

Tutorial: Design an index for RAG in Azure AI Search

An index contains searchable text and vector content, plus configurations. In a RAG pattern that uses a chat model for responses, you want an index designed around chunks of content that can be passed to an LLM at query time.

In this tutorial, you:

  • Learn the characteristics of an index schema built for RAG
  • Create an index that accommodates vector and hybrid queries
  • Add vector profiles and configurations
  • Add structured data
  • Add filtering


Visual Studio Code with the Python extension and the Jupyter package. For more information, see Python in Visual Studio Code.

The output of this exercise is an index definition in JSON. At this point, it's not uploaded to Azure AI Search, so there are no requirements for cloud services or permissions in this exercise.

Review schema considerations for RAG

In conversational search, LLMs compose the response that the user sees, not the search engine, so you don't need to think about what fields to show in your search results, and whether the representations of individual search documents are coherent to the user. Depending on the question, the LLM might return verbatim content from your index, or more likely, repackage the content for a better answer.

Organized around chunks

When LLMs generate a response, they operate on chunks of content for message inputs, and while they need to know where the chunk came from for citation purposes, what matters most is the quality of message inputs and its relevance to the user's question. Whether the chunks come from one document or a thousand, the LLM ingests the information or grounding data, and formulates the response using instructions provided in a system prompt.

Chunks are the focus of the schema, and each chunk is the defining element of a search document in a RAG pattern. You can think of your index as a large collection of chunks, as opposed to traditional search documents that probably have more structure, such as fields containing uniform content for a name, descriptions, categories, and addresses.

Enhanced with generated data

In this tutorial, sample data consists of PDFs and content from the NASA Earth Book. This content is descriptive and informative, with numerous references to geographies, countries, and areas across the world. All of the textual content is captured in chunks, but recurring instances of place names create an opportunity for adding structure to the index. Using skills, it's possible to recognize entities in the text and capture them in an index for use in queries and filters. In this tutorial, we include an entity recognition skill that recognizes and extracts location entities, loading it into a searchable and filterable locations field. Adding structured content to your index gives you more options for filtering, improved relevance, and more focused answers.

Parent-child fields in one or two indexes?

Chunked content typically derives from a larger document. And although the schema is organized around chunks, you also want to capture properties and content at the parent level. Examples of these properties might include the parent file path, title, authors, publication date, or a summary.

An inflection point in schema design is whether to have two indexes for parent and child/chunked content, or a single index that repeats parent elements for each chunk.

In this tutorial, because all of the chunks of text originate from a single parent (NASA Earth Book), you don't need a separate index dedicated to up level the parent fields. However, if you're indexing from multiple parent PDFs, you might want a parent-child index pair to capture level-specific fields and then send lookup queries to the parent index to retrieve those fields relevant to each chunk.

Checklist of schema considerations

In Azure AI Search, an index that works best for RAG workloads has these qualities:

  • Returns chunks that are relevant to the query and readable to the LLM. LLMs can handle a certain level of dirty data in chunks, such as mark up, redundancy, and incomplete strings. While chunks need to be readable and relevant to the question, they don't need to be pristine.

  • Maintains a parent-child relationship between chunks of a document and the properties of the parent document, such as the file name, file type, title, author, and so forth. To answer a query, chunks could be pulled from anywhere in the index. Association with the parent document providing the chunk is useful for context, citations, and follow up queries.

  • Accommodates the queries you want create. You should have fields for vector and hybrid content, and those fields should be attributed to support specific query behaviors, such as searchable or filterable. You can only query one index at a time (no joins) so your fields collection should define all of your searchable content.

  • Your schema should either be flat (no complex types or structures), or you should format the complext type output as JSON before sending it to the LLM. This requirement is specific to the RAG pattern in Azure AI Search.


Schema design affects storage and costs. This exercise is focused on schema fundamentals. In the Minimize storage and costs tutorial, you revisit schemas to learn how narrow data types, compression, and storage options significantly reduce the amount of storage used by vectors.

Create an index for RAG workloads

A minimal index for LLM is designed to store chunks of content. It typically includes vector fields if you want similarity search for highly relevant results. It also includes nonvector fields for human-readable inputs to the LLM for conversational search. Nonvector chunked content in the search results becomes the grounding data sent to the LLM.

