

Firmware analysis for device builders

Just like computers have operating systems, IoT devices have firmware, and it's the firmware that runs and controls IoT devices. For IoT device builders, security is a near-universal concern as IoT devices have traditionally lacked basic security measures.

For example, IoT attack vectors typically use easily exploitable--but easily correctable--weaknesses such as hardcoded user accounts, outdated and vulnerable open-source packages, or a manufacturer's private cryptographic signing key.

Use Microsoft Defender for IoT's firmware analysis to identify embedded security threats, vulnerabilities, and common weaknesses that may be otherwise undetectable.


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How to be sure your firmware is secure

Defender for IoT can analyze your firmware for common weaknesses and vulnerabilities, and provide insight into your firmware security. This analysis is useful whether you build the firmware in-house or receive firmware from your supply chain.

  • Software bill of materials (SBOM): Receive a detailed listing of open-source packages used during the firmware's build process. See the package version and what license governs the use of the open-source package.

  • CVE analysis: See which firmware components have publicly known security vulnerabilities and exposures.

  • Binary hardening analysis: Identify binaries that haven't enabled specific security flags during compilation like buffer overflow protection, position independent executables, and more common hardening techniques.

  • SSL certificate analysis: Reveal expired and revoked TLS/SSL certificates.

  • Public and private key analysis: Verify that the public and private cryptographic keys discovered in the firmware are necessary and not accidental.

  • Password hash extraction: Ensure that user account password hashes use secure cryptographic algorithms.

Screenshot that shows the overview page of the analysis results.

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