



You can use the install_workloadzone.sh script to deploy a new SAP workload zone.


install_workloadzone.sh [ -p or --parameterfile ] <String> 
 [[ --deployer_tfstate_key ] <String>] [[ --deployer_environment] <String>] [[ --state_subscription] <String>] [[ --storageaccountname ]
 [[ --subscription] <String>] [[ --spn_id  ] <String>] [[ --spn_secret ] <String>] [[ --tenant_id ] <String>]
 [[ --storageaccountname] <String>] [ force] [-i | --auto-approve]


The install_workloadzone.sh script deploys a new SAP workload zone. The workload zone contains the shared resources for all SAP VMs.


Example 1

This example deploys the workload zone, as defined by the parameter files. The process prompts you for the SPN details.

install_workloadzone.sh -parameterfile PROD-WEEU-SAP00-infrastructure.tfvars

Example 2

This example deploys the workload zone, as defined by the parameter files. The process adds the deployment credentials to the deployment's key vault.


export        subscriptionId=<subscriptionID>
export                 appId=<appID>
export             spnSecret="<password>"
export              tenantId=<tenantID>
export              keyvault=<keyvaultName>
export        storageAccount=<storageaccountName>
export statefileSubscription=<statefile_subscription>

export DEPLOYMENT_REPO_PATH=~/Azure_SAP_Automated_Deployment/sap-automation

${DEPLOYMENT_REPO_PATH}/deploy/scripts/install_workloadzone.sh \
        --parameter_file DEV-WEEU-SAP01-INFRASTRUCTURE.tfvars  \
        --keyvault $keyvault                                   \
        --state_subscription $statefileSubscription            \
        --storageaccountname $storageAccount                   \
        --subscription $subscriptionId                         \
        --spn_id $appId                                        \
        --spn_secret $spnSecret                                \ 
        --tenant_id $tenantId



Sets the parameter file for the workload zone. For more information, see Configuring the workload zone.

Type: String
Aliases: `-p`

Required: True


Sets the deployer VM's Terraform state file name.

Type: String
Aliases: `-d`

Required: False


Deployer environment name

Type: String
Aliases: `-e`

Required: False


Sets the subscription ID for the Terraform storage account.

Type: String
Aliases: `-k`

Required: False


Sets the name of the storage account that contains the Terraform state files.

Type: String
Aliases: `-a`

Required: False


Sets the deployment credentials' key vault.

Type: String
Aliases: `-v`

Required: False


Sets the target Azure subscription.

Type: String
Aliases: `-s`

Required: False


Sets the service principal's app ID. For more information, see Prepare the deployment credentials.

Type: String
Aliases: `-c`

Required: False


Sets the service principal password. For more information, see Prepare the deployment credentials.

Type: String
Aliases: `-p`

Required: False


Sets the tenant ID for the service principal. For more information, see Prepare the deployment credentials.

Type: String
Aliases: `-t`

Required: False


Cleans up your local configuration.

Type: SwitchParameter
Aliases: `-f`

Required: False


Enables silent deployment.

Type: SwitchParameter
Aliases: `-i`

Required: False


Shows help for the script.

Type: SwitchParameter
Aliases: `-h`

Required: False


v0.9 - Initial version

Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. Licensed under the MIT license.

GitHub repository: SAP on Azure Deployment Automation Framework