

COVID Tracking project

The COVID Tracking Project dataset provides the latest numbers on tests, confirmed cases, hospitalizations, and patient outcomes from every US state and territory.

For more information about this dataset, see the project GitHub repository.


Microsoft provides Azure Open Datasets on an “as is” basis. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, guarantees or conditions with respect to your use of the datasets. To the extent permitted under your local law, Microsoft disclaims all liability for any damages or losses, including direct, consequential, special, indirect, incidental or punitive, resulting from your use of the datasets.

This dataset is provided under the original terms that Microsoft received source data. The dataset may include data sourced from Microsoft.


Modified versions of the dataset are available in CSV, JSON, JSON-Lines, and Parquet.

All modified versions have ISO 3166 subdivision codes and load times added, and use lower case column names with underscore separators.

Raw data: 'https://pandemicdatalake.blob.core.windows.net/public/raw/covid-19/covid_tracking/latest/daily.json'

Previous versions of modified and raw data: https://pandemicdatalake.blob.core.windows.net/public/curated/covid-19/covid_tracking/


Data volume

All datasets are updated daily. As of May 13, 2020 they contained 4,100 rows (CSV 574 KB, JSON 1.8 MB, JSONL 1.8 MB, Parquet 334 KB).

Data source

This data is originally published by the COVID Tracking Project at the Atlantic. Raw data is ingested from the COVID Tracking GitHub repo using the states_daily_4p_et.csv file. For more information on this dataset including its origins from the COVID Tracking Project API, see the project GitHub repository.

Data quality

COVID Tracking Project grades the data quality for each state and provides further information about their assessment of the quality of the data. For more information, see the COVID Tracking Project data page. Data in the GitHub repository may be an hour behind the API; use of the API is necessary to access the most recent data.

License and use rights attribution

This data is licensed under the terms and conditions of the Apache License 2.0.

Any use of the data must retain all copyright, patent, trademark, and attribution notices.


For any questions or feedback about this or other datasets in the COVID-19 Data Lake, contact askcovid19dl@microsoft.com.


Name Data type Unique Values (sample) Description
date date 420 2020-11-10 2021-01-30 Date for which the daily totals were collected.
date_checked string 9,487 2020-12-01T00:00:00Z 2020-09-01T00:00:00Z Deprecated
death smallint 7,327 2 5 Total number of people who have died as a result of COVID-19 so far.
death_increase smallint 429 1 2 Deprecated
fips smallint 56 26 55 Census FIPS code for the state.
fips_code string 60 53 25 Census FIPS code for the state.
hash string 20,780 63df8cccd23a5476bab2d8111b138e4c9becd35e c606cd6990f16086b5382e12d84f6206172d493d A hash for this record
hospitalized int 7,641 89995 4 Deprecated
hospitalized_cumulative int 7,641 89995 4 Total number of people who have gone to the hospital for COVID-19 so far, including those who have since recovered or died.
hospitalized_currently smallint 3,886 8 13 Number of people in hospital for COVID-19 on this day.
hospitalized_increase smallint 615 1 2 Deprecated
in_icu_cumulative smallint 2,295 990 220 Total number of people who have gone to the ICU for COVID-19 so far, including those who have since recovered or died.
in_icu_currently smallint 1,643 2 8 Total number of people in the ICU for COVID-19 on this day.
iso_country string 1 US ISO 3166 country or region code
iso_subdivision string 57 US-UM US-WA ISO 3166 subdivision code
last_update_et timestamp 9,487 2020-12-01 00:00:00 2020-09-01 00:00:00 Last time the day’s data was updated
load_time timestamp 1 2021-04-26 00:06:49.883000 Date and time the data was loaded to Azure from the source
negative int 10,864 305972 2140 Total number of people who have tested negative for COVID-19 so far.
negative_increase int 7,328 6 17 Deprecated
on_ventilator_cumulative smallint 677 411 412 Total number of people who have used a ventilator for COVID-19 so far, including those who have since recovered or died.
on_ventilator_currently smallint 837 4 10 Number of people using a ventilator for COVID-19 on this day.
pending smallint 944 2 17 Number of tests whose results have yet to be determined.
pos_neg int 18,282 2140 2 Deprecated
positive int 16,837 2 1 Total number of people who have tested positive for COVID-19 so far.
positive_increase smallint 4,754 1 2 Deprecated
recovered int 8,286 29 19 Total number of people who have recovered from COVID-19 so far.
state string 56 MI PA Two-letter code for the state.
total int 18,283 2140 2 Deprecated
total_test_results int 18,648 2140 3 Total test results provided by the State
total_test_results_increase int 13,463 1 2 Deprecated


