

IoT Hub data plane MQTT 5 API reference (deprecated)

This document defines operations available in version 2.0 (api-version: 2020-10-01-preview) of IoT Hub data plane API.


MQTT 5 support in IoT Hub is deprecated and IoT Hub has limited feature support for MQTT. If your solution needs MQTT v3.1.1 or v5 support, we recommend MQTT support in Azure Event Grid. For more information, see Compare MQTT support in IoT Hub and Event Grid.


Get Twin

Get Twin state


Topic name: $iothub/twin/get

Properties: none

Payload: empty

Success Response

Properties: none

Payload: Twin

Alternative Responses

Status Name Description
0100 Bad Request Operation message is malformed and can't be processed.
0101 Not Authorized Client isn't authorized to perform the operation.
0102 Not Allowed Operation isn't allowed.
0501 Throttled request rate is too high per SKU
0502 Quota Exceeded daily quota per current SKU is exceeded
0601 Server Error internal server error
0602 Timeout operation timed out before it could be completed
0603 Server Busy server busy

Pseudo-code Sample

    QoS: 0
    Topic: $iothub/twin/get
    QoS: 0
    Topic: $iothub/responses

Patch Twin Reported

Patch Twin's reported state


Topic name: $iothub/twin/patch/reported


Name Type Required Description
if-version u64 no

Payload: TwinState

Success Response


Name Type Required Description
version u64 yes Version of reported state after patch was applied

Payload: empty

Alternative Responses

Status Name Description
0104 Precondition Failed precondition wasn't met resulting in request being canceled
0100 Bad Request Operation message is malformed and can't be processed.
0101 Not Authorized Client isn't authorized to perform the operation.
0102 Not Allowed Operation isn't allowed.
0501 Throttled request rate is too high per SKU
0502 Quota Exceeded daily quota per current SKU is exceeded
0601 Server Error internal server error
0602 Timeout operation timed out before it could be completed
0603 Server Busy server busy

Pseudo-code Sample

    QoS: 0
    Topic: $iothub/twin/patch/reported
    [if-version: <u64>]
    QoS: 0
    Topic: $iothub/responses

Receive Commands

Receive and handle commands


Topic name: $iothub/commands


Name Type Required Description
sequence-no u64 yes Sequence number of the message
enqueued-time time yes Timestamp of when the message entered the system
delivery-count u32 yes Number of times the message delivery was attempted
creation-time time no Timestamp of when the message was created (provided by sender)
message-id string no Message identity (provided by sender)
user-id string no User identity (provided by sender)
correlation-id string no Correlation identity (provided by sender)
Content Type string no determines Content Type of the payload
content-encoding string no determines Content Encoding of the payload

Payload: any byte sequence

Success Acknowledgment

Indicates command was accepted for handling by the client

Properties: none

Payload: empty

Alternative Acknowledgments

Reason Code Status Name Description
131 0603 Abandon Indicates command won't be processed at this time and should be redelivered in the future.
131 0100 Reject Indicates the client rejected the command and it shouldn't be attempted again.

Pseudo-code Sample

    - Topic: $iothub/commands
      QoS: 1
    QoS: 1
    Topic: $iothub/commands
    sequence-no: <u64>enqueued-time: <time>delivery-count: <u32>[creation-time: <time>][message-id: <string>][user-id: <string>][correlation-id: <string>][Content Type: <string>][content-encoding: <string>]
    Payload: ...


Receive Direct Methods

Receive and handle Direct Method calls


Topic name: $iothub/methods/{name}

Properties: none

Payload: any byte sequence

Success Response


Name Type Required Description
response-code u32 yes

Payload: any byte sequence

Alternative Responses

Status Name Description
06A0 Unavailable Indicates that client isn't reachable through this connection.

Pseudo-code Sample

    - Topic: methods/{name}
      QoS: 0
    QoS: 0
    Topic: $iothub/methods/{name}
    QoS: 0
    Topic: $iothub/responses

Receive Twin Desired State Changes

Receive updates to Twin's desired state


Topic name: $iothub/twin/patch/desired


Name Type Required Description
version u64 yes Version of desired state matching this update

Payload: TwinState

Pseudo-code Sample

    - Topic: $iothub/twin/patch/desired
      QoS: 0
    QoS: 0
    Topic: $iothub/twin/patch/desired
    version: <u64>
    Payload: ...

