
Review Delta Lake table details with describe detail

You can retrieve detailed information about a Delta table (for example, number of files, data size) using DESCRIBE DETAIL.

DESCRIBE DETAIL '/data/events/'


For Spark SQL syntax details, see DESCRIBE DETAIL.

See the Delta Lake API documentation for Scala/Java/Python syntax details.

Detail schema

The output of this operation has only one row with the following schema.


The columns you see depend on the Databricks Runtime version that you are using and the table features that you’ve enabled.

Column Type Description
format string Format of the table, that is, delta.
id string Unique ID of the table.
name string Name of the table as defined in the metastore.
description string Description of the table.
location string Location of the table.
createdAt timestamp When the table was created.
lastModified timestamp When the table was last modified.
partitionColumns array of strings Names of the partition columns if the table is partitioned.
numFiles long Number of the files in the latest version of the table.
sizeInBytes int The size of the latest snapshot of the table in bytes.
properties string-string map All the properties set for this table.
minReaderVersion int Minimum version of readers (according to the log protocol) that can read the table.
minWriterVersion int Minimum version of writers (according to the log protocol) that can write to the table.
statistics map with string keys Additional table-level statistics.
tableFeatures array of strings A list of the table features supported by the table. See How does Azure Databricks manage Delta Lake feature compatibility?.
clusteringColumns array of strings The columns being used for liquid clustering. See Use liquid clustering for Delta tables

Below is an example of what the output looks like:

|format|                  id|              name|description|            location|           createdAt|       lastModified|partitionColumns|numFiles|sizeInBytes|properties|minReaderVersion|minWriterVersion|
| delta|d31f82d2-a69f-42e...|default.deltatable|       null|file:/Users/tuor/...|2020-06-05 12:20:...|2020-06-05 12:20:20|              []|      10|      12345|        []|               1|               2|