

Azure Container Storage storage pool parameters

Azure Container Storage is a cloud-based volume management, deployment, and orchestration service built natively for containers. This article lists the mandatory and optional storage pool parameters, along with their default values.

Storage pool parameters for Azure Container Storage

When Azure Container Storage is installed via the az aks create command, a storage pool is automatically created. The following table shows the parameters you can specify for this storage pool.

Parameter Backing storage type Description Available values Mandatory (Y/N) Default value
--enable-azure-container-storage All Storage pool type to enable during installation azureDisk, ephemeralDisk, elasticSan Y N/A
--storage-pool-option Ephemeral Disk only Ephemeral Disk SKU to enable NVMe, Temp Y (only when using Ephemeral Disk) If this parameter isn't specified, the Ephemeral Disk SKU is local NVMe
--azure-container-storage-nodepools All Names of the node pools on which to install Azure Container Storage Comma separated list of node pool names (if specifying multiple node pools) N nodepool1*
--storage-pool-name All Storage pool name N/A N azuredisk, ephemeraldisk, elasticsan
--storage-pool-size All Storage pool capacity Storage capacity in Gi or Ti N Azure Disks: 512 Gi

Local NVMe: Full disk

Temp SSD: 95% of disk capacity

Elastic SAN: 1 Ti
--storage-pool-sku Azure Disks, Elastic SAN only Storage pool SKU (performance/redundancy) Azure Disks: Premium_LRS, Standard_LRS, StandardSSD_LRS, UltraSSD_LRS, Premium_ZRS, PremiumV2_LRS, StandardSSD_ZRS

Elastic SAN: Premium_LRS, Premium_ZRS
N Premium_LRS

*If there are any existing node pools with the acstor.azure.com/io-engine:acstor label then Azure Container Storage will be installed there by default. Otherwise, it's installed in the system node pool, which by default is named nodepool1.

See also