How to create custom machine configuration policy definitions
Before you begin, it's a good idea to read the overview page for machine configuration, and the details about machine configuration's remediation options.
The machine configuration extension is required for Azure virtual machines. To deploy the
extension at scale across all machines, assign the following policy initiative:
Deploy prerequisites to enable machine configuration policies on virtual machines
To use machine configuration packages that apply configurations, Azure VM guest configuration extension version 1.26.24 or later, or Arc agent 1.10.0 or later, is required.
Custom machine configuration policy definitions using either AuditIfNotExists
are in Generally Available (GA) support status.
Use the following steps to create your own policies that audit compliance or manage the state of Azure or Arc-enabled machines.
Install PowerShell 7 and required PowerShell modules
First, set up a machine configuration authoring environment to install the required version of PowerShell for your OS and the GuestConfiguration module.
Create and publish a machine configuration package artifact
If you haven't already, create and publish a custom machine configuration package by following the steps in How to create custom machine configuration package artifacts. Then validate the package in your development environment by following the steps in How to test machine configuration package artifacts.
The example code in this article references the $contentUri
variable. If you're using the same
PowerShell session as the earlier tutorials for creating and testing your package artifacts, that
variable may already have the URI to your package.
If you don't have the $contentUri
variable set to the URI for your package in your PowerShell
session, you need to set it. This example uses a storage account's connection string and
the New-AzStorageContext
cmdlet to create a storage context. Then it gets the storage blob for
the published package and uses that object's properties to get the content URI.
$connectionString = '<storage-account-connection-string>'
$context = New-AzStorageContext -ConnectionString $connectionString
$getParams = @{
Context = $context
Container = '<container-name>'
Blob = '<published-package-file-name>'
$blob = Get-AzStorageBlob @getParams
$contentUri = $blob.ICloudBlob.Uri.AbsoluteUri
Policy requirements for machine configuration
The policy definition metadata section must include two properties for the machine
configuration service to automate provisioning and reporting of guest configuration assignments.
The category property must be set to Guest Configuration
and a section named
guestConfiguration must contain information about the machine configuration assignment. The
cmdlet creates this text automatically.
The following example demonstrates the metadata section that's automatically created by
"metadata": {
"category": "Guest Configuration",
"guestConfiguration": {
"name": "test",
"version": "1.0.0",
"contentType": "Custom",
"contentUri": "CUSTOM-URI-HERE",
"contentHash": "CUSTOM-HASH-VALUE-HERE",
"configurationParameter": {}
If the definition effect is set to DeployIfNotExists
, the then section must contain
deployment details about a machine configuration assignment. The New-GuestConfigurationPolicy
cmdlet creates this text automatically.
Create an Azure Policy definition
Once a machine configuration custom policy package has been created and uploaded, create the
machine configuration policy definition. The New-GuestConfigurationPolicy
cmdlet takes a custom
policy package and creates a policy definition.
The PolicyId parameter of New-GuestConfigurationPolicy
requires a unique string. A globally
unique identifier (GUID) is required. For new definitions, generate a new GUID using the New-GUID
cmdlet. When making updates to the definition, use the same unique string for PolicyId to
ensure the correct definition is updated.
Parameters of the New-GuestConfigurationPolicy
- PolicyId: A GUID.
- ContentUri: Public HTTP(s) URI of machine configuration content package.
- DisplayName: Policy display name.
- Description: Policy description.
- Parameter: Policy parameters provided in a hash table.
- PolicyVersion: Policy version.
- Path: Destination path where policy definitions are created. Don't specify this parameter as the path to a local copy of the package.
- Platform: Target platform (Windows/Linux) for machine configuration policy and content package.
- Mode: (case sensitive:
) choose if the policy should audit or deploy the configuration. The default isAudit
. - Tag: Adds one or more tag filters to the policy definition.
- Category: Sets the category metadata field in the policy definition.
- LocalContentPath: The path to the local copy of the
Machine Configuration package file. This parameter is required if you're using a User Assigned Managed Identity to provide access to an Azure Storage blob. - ManagedIdentityResourceId: The
of the User Assigned Managed Identity that has read access to the Azure Storage blob containing
Machine Configuration package file. This parameter is required if you're using a User Assigned Managed Identity to provide access to an Azure Storage blob. - ExcludeArcMachines: Specifies that the Policy definition should exclude Arc machines. This parameter is required if you are using a User Assigned Managed Identity to provide access to an Azure Storage blob.
Unlike Azure VMs, Arc-connected machines currently do not support User Assigned Managed
Identities. As a result, the -ExcludeArcMachines
flag is required to ensure the exclusion of
those machines from the policy definition. For the Azure VM to download the assigned package and
apply the policy, the Guest Configuration Agent must be version
or higher for Windows
and version
or higher for Linux.
For more information about the Mode parameter, see the page How to configure remediation options for machine configuration.
Create a policy definition that audits using a custom configuration package, in a specified path:
$PolicyConfig = @{
PolicyId = '_My GUID_'
ContentUri = $contentUri
DisplayName = 'My audit policy'
Description = 'My audit policy'
Path = './policies/auditIfNotExists.json'
Platform = 'Windows'
PolicyVersion = 1.0.0
New-GuestConfigurationPolicy @PolicyConfig
Create a policy definition that enforces a custom configuration package, in a specified path:
$PolicyConfig2 = @{
PolicyId = '_My GUID_'
ContentUri = $contentUri
DisplayName = 'My deployment policy'
Description = 'My deployment policy'
Path = './policies/deployIfNotExists.json'
Platform = 'Windows'
PolicyVersion = 1.0.0
Mode = 'ApplyAndAutoCorrect'
New-GuestConfigurationPolicy @PolicyConfig2
Create a policy definition that enforces a custom configuration package using a User-Assigned Managed Identity:
$PolicyConfig3 = @{
PolicyId = '_My GUID_'
ContentUri = $contentUri
DisplayName = 'My deployment policy'
Description = 'My deployment policy'
Path = './policies/deployIfNotExists.json'
Platform = 'Windows'
PolicyVersion = 1.0.0
Mode = 'ApplyAndAutoCorrect'
LocalContentPath = "C:\Local\Path\To\Package" # Required parameter for managed identity
ManagedIdentityResourceId = "/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/{identityName}" # Required parameter for managed identity
New-GuestConfigurationPolicy @PolicyConfig3 -ExcludeArcMachines
For this scenario, you need to disable the Allow Blob anonymous access setting and assign the role Storage Blob Data Reader on the storage account to the identity.
