Databricks Runtime 7.2 (EoS)
Support for this Databricks Runtime version has ended. For the end-of-support date, see End-of-support history. For all supported Databricks Runtime versions, see Databricks Runtime release notes versions and compatibility.
Databricks released this version in August 2020.
The following release notes provide information about Databricks Runtime 7.2, powered by Apache Spark 3.0.
New features
Databricks Runtime 7.2 includes the following new features.
Auto Loader is generally available
Auto Loader is an efficient method for incrementally ingesting a large number of files into Delta Lake. It is now GA and adds the following features: directory listing, cloud resource management API, rate limiting option, and option validation.
Directory listing mode option
Auto Loader adds a new directory listing mode, in addition to the existing file notification mode, for determining when there are new files.
- Directory listing mode: In some scenarios there are only a few files that need to be streamed in on a regular basis. In those cases, identifying new files by parallel listing of the input directory and ingesting them is reasonably efficient. This allows you to start Auto Loader streams without any permission configuration. Directory listing mode is the default mode for Auto Loader from Databricks Runtime 7.2 and above.
- File notification mode: You can explicitly opt in to file notification mode, which is more performant and scalable for large input directories, but requires you to configure permissions for the notification service to subscribe to file events and set
.option("cloudFiles.useNotifications", "true")
. Existing Auto Loader streams started on Databricks Runtime 7.1 and below automatically opt in to file notification mode when they upgrade to Databricks Runtime 7.2.
For more information, see What is Auto Loader?.
Cloud resource management API
You can now use our Scala API to manage cloud resources created by Auto Loader. You can list notification services and tear down specific notification services using this API. For more information, see Manually configure or manage file notification resources.
Rate limiting option
You can now use the cloudFiles.maxBytesPerTrigger
option to limit the amount of data processed in each microbatch. You can specify a byte string such as 10g
to limit each microbatch to 10 GB of data. This is a soft maximum. If you have files that are 3 GB each, Azure Databricks processes 12 GB in a microbatch. This option has no effect when used with Trigger.Once()
. When this option is not provided, the default value of cloudFiles.maxFilesPerTrigger
of 1000 files is used for rate limiting. When used together with cloudFiles.maxFilesPerTrigger
, Azure Databricks consumes up to the lowest limit of cloudFiles.maxFilesPerTrigger
or cloudFiles.maxBytesPerTrigger
, whichever is reached first.
For more information, see What is Auto Loader?.
Option validation
Auto Loader now validates the options you provide. If you provide an unknown option, Auto Loader returns an error instead of silently ignoring the option. The validation also detects inconsistencies in your provided options. For example, if you set cloudFiles.useNotifications
to false
and at the same time provide permission options for Azure Event Grid and Queue Storage services, validation
will fail. To skip option validation, set cloudFiles.validateOptions
to false
Changes in default option values and compatibility
The default behavior of some Auto Loader options changed in Databricks Runtime 7.2. To ensure compatibility, the behavior of streams started on Databricks Runtime 7.1 and below will remain unchanged even after you upgrade to running such streams on a cluster running Databricks Runtime 7.2 or above. See What is Auto Loader?.
Efficiently copy a Delta table with clone
(Public Preview)
You can now efficiently create a shallow or deep clone of a Delta table at a specific version with the clone
command. A deep clone is a standalone clone of a Delta table formed by copying the files in parallel over from the source table to the target table. A shallow clone is a cheaply created clone that don’t copy files to the target table but points to files in the original table. Any changes made to a deep or shallow clone affects only the clone and not the original table. See Clone a table on Azure Databricks.
Snowflake connector: The connector has been upgraded to version 2.8.1, which includes Spark 3.0 support.
PySpark usability: when a PySpark or pandas UDF fails, Azure Databricks now surfaces the Python-side exception and most recently executed line of notebook code (if applicable) at the top of the error message.
Credential passthrough:
- You can now use the LDA transform function on a passthrough-enabled cluster.
- You can now set the storage checkpoint directory on a passthrough-enabled cluster.
Cluster libraries: Azure Databricks now processes all cluster libraries in the order that they were installed on the cluster. On Databricks Runtime 7.1 and below, only Maven and CRAN libraries were processed in the order they were installed on the cluster. Other libraries were installed in a nondeterministic order.
- Manage TensorBoard processes with the
API. - You can have multiple TensorBoard backends running on a single cluster.
