

Tutorial: Add and remove node types from a Service Fabric managed cluster

In this tutorial series we will discuss:

This part of the series covers how to:

  • Add a node type to a Service Fabric managed cluster
  • Delete a node type from a Service Fabric managed cluster


Add a node type to a Service Fabric managed cluster

You can add a node type to a Service Fabric managed cluster through an Azure Resource Manager template, PowerShell, or CLI. In this tutorial, we will be adding a node type using the Azure PowerShell.

To create a new node type, you'll need to define three properties:

  • Node Type Name: Name that is unique from any existing node types in the cluster.
  • Instance Count: Initial number of nodes of the new node type.
  • VM Size: VM SKU for the nodes. If not specified, the default value Standard_D2 is used.


If the node type being added is the first or only node type in the cluster, the Primary property must be used.

$resourceGroup = "myResourceGroup"
$clusterName = "mysfcluster"
$nodeTypeName = "nt2"
$vmSize = "Standard_D2_v2"

New-AzServiceFabricManagedNodeType -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -ClusterName $clusterName -Name $nodeTypeName -InstanceCount 3 -vmSize $vmSize

Remove a node type from a Service Fabric managed cluster

To remove a node type from a Service Fabric managed cluster, you must use PowerShell or CLI. In this tutorial, we will remove a node type using Azure PowerShell.


It is not possible to remove a primary node type if it is the only primary node type in the cluster.

To remove a node type:

$resourceGroup = "myResourceGroup"
$clusterName = "myCluster"
$nodeTypeName = "nt2"

Remove-AzServiceFabricManagedNodeType -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -ClusterName $clusterName  -Name $nodeTypeName

Next steps

In this section, we added and deleted node types. To learn how to deploy an application to a Service Fabric managed cluster, see: