

Get images from your custom view

Bing Custom Images Search lets you enrich your custom search experience with images. Similar to web results, custom search supports searching for images in your view of the Web. To get images, use Custom Image Search API or enable images in your Hosted UI. We recommend using the Hosted UI feature for getting your search experience up and running in short order. For information about configuring your Hosted UI to include images, see Configure your hosted UI experience.

If you want more control over displaying the search results, use Custom Image Search API. If you're familiar with Bing Image Search API, then you will be able to easily call Custom Image Search API. The main differences are 1) the endpoint you send requests to, and 2) you must include the customConfig query parameter.

curl -H "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: <yourkeygoeshere>" https://api.bing.microsoft.com/v7.0/custom/images/search?q=mt+rainier&customConfig=<your configuration ID>