- In Python notebooks, display the TensorBoard UI inline using the
line magic command. dbutils.tensorboard
is deprecated.
See TensorBoard.
- Manage TensorBoard processes with the
Upgraded Python libraries:
- jmespath upgraded from 0.9.4 to 0.10.0.
- koalas upgraded from 1.0.1 to 1.1.0.
Upgraded several installed R libraries. See Installed R Libraries.
Apache Spark
Databricks Runtime 7.2 includes Apache Spark 3.0.0. This release includes all Spark fixes and improvements included in Databricks Runtime 7.1 (EoS), as well as the following additional bug fixes and improvements made to Spark:
- [SPARK-32234] [SQL] Spark sql commands are failing on selecting the orc tables
- [SPARK-30616] [SQL] Introduce TTL config option for SQL Metadata Cache
- [SPARK-21117] [SQL] Built-in SQL Function Support - WIDTH_BUCKET
- [SPARK-32168] [SQL] Fix hidden partitioning correctness bug in SQL overwrite
- [SPARK-31935] Hadoop file system config should be effective in data source options
- [SPARK-32270] [SQL] Use TextFileFormat in CSV’s schema inference with a different encoding
- [SPARK-28481] [SQL] More expressions should extend NullIntolerant
- [SPARK-32220] [SQL] SHUFFLE_REPLICATE_NL Hint should not change Non-Cartesian Product join result
- [SPARK-32232] [ML][pyspark] Make sure ML has the same default solver values between Scala and Python
- [SPARK-32238] [SQL] Use Utils.getSimpleName to avoid hitting Malformed class name in ScalaUDF
- [SPARK-32220] [SQL] SHUFFLE_REPLICATE_NL Hint should not change Non-Cartesian Product join result
- [SPARK-32256] [SQL] Force to initialize Hadoop VersionInfo in HiveExternalCatalog
- [SPARK-32159] [SQL] Fix integration between Aggregator[Array[_], _, _] and UnresolvedMapObjects
- [SPARK-32160] [CORE][pyspark] Disallow to create SparkContext in executors
- [SPARK-32168] [SQL] Fix hidden partitioning correctness bug in SQL overwrite
- [SPARK-32024] [WEBUI] Update ApplicationStoreInfo.size during HistoryServerDiskManager initializing
- [SPARK-32214] [SQL] The type conversion function generated in makeFromJava for “other” type uses a wrong variable
- [SPARK-30703] [SQL] Update SqlBase.g4 invalid comment
- [SPARK-32163] [SQL] Nested pruning should work even with cosmetic variations
- [SPARK-32124] [CORE] Use the invalid value Int.MinValue to fill the map index when the event logs from the old Spark version
- [SPARK-32167] [SQL] Fix GetArrayStructFields to respect inner field’s nullability together
- [SPARK-32130] [SQL] Enable timestamps inference in JsonBenchmark
- [SPARK-32121] [SHUFFLE] Support Windows OS in ExecutorDiskUtils
- [SPARK-32130] [SQL] Disable the JSON option
by default - [SPARK-31935] [SQL] Hadoop file system config should be effective in data source options
- [SPARK-32095] [SQL] Update documentation to reflect usage of updated statistics
- [SPARK-32131] [SQL] Fix AnalysisException messages at UNION/EXCEPT/MINUS operations
- [SPARK-32068] [WEBUI] Correct task lauchtime show issue due to timezone in stage tab
- [SPARK-29999] [SS] Fix test to check the actual metadata log directory
- [SPARK-32127] [SQL] Check rules for MERGE INTO should use MergeAction.conditition other than MergeAction.children
- [SPARK-32038] [SQL] Make the alias name pretty after float/double normalization
- [SPARK-32126] [SS] Scope in IncrementalExecution
- [SPARK-32115] [SQL] Fix SUBSTRING to handle integer overflows
- [SPARK-32098] [PYTHON] Use iloc for positional slicing instead of direct slicing in createDataFrame with Arrow
- [SPARK-32080] [SPARK-31998] [SQL] Simplify ArrowColumnVector ListArray accessor
- [SPARK-32028] [WEBUI] fix app id link for multi attempts app in history summary page
- [SPARK-31918] [R] Ignore S4 generic methods under SparkR namespace in closure cleaning to support R 4.0.0+
- [SPARK-32038] [SQL] NormalizeFloatingNumbers should also work on distinct aggregate
- [SPARK-32034] [SQL] Port HIVE-14817: Shutdown the SessionManager timeoutChecker thread properly upon shutdown
- [SPARK-32021] [SQL] Increase precision of seconds and fractions of
- [SPARK-31980] [SQL] Function sequence() fails if start and end of range are equal dates
- [SPARK-32020] [SQL] Better error message when SPARK_HOME or spark.test.home is not set
- [SPARK-32011] [PYTHON][core] Remove warnings about pin-thread modes and guide to use collectWithJobGroup
Maintenance updates
See Databricks Runtime 7.2 maintenance updates.
System environment
- Operating System: Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS
- Java: 1.8.0_252
- Scala: 2.12.10
- Python: 3.7.5
- R: R version 3.6.3 (2020-02-29)
- Delta Lake 0.7.0
Installed Python libraries
Library | Version | Library | Version | Library | Version |
asn1crypto | 1.3.0 | backcall | 0.1.0 | boto3 | 1.12.0 |
botocore | 1.15.0 | certifi | 2020.6.20 | cffi | 1.14.0 |
chardet | 3.0.4 | cryptography | 2.8 | cycler | 0.10.0 |
Cython | 0.29.15 | decorator | 4.4.1 | docutils | 0.15.2 |
entrypoints | 0.3 | idna | 2.8 | ipykernel | 5.1.4 |
ipython | 7.12.0 | ipython-genutils | 0.2.0 | jedi | 0.14.1 |
jmespath | 0.10.0 | joblib | 0.14.1 | jupyter-client | 5.3.4 |
jupyter-core | 4.6.1 | kiwisolver | 1.1.0 | koalas | 1.1.0 |
matplotlib | 3.1.3 | numpy | 1.18.1 | pandas | 1.0.1 |
parso | 0.5.2 | patsy | 0.5.1 | pexpect | 4.8.0 |
pickleshare | 0.7.5 | pip | 20.0.2 | prompt-toolkit | 3.0.3 |
psycopg2 | 2.8.4 | ptyprocess | 0.6.0 | pyarrow | 0.15.1 |
pycparser | 2.19 | Pygments | 2.5.2 | PyGObject | 3.26.1 |
pyOpenSSL | 19.1.0 | pyparsing | 2.4.6 | PySocks | 1.7.1 |
python-apt | 1.6.5+ubuntu0.3 | python-dateutil | 2.8.1 | pytz | 2019.3 |
pyzmq | 18.1.1 | requests | 2.22.0 | s3transfer | 0.3.3 |
scikit-learn | 0.22.1 | scipy | 1.4.1 | seaborn | 0.10.0 |
setuptools | 45.2.0 | six | 1.14.0 | ssh-import-id | 5.7 |
statsmodels | 0.11.0 | tornado | 6.0.3 | traitlets | 4.3.3 |
unattended-upgrades | 0.1 | urllib3 | 1.25.8 | virtualenv | 16.7.10 |
wcwidth | 0.1.8 | wheel | 0.34.2 |
Installed R libraries
R libraries are installed from Microsoft CRAN snapshot on 2020-07-14.
Library | Version | Library | Version | Library | Version |
askpass | 1.1 | assertthat | 0.2.1 | backports | 1.1.8 |
base | 3.6.3 | base64enc | 0.1-3 | BH | 1.72.0-3 |
bit | 1.1-15.2 | bit64 | 0.9-7 | blob | 1.2.1 |
boot | 1.3-25 | brew | 1.0-6 | broom | 0.7.0 |
callr | 3.4.3 | caret | 6.0-86 | cellranger | 1.1.0 |
chron | 2.3-55 | class | 7.3-17 | cli | 2.0.2 |
clipr | 0.7.0 | cluster | 2.1.0 | codetools | 0.2-16 |
colorspace | 1.4-1 | commonmark | 1.7 | compiler | 3.6.3 |
config | 0.3 | covr | 3.5.0 | crayon | 1.3.4 |
crosstalk | | curl | 4.3 | data.table | 1.12.8 |
datasets | 3.6.3 | DBI | 1.1.0 | dbplyr | 1.4.4 |
desc | 1.2.0 | devtools | 2.3.0 | digest | 0.6.25 |
dplyr | 0.8.5 | DT | 0.14 | ellipsis | 0.3.1 |
evaluate | 0.14 | fansi | 0.4.1 | farver | 2.0.3 |
fastmap | 1.0.1 | forcats | 0.5.0 | foreach | 1.5.0 |
foreign | 0.8-76 | forge | 0.2.0 | fs | 1.4.2 |
generics | 0.0.2 | ggplot2 | 3.3.2 | gh | 1.1.0 |
git2r | 0.27.1 | glmnet | 3.0-2 | globals | 0.12.5 |
glue | 1.4.1 | gower | 0.2.2 | graphics | 3.6.3 |
grDevices | 3.6.3 | grid | 3.6.3 | gridExtra | 2.3 |
gsubfn | 0.7 | gtable | 0.3.0 | haven | 2.3.1 |