  1. Open Visual Studio Code and create a new file. It doesn't have to be a Python file type for this exercise.

  2. Here's a minimal index definition for RAG solutions that support vector and hybrid search. Review it for an introduction to required elements: index name, fields, and a configuration section for vector fields.

      "name": "example-minimal-index",
      "fields": [
        { "name": "id", "type": "Edm.String", "key": true },
        { "name": "chunked_content", "type": "Edm.String", "searchable": true, "retrievable": true },
        { "name": "chunked_content_vectorized", "type": "Edm.Single", "dimensions": 1536, "vectorSearchProfile": "my-vector-profile", "searchable": true, "retrievable": false, "stored": false },
        { "name": "metadata", "type": "Edm.String", "retrievable": true, "searchable": true, "filterable": true }
      "vectorSearch": {
          "algorithms": [
              { "name": "my-algo-config", "kind": "hnsw", "hnswParameters": { }  }
          "profiles": [ 
            { "name": "my-vector-profile", "algorithm": "my-algo-config" }

    Fields must include key field ("id" in this example) and should include vector chunks for similarity search, and nonvector chunks for inputs to the LLM.

    Vector fields are associated with algorithms that determine the search paths at query time. The index has a vectorSearch section for specifying multiple algorithm configurations. Vector fields also have specific types and extra attributes for embedding model dimensions. Edm.Single is a data type that works for commonly used LLMs. For more information about vector fields, see Create a vector index.

    Metadata fields might be the parent file path, creation date, or content type and are useful for filters.

  3. Here's the index schema for the tutorial source code and the Earth Book content.

    Like the basic schema, it's organized around chunks. The chunk_id uniquely identifies each chunk. The text_vector field is an embedding of the chunk. The nonvector chunk field is a readable string. The title maps to a unique metadata storage path for the blobs. The parent_id is the only parent-level field, and it's a base64-encoded version of the parent file URI.

    In integrated vectorization workloads like the one used in this tutorial series, the dimensions property on your vector fields should be identical to the number of dimensions generated by the embedding skill used to vectorize your data. In this series, we use the Azure OpenAI embedding skill, which calls the text-embedding-3-large model on Azure OpenAI. The skill is specified in the next tutorial. We set dimensions to 1024 in both the vector field and in the skill definition.

    The schema also includes a locations field for storing generated content that's created by the indexing pipeline.

     from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential
     from azure.identity import get_bearer_token_provider
     from azure.search.documents.indexes import SearchIndexClient
     from azure.search.documents.indexes.models import (
     credential = DefaultAzureCredential()
     # Create a search index  
     index_name = "py-rag-tutorial-idx"
     index_client = SearchIndexClient(endpoint=AZURE_SEARCH_SERVICE, credential=credential)  
     fields = [
         SearchField(name="parent_id", type=SearchFieldDataType.String),  
         SearchField(name="title", type=SearchFieldDataType.String),
         SearchField(name="locations", type=SearchFieldDataType.Collection(SearchFieldDataType.String), filterable=True),
         SearchField(name="chunk_id", type=SearchFieldDataType.String, key=True, sortable=True, filterable=True, facetable=True, analyzer_name="keyword"),  
         SearchField(name="chunk", type=SearchFieldDataType.String, sortable=False, filterable=False, facetable=False),  
         SearchField(name="text_vector", type=SearchFieldDataType.Collection(SearchFieldDataType.Single), vector_search_dimensions=1024, vector_search_profile_name="myHnswProfile")
     # Configure the vector search configuration  
     vector_search = VectorSearch(  
     # Create the search index
     index = SearchIndex(name=index_name, fields=fields, vector_search=vector_search)  
     result = index_client.create_or_update_index(index)  
     print(f"{result.name} created")  
  4. For an index schema that more closely mimics structured content, you would have separate indexes for parent and child (chunked) fields. You would need index projections to coordinate the indexing of the two indexes simultaneously. Queries execute against the child index. Query logic includes a lookup query, using the parent_idt retrieve content from the parent index.

    Fields in the child index:

    • ID
    • chunk
    • chunkVectcor
    • parent_id

    Fields in the parent index (everything that you want "one of"):

    • parent_id
    • parent-level fields (name, title, category)

Next step