
Connect to Stardog

The Stardog Enterprise Knowledge Graph Platform provides a foundation for a flexible semantic data layer designed to answer complex queries across data silos.

You can integrate your Databricks SQL warehouses (formerly Databricks SQL endpoints) and Azure Databricks clusters with Stardog.

Connect to Stardog using Partner Connect


Partner Connect only supports integrating SQL warehouses with Stardog. To integrate a cluster with Stardog, connect to Stardog manually.

To connect to Stardog using Partner Connect, do the following:

  1. Connect to semantic layer partners using Partner Connect.

  2. In your Stardog account, follow the prompt to update your Stardog profile. Check the boxes to agree to the Stardog terms of use and privacy policy, then click Update.

  3. Click Get a Stardog Cloud Instance.

  4. Click Start Free, check the box to agree to the Stardog terms of service, then click Checkout.

  5. Under Action, click the kebab menu Kebab menu, then click Create datasource.

    The Manage Databricks Datasource dialog opens.

  6. Optionally edit the data source name, then click Create Datasource.

    You can find videos about how to use starter kits with sample data in your Stardog account, or you can click your Azure Databricks connection to access Stardog applications to start modeling your data.

Connect to Stardog manually

This section describes how to connect to Stardog manually.


You can use Partner Connect to simplify the connection experience for a SQL warehouse.


Before you connect to Stardog manually, you need the following:

Steps to connect

To connect to Stardog manually, do the following:

  1. Create a Stardog account.

  2. In your Stardog account, follow the prompt to update your Stardog profile. Check the boxes to agree to the Stardog terms of use and privacy policy, then click Update.

  3. Follow the prompt to verify your email address.

  4. Click Get a Stardog Cloud Instance.

  5. Click Start Free, check the box to agree to the Stardog terms of service, then click Checkout.

  6. Click your Azure Databricks connection.

  7. Click Stardog Studio.

    Stardog Studio opens in a new tab.

  8. Click Data.

  9. Click + Data source.

  10. In the Add Data Source dialog box, enter a name for your data source.

  11. For Data Source Type, select Databricks and Spark SQL from the drop-down list.

  12. For JDBC Connection URL, enter the connection details from the requirements.

  13. For JDBC Username, enter token.

  14. For JDBC Password, enter the personal access token from the requirements.

  15. For JDBC Driver Class, enter com.simba.spark.jdbc.Driver.

  16. Click Add.

Next steps

  1. Create Knowledge Graph models in Stardog Designer.
  2. Visualize models in Stardog Explorer.

Additional resources

Explore the following Stardog resources: