
Apache Flink® Command-Line Interface (CLI) on HDInsight on AKS clusters


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Apache Flink provides a CLI (Command Line Interface) bin/flink to run jobs (programs) that are packaged as JAR files and to control their execution. The CLI is part of the Flink setup and can be set up on a single-node VM. It connects to the running JobManager specified in conf/flink-conf.yaml.

Installation Steps

To install Flink CLI on Linux, you need a Linux VM to execute the installation script. You need to run a bash environment if you are on Windows.


This does NOT work on Windows GIT BASH, you need to install WSL to make this work on Windows.


  • Install JRE 11. If not installed, follow the steps described in /java/openjdk/download.
  • Add java to PATH or define JAVA_HOME environment variable pointing to JRE installation directory, such that $JAVA_HOME/bin/java exists.

Install or update

Both installing and updating the CLI require rerunning the install script. Install the CLI by running curl.

curl -L https://aka.ms/hdionaksflinkcliinstalllinux | bash

If you are using Flink 1.17, you can use the below CLI

curl -L https://aka.ms/hdionaksflink117clilinux | bash

This command installs Flink CLI in the user's home directory ($HOME/flink-cli). The script can also be downloaded and run locally. You might have to restart your shell in order for changes to take effect.

cd $HOME/flink-cli 

bin/flink list -D azure.tenant.id=<update-tenant-id> -D rest.address=<flink-cluster-fqdn>


If executing via SSH pod, use the command bin/flink list to give you the complete output.

If you don't want to add those parameters every time, add them to conf/flink-conf.yaml.

rest.address: <flink-cluster-fqdn>
azure.tenant.id: <tenant-id>

Now the command becomes

bin/flink list

You should see output like the following:

To sign in, use a web browser to open the page https://microsoft.com/devicelogin and enter the code E4LW35GFD to authenticate.

Open https://microsoft.com/devicelogin in your browser, and enter the code, then use your microsoft.com ID to log in. After successful login, you should see output like the following if no job is running.

Waiting for response...
No running jobs.
No scheduled jobs.

curl Object Moved error

If you get an error from curl related to the -L parameter, or an error message including the text "Object Moved", try using the full URL instead of the aka.ms redirect:

curl https://hdiconfigactions.blob.core.windows.net/hiloflinkblob/install.sh | bash


Here are some examples of actions supported by Flink’s CLI tool:

Action Purpose
run This action executes jobs. It requires at least the jar containing the job. Flink- or job-related arguments can be passed if necessary.
info This action can be used to print an optimized execution graph of the passed job. Again, the jar containing the job needs to be passed.
list This action lists all running or scheduled jobs.
savepoint This action can be used to create or disposing savepoints for a given job. It might be necessary to specify a savepoint directory besides the JobID.
cancel This action can be used to cancel running jobs based on their JobID.
stop This action combines the cancel and savepoint actions to stop a running job but also creates a savepoint to start from again.

All actions and their parameters can be accessed through the following commands:

bin/flink --help

The usage information of each individual action

bin/flink <action> --help


  • If you have a Proxy blocking the connection: In order to get the installation scripts, your proxy needs to allow HTTPS connections to the following addresses: https://aka.ms/ and https://hdiconfigactions.blob.core.windows.net
  • To resolve the issue, add the user or group to the authorization profile.
