

Possible errors when managing extensions

APPLIES TO: Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Flexible Server

Extension "%s" is not allow-listed for "azure_pg_admin" users in Azure Database for PostgreSQL

This error occurs when you run a CREATE EXTENSION or DROP EXTENSION command referring to an extension that isn't allowlisted, or an extension that isn't supported yet on the instance of Azure Database for flexible server on which you're running the command.

Only members of "azure_pg_admin" are allowed to use CREATE EXTENSION

This error occurs when the user that runs a CREATE EXTENSION command isn't a member of azure_pg_admin role.

Only members of "azure_pg_admin" are allowed to use DROP EXTENSION

This error occurs when the user that runs a DROP EXTENSION command isn't a member of azure_pg_admin role.

SET SCHEMA clause for ALTER EXTENSION is not supported.

This error occurs when the user tries to use the SET SCHEMA clause of the ALTER EXTENSION command. The use of this clause would move the referred extension's objects into another schema, as long as the extension is relocatable. However, the use of this clause for the ALTER EXTENSION command isn't supported in an Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server. The only supported way to move the objects created by an extension in an Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server to a specific schema is at creation time. Use the WITH SCHEMA clause of CREATE EXTENSION.