

San Francisco Safety Data

Fire department calls for service and 311 cases in San Francisco.


Microsoft provides Azure Open Datasets on an “as is” basis. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, guarantees or conditions with respect to your use of the datasets. To the extent permitted under your local law, Microsoft disclaims all liability for any damages or losses, including direct, consequential, special, indirect, incidental or punitive, resulting from your use of the datasets.

This dataset is provided under the original terms that Microsoft received source data. The dataset may include data sourced from Microsoft.

Fire Calls-For-Service includes all fire unit responses to calls. Each record includes the call number, incident number, address, unit identifier, call type, and disposition. All relevant time intervals are also included. Because this dataset is based on responses, and since most calls involved multiple units, there are multiple records for each call number. Addresses are associated with a block number, intersection, or call box, not a specific address.

311 Cases include cases associated with a place or thing (for example parks, streets, or buildings) and created after July 1, 2008. Cases that are logged by a user about their own needs are excluded. For example, property or business tax questions, parking permit requests, and so on. For more information, see the Program Link.

Volume and retention

This dataset is stored in Parquet format. It is updated daily with about 6M rows (400 MB) as of 2019.

This dataset contains historical records accumulated from 2015 to the present. You can use parameter settings in our SDK to fetch data within a specific time range.

Storage location

This dataset is stored in the East US Azure region. Allocating compute resources in East US is recommended for affinity.


Name Data type Unique Values (sample) Description
address string 280,652 Not associated with a specific address 0 Block of 6TH ST Address of incident (note: address and location generalized to mid-block of street, intersection, or nearest call box location, to protect caller privacy).
category string 108 Street and Sidewalk Cleaning Potentially Life-Threatening The human readable name of the 311 service request type or call type group for 911 fire calls.
dataSubtype string 2 911_Fire 311_All “911_Fire” or “311_All”.
dataType string 1 Safety “Safety”
dateTime timestamp 6,496,563 2020-10-19 12:28:08 2020-07-28 06:40:26 The date and time when the service request was made or when the fire call was received.
latitude double 1,615,369 37.777624238929 37.786117211838 Latitude of the location, using the WGS84 projection.
longitude double 1,554,612 -122.39998111124 -122.419854245692 Longitude of the location, using the WGS84 projection.
source string 9 Phone Mobile/Open311 Mechanism or path by which the service request was received; typically “Phone”, “Text/SMS”, “Website”, “Mobile App”, “X”, etc. but terms may vary by system.
status string 3 Closed Open A single-word indicator of the current state of the service request. (Note: GeoReport V2 only permits “open” and “closed”)
subcategory string 1,270 Medical Incident Bulky Items The human readable name of the service request subtype for 311 cases or call type for 911 fire calls.


dataType dataSubtype dateTime category subcategory status address latitude longitude source extendedProperties
Safety 911_Fire 4/26/2021 2:56:13 AM Non Life-threatening Medical Incident null 700 Block of GEARY ST 37.7863607914647 -122.415616900246 null
Safety 911_Fire 4/26/2021 2:56:13 AM Non Life-threatening Medical Incident null 700 Block of GEARY ST 37.7863607914647 -122.415616900246 null
Safety 911_Fire 4/26/2021 2:54:03 AM Non Life-threatening Medical Incident null 0 Block of ESSEX ST 37.7860048266229 -122.395077258809 null
Safety 911_Fire 4/26/2021 2:54:03 AM Non Life-threatening Medical Incident null 0 Block of ESSEX ST 37.7860048266229 -122.395077258809 null
Safety 911_Fire 4/26/2021 2:52:17 AM Non Life-threatening Medical Incident null 700 Block of 29TH AVE 37.7751770865322 -122.488604397217 null
Safety 911_Fire 4/26/2021 2:50:28 AM Potentially Life-Threatening Medical Incident null 1000 Block of GEARY ST 37.7857350982044 -122.420555240691 null
Safety 911_Fire 4/26/2021 2:50:28 AM Potentially Life-Threatening Medical Incident null 1000 Block of GEARY ST 37.7857350982044 -122.420555240691 null
Safety 911_Fire 4/26/2021 2:33:52 AM Non Life-threatening Medical Incident null 100 Block of BELVEDERE ST 37.767791696654 -122.449332294394 null
Safety 911_Fire 4/26/2021 2:33:52 AM Non Life-threatening Medical Incident null 100 Block of BELVEDERE ST 37.767791696654 -122.449332294394 null
Safety 911_Fire 4/26/2021 2:33:51 AM Potentially Life-Threatening Medical Incident null 100 Block of 6TH ST 37.7807920802756 -122.408385745499 null

Data access

Azure Notebooks

# This is a package in preview.
from azureml.opendatasets import NycSafety

from datetime import datetime
from dateutil import parser

end_date = parser.parse('2016-01-01')
start_date = parser.parse('2015-05-01')
safety = NycSafety(start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date)
safety = safety.to_pandas_dataframe()

Azure Databricks

# This is a package in preview.
# You need to pip install azureml-opendatasets in Databricks cluster. https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/data-explorer/connect-from-databricks#install-the-python-library-on-your-azure-databricks-cluster
from azureml.opendatasets import NycSafety

from datetime import datetime
from dateutil import parser

end_date = parser.parse('2016-01-01')
start_date = parser.parse('2015-05-01')
safety = NycSafety(start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date)
safety = safety.to_spark_dataframe()

Azure Synapse

# This is a package in preview.
from azureml.opendatasets import NycSafety

from datetime import datetime
from dateutil import parser

end_date = parser.parse('2016-01-01')
start_date = parser.parse('2015-05-01')
safety = NycSafety(start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date)
safety = safety.to_spark_dataframe()
# Display top 5 rows


Next steps

View the rest of the datasets in the Open Datasets catalog.