

Service Bus Resource Manager exceptions

This article lists exceptions generated when interacting with Azure Service Bus using Azure Resource Manager - via templates or direct calls.

Here are the various exceptions/errors that are surfaced through the Azure Resource Manager.

Error: Bad Request

"Bad Request" implies that the request received by the Resource Manager failed validation.

Error code Error sub code Error message Description Recommendation
Bad Request 40000 Sub code=40000. The property 'property name' can't be set when creating a Queue because the namespace 'namespace name' is using the 'Basic' Tier. This operation is only supported in 'Standard' or 'Premium' tier. On Azure Service Bus Basic Tier, the below properties can't be set or updated -
  • RequiresDuplicateDetection
  • AutoDeleteOnIdle
  • RequiresSession
  • DefaultMessageTimeToLive
  • DuplicateDetectionHistoryTimeWindow
  • EnableExpress (not supported in Premium too)
  • ForwardTo
  • Topics
Consider upgrading from Basic to Standard or Premium tier to use this functionality.
Bad Request 40000 Sub code=40000. The value for the 'requiresDuplicateDetection' property of an existing Queue(or Topic) can't be changed. Duplicate detection must be enabled/disabled at the time of entity creation. The duplicate detection configuration parameter can't be changed after creation. To enable duplicate detection on a previously created queue/topic, you can create a new queue/topic with duplicate detection and then forward from the original queue to the new queue/topic.
Bad Request 40000 Sub code=40000. The specified value 16384 is invalid. The property MaxSizeInMegabytes must be one of the following values: 1024;2048;3072;4096;5120. The MaxSizeInMegabytes value is invalid. Ensure that the MaxSizeInMegabytes is one of the following - 1024, 2048, 3072, 4096, 5120.
Bad Request 40000 Sub code=40000. Partitioning can't be changed for Queue/Topic. Partitioning can't be changed for entity. Create a new entity (queue or topic) and enable partitions.
Bad Request none The namespace 'namespace name' doesn't exist. The namespace doesn't exist within your Azure subscription. To resolve this error:
  • Ensure that the Azure Subscription is correct.
  • Ensure the namespace exists.
  • Verify the namespace name is correct (no spelling errors or null strings).
Bad Request 40000 Sub code=40000. The supplied lock time exceeds the allowed maximum of '5' minutes. The time for which a message can be locked must be between 1 minute (minimum) and 5 minutes (maximum). Ensure that the supplied lock time is between 1 min and 5 mins.
Bad Request 40000 Sub code=40000. Both DelayedPersistence and RequiresDuplicateDetection property can't be enabled together. Entities with Duplicate detection enabled on them must be persistent, so persistence can't be delayed. Learn more about Duplicate Detection
Bad Request 40000 Sub code=40000. The value for RequiresSession property of an existing Queue can't be changed. Support for sessions should be enabled at the time of entity creation. Once created, you can't enable/disable sessions on an existing entity (queue or subscription) Delete and recreate a new queue (or subscription) with the "RequiresSession" property enabled.
Bad Request 40000 Sub code=40000. 'URI_PATH' contains character(s) that isn't allowed by Service Bus. Entity segments can contain only letters, numbers, periods(.), hyphens(-), and underscores(_). Entity segments can contain only letters, numbers, periods(.), hyphens(-), and underscores(_). Any other characters cause the request to fail. Ensure that there are no invalid characters in the URI Path.
Bad Request 40000 Sub code=40000. Bad request. To know more visit https://aka.ms/sbResourceMgrExceptions. TrackingId:00000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000000000_000, SystemTracker:contososbusnamesapce.servicebus.windows.net:myqueue, Timestamp:yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss This error occurs when you try to create a queue in a non-premium tier namespace with a value set to the property maxMessageSizeInKilobytes. This property can only be set for queues in the premium namespace.
Bad Request 40300 Sub code=40300. The maximum number of resources of type EnablePartioning == true has been reached or exceeded. There's a limit on number of partitioned entities per namespace. See Quotas and limits.
Bad Request 40400 Sub code=40400. The auto forwarding destination entity doesn't exist. The destination for the autoforwarding destination entity doesn't exist. The destination entity (queue or topic), must exist before the source is created. Retry after creating the destination entity.

Error code: 429

Just like in HTTP, "Error code 429" indicates too many requests. It implies that the specific resource (namespace) is being throttled because of too many requests (or due to conflicting operations) on that resource.

Error code Error sub code Error message Description Recommendation
429 50004 Sub code=50004. The request was terminated because the namespace your namespace is being throttled. This error condition is hit when the number of incoming requests exceed the limitation of the resource. Wait for a few seconds and try again.

Learn more about the quotas and Azure Resource Manager request limits
429 40901 Sub code=40901. Another conflicting operation is in progress. Another conflicting operation is in progress on the same resource/entity Wait for the current in-progress operation to complete before trying again.
429 40900 Sub code=40900. Conflict. You're requesting an operation that isn't allowed in the resource's current state. This condition might be hit when multiple requests are made to perform the operations on the same entity (queue, topic, subscription, or rule) at the same time. Wait for a few seconds and try again
429 40901 Request on entity 'entity name' conflicted with another request Another conflicting operation is in progress on the same resource/entity Wait for the previous operation to complete before trying again
429 40901 Another update request is in progress for the entity: <entity name>. Another conflicting operation is in progress on the same resource/entity Wait for the previous operation to complete before trying again
429 none Resource Conflict Occurred. Another conflicting operation might be in progress. If this operation is a retry for failed operation, background cleanup is still pending. Try again later. This condition might be hit when there's a pending operation against the same entity. Wait for the previous operation to complete before trying again.

Error code: Not Found

This class of errors indicates that the resource wasn't found.

Error code Error sub code Error message Description Recommendation
Not found none Entity 'entity name' wasn't found. The entity against which the operation was run wasn't found. Check if the entity exists, and try the operation again.
Not found none Not Found. The Operation doesn't exist. The operation you're trying to perform doesn't exist. Check the operation and try again.
Not found none The incoming request isn't recognized as a namespace policy put request. The incoming request body is null and hence can't be executed as a put request. Check the request body to ensure that it isn't null.
Not found none The messaging entity 'entity name' couldn't be found. The entity that you're trying to execute the operation against couldn't be found. Check whether the entity exists, and try the operation again.

Error code: Internal Server Error

This class of errors indicates that there was an internal server error.

Error code Error sub code Error message Description Recommendation
Internal Server Error 50000 Sub code=50000. Internal Server Error Can happen for various reasons. Some of the symptoms are -
  • Client request/body is corrupt and leads to an error.
  • The client request timed out due to processing issues on the service.
To resolve this error:
  • Ensure that the requests parameters aren't null or malformed.
  • Retry the request.

Error code: Unauthorized

This class of errors indicates the absence of authorization to run the command.

Error code Error sub code Error message Description Recommendation
Unauthorized none Invalid operation on the Secondary namespace. Secondary namespace is read-only. The operation was performed against the secondary namespace, which is set up as a readonly namespace. Retry the command against the primary namespace. Learn more about secondary namespace
Unauthorized none MissingToken: The authorization header wasn't found. This error occurs when the authorization has null or incorrect values. Ensure that the token value mentioned in the authorization header is correct and not null.