ID used by the Primiative class.
SourceName string The name of the data provider represented by this Source element.
Copyright string The copyright string for the source.

The Metadata class contains a number of different types of metadata which may be included with some entities. The following is a list of properties that this class has. Note that most entities will likely only have information for some and not all of these properties.

Name Type Description
AreaSqKm string The approximate total surface area (in square kilometers) covered by all the polygons that comprise this entity.
BestMapViewBox string An area on the Earth that provides the best map view for this entity. This area is defined as a bounding box in the format of a MULTIPOINT ((WestLongitude SouthLatitude), (EastLongitude NorthLatitude)).
OfficialCulture string The culture associated with this entity.
RegionalCulture string The approximate population within this entity.
PopulationClass string The regional culture associated with this entity.

The Name class may sometimes be returned for an entity and contain its well-known name. This class has the following properties.

Name Type Description
EntityName string The name associated with the entity. For example “United States”
Culture string The culture in which the name information is in.
SourceID string An ID identifying the data provider that supplied the data. This ID number will reference one of the sources listed in the CopyrightSources collection.

The Primitive class contains the polygon information that makes up the boundaries of the entity. This class has the following properties.

Name Type Description
PrimativeID string A unique ID associated with this polygon primitive.
Shape string A comma-delimited sequence starting with the version number of the polygon set followed by a list of compressed polygon “rings” (closed paths represented by sequences of latitude and-longitude points).
NumPoints string The number of vertex points used to define the polygon.
SourceID string An ID identifying the data provider that supplied the data. This ID number will reference one of the sources listed in the CopyrightSources collection.

Common metadata fields

When you set the getAllMetadata parameter to true (or 1), entity metadata is returned. The following are common metadata fields that may be returned.

Metadata Field Type Description
BestMapViewBox string An area on the Earth that provides the best map view for this entity. This area is defined as a bounding box in the format of a MULTIPOINT ((WestLongitude SouthLatitude), (EastLongitude NorthLatitude)).
AreaSqKm double The approximate total surface area (in square kilometers) covered by all the polygons that comprise this entity.
OfficialCulture string The culture associated with this entity.
RegionalCulture string The regional culture associated with this entity.
PopulationClass string The approximate population within this entity.

Example: PopClass20000to99999

Decompression Algorithm

The point compression algorithm used to generate each compressed polygon ring string is documented in Point Compression Algorithm. To retrieve the points that make up the polygon, use the following decompression algorithm.

public const string safeCharacters = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_-";  
private static bool TryParseEncodedValue(string value, out List<Location> parsedValue)  
    parsedValue = null;  
    var list = new List<Location>();  
    int index = 0;  
    int xsum = 0, ysum = 0;  
    while (index < value.Length)        // While we have more data,  
        long n = 0;                     // initialize the accumulator  
        int k = 0;                      // initialize the count of bits  
        while (true)  
            if (index >= value.Length)  // If we ran out of data mid-number  
                return false;           // indicate failure.  
            int b = safeCharacters.IndexOf(value[index++]);  
            if (b == -1)                // If the character wasn't on the valid list,  
                return false;           // indicate failure.  
            n |= ((long)b & 31) << k;   // mask off the top bit and append the rest to the accumulator  
            k += 5;                     // move to the next position  
            if (b < 32) break;          // If the top bit was not set, we're done with this number.  
       // The resulting number encodes an x, y pair in the following way:  
       //  ^ Y  
       //  |  
       //  14  
       //  9 13  
       //  5 8 12  
       //  2 4 7 11  
       //  0 1 3 6 10 ---> X  
       // determine which diagonal it's on  
       int diagonal = (int)((Math.Sqrt(8 * n + 5) - 1) / 2);  
       // subtract the total number of points from lower diagonals  
       n -= diagonal * (diagonal + 1L) / 2;  
       // get the X and Y from what's left over  
       int ny = (int)n;  
       int nx = diagonal - ny;  
       // undo the sign encoding  
       nx = (nx >> 1) ^ -(nx & 1);  
        ny = (ny >> 1) ^ -(ny & 1);  
        // undo the delta encoding  
        xsum += nx;  
        ysum += ny;  
        // position the decimal point  
        list.Add(new Location(ysum * 0.00001, xsum * 0.00001));  
    parsedValue = list;  
    return true;  


EXAMPLE: Get polygons that make up the PostCode1 entity that contains the coordinates (47.64054,-122.12934). Metadata is also requested.


URL with ATOM response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>  
<d:feed xmlns:d="http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices" xmlns:m="http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices/metadata" xmlns:bsi="http://schemas.microsoft.com/bing/spatial/2010/11/odata">  
  <bsi:copyright>© 2013 Microsoft and its suppliers.  This API and any results cannot be used or accessed without Microsoft's express written permission.</bsi:copyright>  
    <content type="application/xml">  
        <d:EntityID m:type="Edm.Int64">-37999897300</d:EntityID>  
        <d:EntityMetadata m:type="Entity.Metadata">  
          <d:BestMapViewBox>MULTIPOINT ((-122.16467 47.6269799), (-122.07723 47.7340119))</d:BestMapViewBox>  
        <d:Primitives m:type="Collection(Entity.Primitive)">  
          <d:Primitive m:type="Entity.Primitive">  
            <d:PrimitiveID m:type="Edm.Int64">-37999851053</d:PrimitiveID>  
B2RM-0iB4tb93CF12B0qCD3vBu6Bo ...  
        <d:NumPoints m:type="Edm.Int64">6210</d:NumPoints>  
            <d:SourceID m:type="Edm.Byte">8</d:SourceID>  
        <d:Copyright m:type="Entity.Copyright">  
          <d:Sources m:type="Collection(Entity.Copyright.Source)">  
            <d:Source m:type="Entity.Copyright.Source">  
              <d:SourceID m:type="Edm.Byte">8</d:SourceID>  

URL with JSON response

      "Copyright":"\u00a9 2013 Microsoft and its suppliers.  This API and any results cannot be used or accessed without Microsoft's express written permission.",  
               "BestMapViewBox":"MULTIPOINT ((-122.16467 47.6269799), (-122.07723 47.7340119))"  
B2RM-0iB4tb93CF12B0qCD3vBu6Bo ...  
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>  
<d:feed xmlns:d="http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices" xmlns:m="http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices/metadata" xmlns:bsi="http://schemas.microsoft.com/bing/spatial/2010/11/odata">  
  <bsi:copyright>© 2013 Microsoft and its suppliers.  This API and any results cannot be used or accessed without Microsoft's express written permission.</bsi:copyright>  
    <content type="application/xml">  
        <d:EntityID m:type="Edm.Int64">-37999897300</d:EntityID>  
        <d:EntityMetadata m:type="Entity.Metadata">  
          <d:BestMapViewBox>MULTIPOINT ((-122.16467 47.6269799), (-122.07723 47.7340119))</d:BestMapViewBox>  
        <d:Primitives m:type="Collection(Entity.Primitive)">  
          <d:Primitive m:type="Entity.Primitive">  
            <d:PrimitiveID m:type="Edm.Int64">-37999851053</d:PrimitiveID>  
            <d:NumPoints m:type="Edm.Int64">6210</d:NumPoints>  
            <d:SourceID m:type="Edm.Byte">8</d:SourceID>  
        <d:Copyright m:type="Entity.Copyright">  
          <d:Sources m:type="Collection(Entity.Copyright.Source)">  
            <d:Source m:type="Entity.Copyright.Source">  
              <d:SourceID m:type="Edm.Byte">8</d:SourceID>  

HTTP Status Codes


For more details about these HTTP status codes, see Status Codes and Error Handling.

When the request is successful, the following HTTP status code is returned.

  • 200

When the request is not successful, the response returns one of the following errors.

  • 400

  • 401

  • 500

  • 503