highr | 0.8 | hms | 0.5.3 | htmltools | 0.5.0 |
htmlwidgets | 1.5.1 | httpuv | 1.5.4 | httr | 1.4.1 |
hwriter | 1.3.2 | hwriterPlus | 1.0-3 | ini | 0.3.1 |
ipred | 0.9-9 | isoband | 0.2.2 | iterators | 1.0.12 |
jsonlite | 1.7.0 | KernSmooth | 2.23-17 | knitr | 1.29 |
labeling | 0.3 | later | | lattice | 0.20-41 |
lava | 1.6.7 | lazyeval | 0.2.2 | lifecycle | 0.2.0 |
lubridate | 1.7.9 | magrittr | 1.5 | markdown | 1.1 |
MASS | 7.3-51.6 | Matrix | 1.2-18 | memoise | 1.1.0 |
methods | 3.6.3 | mgcv | 1.8-31 | mime | 0.9 |
ModelMetrics | | modelr | 0.1.8 | munsell | 0.5.0 |
nlme | 3.1-147 | nnet | 7.3-14 | numDeriv | 2016.8-1.1 |
openssl | 1.4.2 | parallel | 3.6.3 | pillar | 1.4.6 |
pkgbuild | 1.1.0 | pkgconfig | 2.0.3 | pkgload | 1.1.0 |
plogr | 0.2.0 | plyr | 1.8.6 | praise | 1.0.0 |
prettyunits | 1.1.1 | pROC | 1.16.2 | processx | 3.4.3 |
prodlim | 2019.11.13 | progress | 1.2.2 | promises | 1.1.1 |
proto | 1.0.0 | ps | 1.3.3 | purrr | 0.3.4 |
r2d3 | 0.2.3 | R6 | 2.4.1 | randomForest | 4.6-14 |
rappdirs | 0.3.1 | rcmdcheck | 1.3.3 | RColorBrewer | 1.1-2 |
Rcpp | 1.0.5 | readr | 1.3.1 | readxl | 1.3.1 |
recipes | 0.1.13 | rematch | 1.0.1 | rematch2 | 2.1.2 |
remotes | 2.1.1 | reprex | 0.3.0 | reshape2 | 1.4.4 |
rex | 1.2.0 | rjson | 0.2.20 | rlang | 0.4.7 |
rmarkdown | 2.3 | RODBC | 1.3-16 | roxygen2 | 7.1.1 |
rpart | 4.1-15 | rprojroot | 1.3-2 | Rserve | 1.8-7 |
RSQLite | 2.2.0 | rstudioapi | 0.11 | rversions | 2.0.2 |
rvest | 0.3.5 | scales | 1.1.1 | selectr | 0.4-2 |
sessioninfo | 1.1.1 | shape | 1.4.4 | shiny | 1.5.0 |
sourcetools | 0.1.7 | sparklyr | 1.3.1 | SparkR | 3.0.0 |
spatial | 7.3-11 | splines | 3.6.3 | sqldf | 0.4-11 |
SQUAREM | 2020.3 | stats | 3.6.3 | stats4 | 3.6.3 |
stringi | 1.4.6 | stringr | 1.4.0 | survival | 3.1-12 |
sys | 3.3 | tcltk | 3.6.3 | TeachingDemos | 2.10 |
testthat | 2.3.2 | tibble | 3.0.3 | tidyr | 1.1.0 |
tidyselect | 1.1.0 | tidyverse | 1.3.0 | timeDate | 3043.102 |
tinytex | 0.24 | tools | 3.6.3 | usethis | 1.6.1 |
utf8 | 1.1.4 | utils | 3.6.3 | uuid | 0.1-4 |
vctrs | 0.3.1 | viridisLite | 0.3.0 | whisker | 0.4 |
withr | 2.2.0 | xfun | 0.15 | xml2 | 1.3.2 |
xopen | 1.0.0 | xtable | 1.8-4 | yaml | 2.2.1 |
Installed Java and Scala libraries (Scala 2.12 cluster version)
Group ID | Artifact ID | Version |
antlr | antlr | 2.7.7 |
com.amazonaws | amazon-kinesis-client | 1.12.0 |
com.amazonaws | aws-java-sdk-autoscaling | 1.11.655 |
com.amazonaws | aws-java-sdk-cloudformation | 1.11.655 |
com.amazonaws | aws-java-sdk-cloudfront | 1.11.655 |
com.amazonaws | aws-java-sdk-cloudhsm | 1.11.655 |
com.amazonaws | aws-java-sdk-cloudsearch | 1.11.655 |
com.amazonaws | aws-java-sdk-cloudtrail | 1.11.655 |
com.amazonaws | aws-java-sdk-cloudwatch | 1.11.655 |
com.amazonaws | aws-java-sdk-cloudwatchmetrics | 1.11.655 |
