

Azure Data Manager for Agriculture (Preview) as Event Grid source

This article provides the properties and schema for Azure Data Manager for Agriculture (Preview) events. For an introduction to event schemas, see Azure Event Grid event schema and Cloud event schema.

Available event types

Event Name Description
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.PartyChanged Published when a Party is created/updated/deleted.
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.FarmChanged.V2 Published when a Farm is created/updated/deleted.
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.FieldChanged.V2 Published when a Field is created/updated/deleted.
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.SeasonChanged Published when a Season is created/updated/deleted.
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.SeasonalFieldChanged.V2 Published when a Seasonal Field is created/updated/deleted.
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.BoundaryChanged.V2 Published when a Boundary is created/updated/deleted.
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.CropChanged Published when a Crop is created/updated/deleted.
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.CropProductChanged Published when a Crop Product is created /updated/deleted.
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.AttachmentChanged.V2 Published when an Attachment is created/updated/deleted.
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.ManagementZoneChanged.V2 Published when a Management Zone is created/updated/deleted.
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.ZoneChanged.V2 Published when an Zone is created/updated/deleted.
Event Name Description
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.SatelliteDataIngestionJobStatusChanged.V2 Published when a satellite data ingestion job's status is changed, for example, job is created, has progressed or completed.
Event Name Description
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.WeatherDataIngestionJobStatusChanged.V2 Published when a weather data ingestion job's status is changed, for example, job is created, has progressed or completed.
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.WeatherDataRefresherJobStatusChanged.V2 Published when a weather data refresher job status is changed, for example, job is created, has progressed or completed.
Event Name Description
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.ApplicationDataChanged.V2 Published when an Application Data is created/updated/deleted.
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.HarvestDataChanged.V2 Published when a Harvesting Data is created/updated/deleted.
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.TillageDataChanged.V2 Published when a Tillage Data is created/updated/deleted.
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.PlantingDataChanged.V2 Published when a Planting Data is created/updated/deleted.
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.ImageProcessingRasterizeJobStatusChanged.V2 Published when an image-processing rasterizes job's status is changed, for example, job is created, has progressed or completed.
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.FarmOperationDataIngestionJobStatusChanged.V2 Published when a farm operations data ingestion job's status is changed, for example, job is created, has progressed or completed.
Event Name Description
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.SensorMappingChanged.V2 Published when a Sensor Mapping is created/updated/deleted.
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.SensorPartnerIntegrationChanged.V2 Published when a Sensor Partner Integration is created/updated/deleted.
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.DeviceDataModelChanged Published when Device Data Model is created/updated/deleted.
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.DeviceChanged Published when a Device is created/updated/deleted.
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.SensorDataModelChanged Published when a Sensor Data Model is created/updated/deleted.
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.SensorChanged Published when a Sensor is created/updated/deleted.
Event Name Description
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.PrescriptionChanged.V2 Published when a Prescription is created/updated/deleted.
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.PrescriptionMapChanged.V2 Published when a Prescription Map is created/updated/deleted.
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.PlantTissueAnalysisChanged.V2 Published when a Plant Tissue Analysis data is created/updated/deleted.
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.NutrientAnalysisChanged.V2 Published when a Nutrient Analysis data is created/updated/deleted.
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.InsightChanged.V2 Published when an Insight is created/updated/deleted.
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.InsightAttachmentChanged.V2 Published when an Insight Attachment is created/updated/deleted.
Event Name Description
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.BiomassModelJobStatusChanged.V2 Published when a Biomass Model job's status is changed, for example, job is created, has progressed or completed.
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.SoilMoistureModelJobStatusChanged.V2 Published when a Soil Moisture Model job's status is changed, for example, job is created, has progressed or completed.
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.SensorPlacementModelJobStatusChanged.V2 Published when a Sensor Placement Model job's status is changed, for example, job is created, has progressed or completed.

Example events

The following example show schema for Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.PartyChanged:

      "data": {
        "actionType": "Deleted",
        "modifiedDateTime": "2022-10-17T18:43:37Z",
        "eTag": "0000000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000000000",
        "properties": {
        "key1": "value1",
        "key2": 123.45
        "id": "<YOUR-PARTY-ID>",
        "createdDateTime": "2022-10-17T18:43:30Z"
      "id": "000000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000000000",
      "source": "/subscriptions/{SUBSCRIPTION-ID}/resourceGroups/{RESOURCE-GROUP-NAME}/providers/Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/{YOUR-RESOURCE-NAME}",
      "subject": "/parties/<YOUR-PARTY-ID>",
      "type": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.PartyChanged",
      "time": "2022-10-17T18:43:37.3306735Z"

Event properties

An event has the following top-level data:

Property Type Description
source string Full resource path to the event source. This field isn't writeable. Event Grid provides this value.
subject string Publisher-defined path to the event subject.
type string One of the registered event types for this event source.
time string The time the event is generated based on the provider's UTC time.
id string Unique identifier for the event.
data object App Configuration event data.
specversion string CloudEvents schema specification version.

The data object has the following common properties:

Property Type Description
id String Unique ID of resource.
actionType String Indicates the change, which triggered publishing of the event. Applicable values are created, updated, deleted.
properties Object It contains user defined key–value pairs.
modifiedDateTime String Indicates the time at which the event was last modified.
createdDateTime String Indicates the time at which the resource was created.
status String Contains the user defined status of the object.
eTag String Implements optimistic concurrency.
description string Textual description of the resource.
name string Name to identify resource.
Property Type Description
id String Unique ID of the job.
name string User-defined name of the job.
status string Various states a job can be in.
isCancellationRequested boolean Flag that gets set when job cancellation is requested.
description string Textual description of the job.
partyId string Party ID for which job was created.
message string Status message to capture more details of the job.
lastActionDateTime date-time Date-time when last action was taken on the job, sample format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ.
createdDateTime date-time Date-time when resource was created, sample format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ.
properties Object It contains user defined key-value pairs.

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