Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Flexible Server
This article provides step-by-step instructions to list all server parameters with modified defaults of an Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server.
Steps to list server parameters with modified defaults
Select your Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server instance.
In the resource menu, under the Settings section, select Server parameters, and then select the Modified tab. The page shows a list of parameters whose currently set value deviates from the default.
az postgres flexible-server parameter list --resource-group <resource_group> --server-name <server> --query "[?value!=defaultValue && isReadOnly==\`false\` && name!='temp_tablespaces' && name!='vacuum_cost_page_miss'] | [].name"
Previous CLI command doesn't consider modified server parameters the ones which are designated as read-only, temp_tablespaces, and vacuum_cost_page_miss, following the exact same criteria as the Server parameters page in the Azure portal.