You can retrieve the resourceId of a managed identity using the Get-AzUserAssignedIdentity
PowerShell cmdlet.
The cmdlet output returns an object containing the definition display name and path of the policy
files. Definition JSON files that create audit policy definitions have the name
and files that create policy definitions to apply configurations have the
name deployIfNotExists.json
Filtering machine configuration policies using tags
The policy definitions created by cmdlets in the GuestConfiguration module can optionally
include a filter for tags. The Tag parameter of New-GuestConfigurationPolicy
supports an
array of hash tables containing individual tag entries. The tags are added to the if section of
the policy definition and can't be modified by a policy assignment.
An example snippet of a policy definition that filters for tags follows.
"if": {
"allOf" : [
"allOf": [
"field": "tags.Owner",
"equals": "BusinessUnit"
"field": "tags.Role",
"equals": "Web"
// Original machine configuration content
Using parameters in custom machine configuration policy definitions
Machine configuration supports overriding properties of a DSC Configuration at run time. This feature means that the values in the MOF file in the package don't have to be considered static. The override values are provided through Azure Policy and don't change how the DSC Configurations are authored or compiled.
Machine configuration supports the following value types for parameters:
- String
- Boolean
- Double
- Float
The cmdlets New-GuestConfigurationPolicy
and Get-GuestConfigurationPackageComplianceStatus
include a parameter named Parameter. This parameter takes a hash table definition including all
details about each parameter and creates the required sections of each file used for the Azure
Policy definition.
The following example creates a policy definition to audit a service, where the user selects from a list at the time of policy assignment.
# This DSC resource definition...
Service 'UserSelectedNameExample' {
Name = 'ParameterValue'
Ensure = 'Present'
State = 'Running'
# ...can be converted to a hash table:
$PolicyParameterInfo = @(
# Policy parameter name (mandatory)
Name = 'ServiceName'
# Policy parameter display name (mandatory)
DisplayName = 'windows service name.'
# Policy parameter description (optional)
Description = 'Name of the windows service to be audited.'
# DSC configuration resource type (mandatory)
ResourceType = 'Service'
# DSC configuration resource id (mandatory)
ResourceId = 'UserSelectedNameExample'
# DSC configuration resource property name (mandatory)
ResourcePropertyName = 'Name'
# Policy parameter default value (optional)
DefaultValue = 'winrm'
# Policy parameter allowed values (optional)
AllowedValues = @('BDESVC','TermService','wuauserv','winrm')
# ...and then passed into the `New-GuestConfigurationPolicy` cmdlet
$PolicyParam = @{
PolicyId = 'My GUID'
ContentUri = $contentUri
DisplayName = 'Audit Windows Service.'
Description = "Audit if a Windows Service isn't enabled on Windows machine."
Path = '.\policies\auditIfNotExists.json'
Parameter = $PolicyParameterInfo
PolicyVersion = 1.0.0
New-GuestConfigurationPolicy @PolicyParam
Publish the Azure Policy definition
Finally, you can publish the policy definitions using the New-AzPolicyDefinition
cmdlet. The
below commands publish your machine configuration policy to the policy center.
To run the New-AzPolicyDefinition
command, you need access to create policy definitions in Azure.
The specific authorization requirements are documented in the Azure Policy Overview page. The
recommended built-in role is Resource Policy Contributor
New-AzPolicyDefinition -Name 'mypolicydefinition' -Policy '.\policies\auditIfNotExists.json'
Or, if the policy is a deploy if not exist policy (DINE) use this command:
New-AzPolicyDefinition -Name 'mypolicydefinition' -Policy '.\policies\deployIfNotExists.json'
With the policy definition created in Azure, the last step is to assign the definition. See how to assign the definition with Portal, Azure CLI, and Azure PowerShell.
Policy lifecycle
If you would like to release an update to the policy definition, make the change for both the guest configuration package and the Azure Policy definition details.
The version
property of the machine configuration assignment only effects packages that are
hosted by Microsoft. The best practice for versioning custom content is to include the version in
the file name.
First, when running New-GuestConfigurationPackage
, specify a name for the package that makes it
unique from earlier versions. You can include a version number in the name such as
. The number in this example is only used to make the package unique, not to
specify that the package should be considered newer or older than other packages.
Second, update the parameters used with the New-GuestConfigurationPolicy
cmdlet following each of
the following explanations.
- Version: When you run the
cmdlet, you must specify a version number greater than what's currently published. - contentUri: When you run the
cmdlet, you must specify a URI to the location of the package. Including a package version in the file name ensures the value of this property changes in each release. - contentHash: The
cmdlet updates this property automatically. It's a hash value of the package created byNew-GuestConfigurationPackage
. The property must be correct for
file you publish. If only the contentUri property is updated, the Extension rejects the content package.
The easiest way to release an updated package is to repeat the process described in this article and specify an updated version number. That process guarantees all properties have been correctly updated.
Next steps
- Assign your custom policy definition using Azure portal.
- Learn how to view compliance details for machine configuration policy assignments.