com.amazonaws | aws-java-sdk-codedeploy | 1.11.655 |
com.amazonaws | aws-java-sdk-cognitoidentity | 1.11.655 |
com.amazonaws | aws-java-sdk-cognitosync | 1.11.655 |
com.amazonaws | aws-java-sdk-config | 1.11.655 |
com.amazonaws | aws-java-sdk-core | 1.11.655 |
com.amazonaws | aws-java-sdk-datapipeline | 1.11.655 |
com.amazonaws | aws-java-sdk-directconnect | 1.11.655 |
com.amazonaws | aws-java-sdk-directory | 1.11.655 |
com.amazonaws | aws-java-sdk-dynamodb | 1.11.655 |
com.amazonaws | aws-java-sdk-ec2 | 1.11.655 |
com.amazonaws | aws-java-sdk-ecs | 1.11.655 |
com.amazonaws | aws-java-sdk-efs | 1.11.655 |
com.amazonaws | aws-java-sdk-elasticache | 1.11.655 |
com.amazonaws | aws-java-sdk-elasticbeanstalk | 1.11.655 |
com.amazonaws | aws-java-sdk-elasticloadbalancing | 1.11.655 |
com.amazonaws | aws-java-sdk-elastictranscoder | 1.11.655 |
com.amazonaws | aws-java-sdk-emr | 1.11.655 |
com.amazonaws | aws-java-sdk-glacier | 1.11.655 |
com.amazonaws | aws-java-sdk-iam | 1.11.655 |
com.amazonaws | aws-java-sdk-importexport | 1.11.655 |
com.amazonaws | aws-java-sdk-kinesis | 1.11.655 |
com.amazonaws | aws-java-sdk-kms | 1.11.655 |
com.amazonaws | aws-java-sdk-lambda | 1.11.655 |
com.amazonaws | aws-java-sdk-logs | 1.11.655 |
com.amazonaws | aws-java-sdk-machinelearning | 1.11.655 |
com.amazonaws | aws-java-sdk-opsworks | 1.11.655 |
com.amazonaws | aws-java-sdk-rds | 1.11.655 |
com.amazonaws | aws-java-sdk-redshift | 1.11.655 |
com.amazonaws | aws-java-sdk-route53 | 1.11.655 |
com.amazonaws | aws-java-sdk-s3 | 1.11.655 |
com.amazonaws | aws-java-sdk-ses | 1.11.655 |
com.amazonaws | aws-java-sdk-simpledb | 1.11.655 |
com.amazonaws | aws-java-sdk-simpleworkflow | 1.11.655 |
com.amazonaws | aws-java-sdk-sns | 1.11.655 |
com.amazonaws | aws-java-sdk-sqs | 1.11.655 |
com.amazonaws | aws-java-sdk-ssm | 1.11.655 |
com.amazonaws | aws-java-sdk-storagegateway | 1.11.655 |
com.amazonaws | aws-java-sdk-sts | 1.11.655 |
com.amazonaws | aws-java-sdk-support | 1.11.655 |
com.amazonaws | aws-java-sdk-swf-libraries | 1.11.22 |
com.amazonaws | aws-java-sdk-workspaces | 1.11.655 |
com.amazonaws | jmespath-java | 1.11.655 |
com.chuusai | shapeless_2.12 | 2.3.3 | | stream | 2.9.6 |
com.databricks | Rserve | 1.8-3 |
com.databricks | jets3t | 0.7.1-0 |
com.databricks.scalapb | compilerplugin_2.12 | 0.4.15-10 |
com.databricks.scalapb | scalapb-runtime_2.12 | 0.4.15-10 |
com.esotericsoftware | kryo-shaded | 4.0.2 |
com.esotericsoftware | minlog | 1.3.0 |
com.fasterxml | classmate | 1.3.4 |
com.fasterxml.jackson.core | jackson-annotations | 2.10.0 |
com.fasterxml.jackson.core | jackson-core | 2.10.0 |
com.fasterxml.jackson.core | jackson-databind | 2.10.0 |
com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat | jackson-dataformat-cbor | 2.10.0 |