Send Telemetry

Post message to telemetry channel - Event Hubs by default or other endpoint via routing configuration.


Topic name: $iothub/telemetry


Name Type Required Description
Content Type string no translates into content-type system property on posted message
content-encoding string no translates into content-encoding system property on posted message
message-id string no translates into message-id system property on posted message
user-id string no translates into user-id system property on posted message
correlation-id string no translates into correlation-id system property on posted message
creation-time time no translates into iothub-creation-time-utc property on posted message


The format of creation-time must be UTC with no timezone information. For example, 2021-04-21T11:30:16Z is valid, 2021-04-21T11:30:16-07:00 is invalid.

Payload: any byte sequence

Success Acknowledgment

Message has been successfully posted to telemetry channel

Properties: none

Payload: empty

Alternative Acknowledgments

Reason Code Status Name Description
131 0100 Bad Request Operation message is malformed and can't be processed.
135 0101 Not Authorized Client isn't authorized to perform the operation.
131 0102 Not Allowed Operation isn't allowed.
131 0601 Server Error internal server error
151 0501 Throttled request rate is too high per SKU
151 0502 Quota Exceeded daily quota per current SKU is exceeded
131 0602 Timeout operation timed out before it could be completed
131 0603 Server Busy server busy

Pseudo-code Sample

    QoS: 1
    Topic: $iothub/telemetry
    [Content Type: <string>]
    [content-encoding: <string>]
    [message-id: <string>]
    [user-id: <string>]
    [correlation-id: <string>]
    [creation-time: <time>]



Bad Request

Operation message is malformed and can't be processed.

Reason Code: 131

Status: 0100


Name Type Required Description
reason string no contains information on what specifically isn't valid about the message

Payload: empty


Operation is in conflict with another ongoing operation.

Reason Code: 131

Status: 0103


Name Type Required Description
trace-id string no trace ID for correlation with other diagnostics for the error
reason string no contains information on what specifically isn't valid about the message

Payload: empty

Not Allowed

Operation isn't allowed.

Reason Code: 131

Status: 0102


Name Type Required Description
reason string no contains information on what specifically isn't valid about the message

Payload: empty

Not Authorized

Client isn't authorized to perform the operation.

Reason Code: 135

Status: 0101


Name Type Required Description
trace-id string no trace ID for correlation with other diagnostics for the error

Payload: empty

Not Found

requested resource doesn't exist

Reason Code: 131

Status: 0504


Name Type Required Description
reason string no contains information on what specifically isn't valid about the message

Payload: empty

Not Modified

Resource wasn't modified based on provided precondition.

Reason Code: 0

Status: 0001

Properties: none

Payload: empty

Precondition Failed

Precondition wasn't met resulting in request being canceled

Reason Code: 131

Status: 0104

Properties: none

Payload: empty

Quota Exceeded

daily quota per current SKU is exceeded

Reason Code: 151

Status: 0502

Properties: none

Payload: empty

Resource Exhausted

resource has no capacity to complete the operation

Reason Code: 131

Status: 0503


Name Type Required Description
reason string no contains information on what specifically isn't valid about the message

Payload: empty

Server Busy

server busy

Reason Code: 131

Status: 0603


Name Type Required Description
trace-id string no trace ID for correlation with other diagnostics for the error

Payload: empty

Server Error

internal server error

Reason Code: 131

Status: 0601


Name Type Required Description
trace-id string no trace ID for correlation with other diagnostics for the error

Payload: empty

Target Failed

Target responded but the response was invalid or malformed

Reason Code: 131

Status: 06A2


Name Type Required Description
reason string no contains information on what specifically isn't valid about the message

Payload: empty

Target Timeout

timed out waiting for target to complete the request

Reason Code: 131

Status: 06A1


Name Type Required Description
trace-id string no trace ID for correlation with other diagnostics for the error
reason string no contains information on what specifically isn't valid about the message

Payload: empty

Target Unavailable

Target is unreachable to complete the request

Reason Code: 131

Status: 06A0

Properties: none

Payload: empty


request rate is too high per SKU

Reason Code: 151

Status: 0501

Properties: none

Payload: empty


operation timed out before it could be completed

Reason Code: 131

Status: 0602


Name Type Required Description
trace-id string no trace ID for correlation with other diagnostics for the error

Payload: empty