

Configure the control plane

The control plane for SAP Deployment Automation Framework consists of the following components:

  • Deployer
  • SAP Library

Diagram that shows the control plane.


The deployer is the execution engine of SAP Deployment Automation Framework. It's a preconfigured virtual machine (VM) that's used for running Terraform and Ansible commands. When you use Azure DevOps, the deployer is a self-hosted agent.

The configuration of the deployer is performed in a Terraform tfvars variable file.

If you want to use an existing resource group for the Deployer provide the Azure resource ID for the resource group using the resource_group_arm_id parameter in the deployer's tfvars file. If the parameter isn't defined, the resource group is created using the default naming. You can change the default name using the resource_group_name parameter.

Terraform parameters

This table shows the Terraform parameters. These parameters need to be entered manually if you aren't using the deployment scripts.

Variable Description Type
tfstate_resource_id Azure resource identifier for the storage account in the SAP library that contains the Terraform state files Required

Environment parameters

This table shows the parameters that define the resource naming.

Variable Description Type Notes
environment Identifier for the control plane (max 5 characters). Mandatory For example, PROD for a production environment and NP for a nonproduction environment.
location Azure region in which to deploy. Required Use lowercase.
codename Additional component for naming the resources. Optional
name_override_file Name override file. Optional See Custom naming.
place_delete_lock_on_resources Place a delete lock on the key resources. Optional

Resource group

This table shows the parameters that define the resource group.

Variable Description Type
resourcegroup_name Name of the resource group to be created Optional
resourcegroup_arm_id Azure resource identifier for an existing resource group Optional
resourcegroup_tags Tags to be associated with the resource group Optional

Network parameters

The automation framework supports both creating the virtual network and the subnets (green field) or using an existing virtual network and existing subnets (brown field) or a combination of green field and brown field:

  • Green-field scenario: The virtual network address space and the subnet address prefixes must be specified.
  • Brown-field scenario: The Azure resource identifier for the virtual network and the subnets must be specified.

The recommended CIDR of the virtual network address space is /27, which allows space for 32 IP addresses. A CIDR value of /28 only allows 16 IP addresses. If you want to include Azure Firewall, use a CIDR value of /25, because Azure Firewall requires a range of /26.

The recommended CIDR value for the management subnet is /28, which allows 16 IP addresses. The recommended CIDR value for the firewall subnet is /26, which allows 64 IP addresses.

This table shows the networking parameters.

Variable Description Type Notes
management_network_name The name of the virtual network into which the deployer will be deployed Optional For green-field deployments
management_network_logical_name The logical name of the network (DEV-WEEU-MGMT01-INFRASTRUCTURE) Required
management_network_arm_id The Azure resource identifier for the virtual network Optional For brown-field deployments
management_network_address_space The address range for the virtual network Mandatory For green-field deployments
management_subnet_name The name of the subnet Optional
management_subnet_address_prefix The address range for the subnet Mandatory For green-field deployments
management_subnet_arm_id The Azure resource identifier for the subnet Mandatory For brown-field deployments
management_subnet_nsg_name The name of the network security group Optional
management_subnet_nsg_arm_id The Azure resource identifier for the network security group Mandatory For brown-field deployments
management_subnet_nsg_allowed_ips Range of allowed IP addresses to add to Azure Firewall Optional
management_firewall_subnet_arm_id The Azure resource identifier for the Azure Firewall subnet Mandatory For brown-field deployments
management_firewall_subnet_address_prefix The address range for the subnet Mandatory For green-field deployments
management_bastion_subnet_arm_id The Azure resource identifier for the Azure Bastion subnet Mandatory For brown-field deployments
management_bastion_subnet_address_prefix The address range for the subnet Mandatory For green-field deployments
webapp_subnet_arm_id The Azure resource identifier for the web app subnet Mandatory For brown-field deployments
webapp_subnet_address_prefix The address range for the subnet Mandatory For green-field deployments
use_private_endpoint Use private endpoints. Optional
use_service_endpoint Use service endpoints for subnets. Optional


When you use an existing subnet for the web app, the subnet must be empty, in the same region as the resource group being deployed, and delegated to Microsoft.Web/serverFarms.

Deployer virtual machine parameters

This table shows the parameters related to the deployer VM.

Variable Description Type
deployer_size Defines the VM SKU to use, default: Standard_D4ds_v4 Optional
deployer_count Defines the number of deployers Optional
deployer_image Defines the VM image to use, default: Ubuntu 22.04 Optional
plan Defines the plan associated to the VM image Optional
deployer_disk_type Defines the disk type, default: Premium_LRS Optional
deployer_use_DHCP Controls if the Azure subnet-provided IP addresses should be used (dynamic) true Optional
deployer_private_ip_address Defines the private IP address to use Optional
deployer_enable_public_ip Defines if the deployer has a public IP Optional
auto_configure_deployer Defines if the deployer is configured with the required software (Terraform and Ansible) Optional
add_system_assigned_identity Defines if the deployer is assigned a system identity Optional

The VM image is defined by using the following structure:

xxx_vm_image  = {
  os_type         = ""
  source_image_id = ""
  publisher       = "Canonical"
  offer           = "0001-com-ubuntu-server-jammy"
  sku             = "22_04-lts"
  version         = "latest"
  type            = "marketplace"


The type can be marketplace/marketplace_with_plan/custom. Using an image of type marketplace_with_plan requires that the image in question was used at least once in the subscription. The first usage prompts the user to accept the license terms and the automation has no means to approve it.

Authentication parameters

This section defines the parameters used for defining the VM authentication.