date state positive hospitalized_currently hospitalized_cumulative on_ventilator_currently data_quality_grade last_update_et hash date_checked death hospitalized total total_test_results pos_neg fips death_increase hospitalized_increase negative_increase positive_increase total_test_results_increase fips_code iso_subdivision load_time iso_country negative in_icu_cumulative on_ventilator_cumulative recovered in_icu_currently
2021-03-07 AK 56886 33 1293 2 null 3/5/2021 3:59:00 AM dc4bccd4bb885349d7e94d6fed058e285d4be164 3/5/2021 3:59:00 AM 305 1293 56886 1731628 56886 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 US-AK 4/26/2021 12:06:49 AM US
2021-03-07 AL 499819 494 45976 null 3/7/2021 11:00:00 AM 997207b430824ea40b8eb8506c19a93e07bc972e 3/7/2021 11:00:00 AM 10148 45976 2431530 2323788 2431530 1 -1 0 2087 408 2347 1 US-AL 4/26/2021 12:06:49 AM US 1931711 2676 1515 295690
2021-03-07 AR 324818 335 14926 65 null 3/7/2021 12:00:00 AM 50921aeefba3e30d31623aa495b47fb2ecc72fae 3/7/2021 12:00:00 AM 5319 14926 2805534 2736442 2805534 5 22 11 3267 165 3380 5 US-AR 4/26/2021 12:06:49 AM US 2480716 1533 315517 141
2021-03-07 AS 0 null 12/1/2020 12:00:00 AM 96d23f888c995b9a7f3b4b864de6414f45c728ff 12/1/2020 12:00:00 AM 0 2140 2140 2140 60 0 0 0 0 0 60 US-AS 4/26/2021 12:06:49 AM US 2140
2021-03-07 AZ 826454 963 57907 143 null 3/7/2021 12:00:00 AM 0437a7a96f4471666f775e63e86923eb5cbd8cdf 3/7/2021 12:00:00 AM 16328 57907 3899464 7908105 3899464 4 5 44 13678 1335 45110 4 US-AZ 4/26/2021 12:06:49 AM US 3073010 273
2021-03-07 CA 3501394 4291 null 3/7/2021 2:59:00 AM 63c5c0fd2daef2fb65150e9db486de98ed3f7b72 3/7/2021 2:59:00 AM 3501394 49646014 3501394 6 258 0 0 3816 133186 6 US-CA 4/26/2021 12:06:49 AM US 1159
2021-03-07 CO 436602 326 23904 null 3/7/2021 1:59:00 AM 444746cda3a596f183f3fa3269c8cab68704e819 3/7/2021 1:59:00 AM 5989 23904 2636060 6415123 2636060 8 3 18 0 840 38163 8 US-CO 4/26/2021 12:06:49 AM US 2199458
2021-03-07 CT 285330 428 12257 null 3/4/2021 11:59:00 PM bcc0f7bc8c2bf77eec31b25f8b59d510f679d3e7 3/4/2021 11:59:00 PM 7704 12257 285330 6520366 285330 9 0 0 0 0 0 9 US-CT 4/26/2021 12:06:49 AM US
2021-03-07 DC 41419 150 16 null 3/6/2021 12:00:00 AM a3aa0d623d538807fb9577ad64354f48cf728cc8 3/6/2021 12:00:00 AM 1030 41419 1261363 41419 11 0 0 0 146 5726 11 US-DC 4/26/2021 12:06:49 AM US 29570 38
2021-03-07 DE 88354 104 null 3/6/2021 6:00:00 PM 059d870e689d5cc19c35f5eb398214d7d9856373 3/6/2021 6:00:00 PM 1473 633424 1431942 633424 10 9 0 917 215 5867 10 US-DE 4/26/2021 12:06:49 AM US 545070 13

Data access

Azure Notebooks

URLs of different dataset file formats hosted on Azure Blob Storage:

CSV: https://pandemicdatalake.blob.core.windows.net/public/curated/covid-19/covid_tracking/latest/covid_tracking.csv

JSON: https://pandemicdatalake.blob.core.windows.net/public/curated/covid-19/covid_tracking/latest/covid_tracking.json

JSONL: https://pandemicdatalake.blob.core.windows.net/public/curated/covid-19/covid_tracking/latest/covid_tracking.jsonl

Parquet: https://pandemicdatalake.blob.core.windows.net/public/curated/covid-19/covid_tracking/latest/covid_tracking.parquet

Download the dataset file using the built-in capability download from an http URL in Pandas. Pandas has readers for various file formats:



import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

df = pd.read_parquet("https://pandemicdatalake.blob.core.windows.net/public/curated/covid-19/covid_tracking/latest/covid_tracking.parquet ")


df.groupby('state').first().filter(['date','positive', 'death'])

df.groupby(df.state).agg({'state': 'count','positive_increase': 'sum','death_increase': 'sum'})

df_NY=df[df['state'] == 'NY']

df_US=df.groupby(df.date).agg({'positive': 'sum','positive_increase': 'sum','death':'sum','death_increase': 'sum'}).reset_index()


Azure Databricks

Sample not available for this platform/package combination.

Azure Synapse

Sample not available for this platform/package combination.

Next steps

View the rest of the datasets in the Open Datasets catalog.