

How to create a machine configuration assignment using Terraform

You can use Terraform to deploy machine configuration assignments.


The Terraform provider azurerm_policy_virtual_machine_configuration_assignment hasn't been updated to support the assignmentType property so only configurations that perform audits are supported.

Assign a custom configuration

The following example assigns a custom configuration.

Replace the following "<>" fields with values specific to your environment:

  • <configuration_name>: Specify the name of the configuration to apply.
  • <Url_to_Package.zip>: Specify an HTTPS link to the .zip file for your custom content package.
  • <SHA256_hash_of_package.zip>: Specify the SHA256 hash of the .zip file for your custom content package.
resource "azurerm_virtual_machine_configuration_policy_assignment" "<configuration_name>" {
  name               = "<configuration_name>"
  location           = azurerm_windows_virtual_machine.example.location
  virtual_machine_id = azurerm_windows_virtual_machine.example.id
  configuration {
    name            = "<configuration_name>"
    contentUri      =  '<Url_to_Package.zip>'
    contentHash     =  '<SHA256_hash_of_package.zip>'
    version         = "1.*"
    assignmentType  = "ApplyAndMonitor

Assign a built-in configuration

The following example assigns the AzureWindowBaseline built-in configuration.

resource "azurerm_virtual_machine_configuration_policy_assignment" "AzureWindowsBaseline" {
  name               = "AzureWindowsBaseline"
  location           = azurerm_windows_virtual_machine.example.location
  virtual_machine_id = azurerm_windows_virtual_machine.example.id
  configuration {
    name    = "AzureWindowsBaseline"
    version = "1.*"
    parameter {
      name  = "Minimum Password Length;ExpectedValue"
      value = "16"
    parameter {
      name  = "Minimum Password Length;RemediateValue"
      value = "16"
    parameter {
      name  = "Minimum Password Age;ExpectedValue"
      value = "75"
    parameter {
      name  = "Minimum Password Age;RemediateValue"
      value = "75"