Variable Description Type
deployer_vm_authentication_type Defines the default authentication for the deployer Optional
deployer_authentication_username Administrator account name Optional
deployer_authentication_password Administrator password Optional
deployer_authentication_path_to_public_key Path to the public key used for authentication Optional
deployer_authentication_path_to_private_key Path to the private key used for authentication Optional
use_spn If defined the deployment will be performed using a Service Principal, otherwise an MSI Optional

Key vault parameters

This section defines the parameters used for defining the Azure Key Vault information.

Variable Description Type
user_keyvault_id Azure resource identifier for the user key vault. Optional
spn_keyvault_id Azure resource identifier for the key vault that contains the deployment credentials. Optional
deployer_private_key_secret_name The key vault secret name for the deployer private key. Optional
deployer_public_key_secret_name The key vault secret name for the deployer public key. Optional
deployer_username_secret_name The key vault secret name for the deployer username. Optional
deployer_password_secret_name The key vault secret name for the deployer password. Optional
additional_users_to_add_to_keyvault_policies A list of user object IDs to add to the deployment key vault access policies. Optional
set_secret_expiry Set expiry of 12 months for key vault secrets. Optional
soft_delete_retention_days The number of days that items should be retained in the soft delete period. Optional
deployer_assign_subscription_permissions Controls subscription permission assignment. Optional

DNS support

Variable Description Type
dns_label DNS name of the Private DNS zone. Optional
use_custom_dns_a_registration Uses an external system for DNS, set to false for Azure native. Optional
management_dns_subscription_id Subscription ID for the subscription that contains the Private DNS zone. Optional
management_dns_resourcegroup_name Resource group that contains the Private DNS zone. Optional

Other parameters

Variable Description Type Notes
firewall_deployment Boolean flag that controls if an Azure firewall is to be deployed. Optional
bastion_deployment Boolean flag that controls if Azure Bastion host is to be deployed. Optional
bastion_sku SKU for Azure Bastion host to be deployed (Basic/Standard). Optional
enable_purge_control_for_keyvaults Boolean flag that controls if purge control is enabled on the key vault. Optional Use only for test deployments.
enable_firewall_for_keyvaults_and_storage Restrict access to selected subnets. Optional
Agent_IP IP address of the agent. Optional
add_Agent_IP Controls if Agent IP is added to the key vault and storage account firewalls Optional

Web App parameters

Variable Description Type Notes
use_webapp Boolean value indicating if a webapp should be deployed. Optional
app_service_SKU_name The SKU of the App Service Plan. Optional
app_registration_app_id The app registration id to be used for the webapp. Optional
webapp_client_secret The SKU of the App Service Plan. Optional Will be persisted in Key Vault

Example parameters file for deployer (required parameters only)

# The environment value is a mandatory field, it is used for partitioning the environments, for example (PROD and NP)

# The location/region value is a mandatory field, it is used to control where the resources are deployed

# management_network_address_space is the address space for management virtual network

# management_subnet_address_prefix is the address prefix for the management subnet

# management_firewall_subnet_address_prefix is the address prefix for the firewall subnet

# management_bastion_subnet_address_prefix is a mandatory parameter if bastion is deployed and if the subnets are not defined in the workload or if existing subnets are not used
management_bastion_subnet_address_prefix = ""




SAP library

The SAP library provides the persistent storage of the Terraform state files and the downloaded SAP installation media for the control plane.

The configuration of the SAP library is performed in a Terraform tfvars variable file.

If you want to use an existing resource group for the SAP Library provide the Azure resource ID for the resource group using the resource_group_arm_id parameter in the deployer's tfvars file. If the parameter isn't defined, the resource group is created using the default naming. You can change the default name using the resource_group_name parameter.

Terraform parameters

This table shows the Terraform parameters. These parameters need to be entered manually if you aren't using the deployment scripts or Azure Pipelines.

Variable Description Type Notes
deployer_tfstate_key State file name for the deployer Required

Environment parameters

This table shows the parameters that define the resource naming.

Variable Description Type Notes
environment Identifier for the control plane (maximum of five characters) Mandatory For example, PROD for a production environment and NP for a nonproduction environment.
location Azure region in which to deploy Required Use lowercase.
name_override_file Name override file Optional See Custom naming.

Resource group

This table shows the parameters that define the resource group.

Variable Description Type
resourcegroup_name Name of the resource group to be created Optional
resourcegroup_arm_id Azure resource identifier for an existing resource group Optional
resourcegroup_tags Tags to be associated with the resource group Optional

SAP installation media storage account

Variable Description Type
library_sapmedia_arm_id Azure resource identifier Optional

Terraform remote state storage account

Variable Description Type
library_terraform_state_arm_id Azure resource identifier Optional

DNS support

Variable Description Type
dns_label DNS name of the Private DNS zone. Optional
use_custom_dns_a_registration Use an existing Private DNS zone. Optional
management_dns_subscription_id Subscription ID for the subscription that contains the Private DNS zone. Optional
management_dns_resourcegroup_name Resource group that contains the Private DNS zone. Optional

Extra parameters

Variable Description Type
use_private_endpoint Use private endpoints. Optional
use_service_endpoint Use service endpoints for subnets. Optional
enable_firewall_for_keyvaults_and_storage Restrict access to selected subnets. Optional
subnets_to_add_to_firewall_for_keyvaults_and_storage Subnets that need access to key vaults and storage accounts. Optional

Example parameters file for the SAP library (required parameters only)

# The environment value is a mandatory field, it is used for partitioning the environments, for example (PROD and NP)
environment = "MGMT"

# The location/region value is a mandatory field, it is used to control where the resources are deployed
location = "westeurope"

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