com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype | jackson-datatype-joda | 2.10.0 |
com.fasterxml.jackson.module | jackson-module-paranamer | 2.10.0 |
com.fasterxml.jackson.module | jackson-module-scala_2.12 | 2.10.0 |
com.github.ben-manes.caffeine | caffeine | 2.3.4 |
com.github.fommil | jniloader | 1.1 |
com.github.fommil.netlib | core | 1.1.2 |
com.github.fommil.netlib | native_ref-java | 1.1 |
com.github.fommil.netlib | native_ref-java-natives | 1.1 |
com.github.fommil.netlib | native_system-java | 1.1 |
com.github.fommil.netlib | native_system-java-natives | 1.1 |
com.github.fommil.netlib | netlib-native_ref-linux-x86_64-natives | 1.1 |
com.github.fommil.netlib | netlib-native_system-linux-x86_64-natives | 1.1 |
com.github.joshelser | dropwizard-metrics-hadoop-metrics2-reporter | 0.1.2 |
com.github.luben | zstd-jni | 1.4.4-3 |
com.github.wendykierp | JTransforms | 3.1 | | jsr305 | 3.0.0 | | gson | 2.2.4 | | flatbuffers-java | 1.9.0 | | guava | 15.0 | | protobuf-java | 2.6.1 |
com.h2database | h2 | 1.4.195 |
com.helger | profiler | 1.1.1 |
com.jcraft | jsch | 0.1.50 |
com.jolbox | bonecp | 0.8.0.RELEASE |
com.lihaoyi | sourcecode_2.12 | 0.1.9 | | azure-data-lake-store-sdk | 2.2.8 | | mssql-jdbc | 8.2.1.jre8 |
com.ning | compress-lzf | 1.0.3 |
com.sun.mail | javax.mail | 1.5.2 |
com.tdunning | json | 1.8 |
com.thoughtworks.paranamer | paranamer | 2.8 |
com.trueaccord.lenses | lenses_2.12 | 0.4.12 |
com.twitter | chill-java | 0.9.5 |
com.twitter | chill_2.12 | 0.9.5 |
com.twitter | util-app_2.12 | 7.1.0 |
com.twitter | util-core_2.12 | 7.1.0 |
com.twitter | util-function_2.12 | 7.1.0 |
com.twitter | util-jvm_2.12 | 7.1.0 |
com.twitter | util-lint_2.12 | 7.1.0 |
com.twitter | util-registry_2.12 | 7.1.0 |
com.twitter | util-stats_2.12 | 7.1.0 |
com.typesafe | config | 1.2.1 |
com.typesafe.scala-logging | scala-logging_2.12 | 3.7.2 |
com.univocity | univocity-parsers | 2.8.3 |
com.zaxxer | HikariCP | 3.1.0 |
commons-beanutils | commons-beanutils | 1.9.4 |
commons-cli | commons-cli | 1.2 |
commons-codec | commons-codec | 1.10 |
commons-collections | commons-collections | 3.2.2 |
commons-configuration | commons-configuration | 1.6 |
commons-dbcp | commons-dbcp | 1.4 |
commons-digester | commons-digester | 1.8 |
commons-fileupload | commons-fileupload | 1.3.3 |
commons-httpclient | commons-httpclient | 3.1 |
commons-io | commons-io | 2.4 |
commons-lang | commons-lang | 2.6 |
commons-logging | commons-logging | 1.1.3 |
commons-net | commons-net | 3.1 |
commons-pool | commons-pool | 1.5.4 |
info.ganglia.gmetric4j | gmetric4j | 1.0.10 |
io.airlift | aircompressor | 0.10 |
io.dropwizard.metrics | metrics-core | 4.1.1 |
io.dropwizard.metrics | metrics-graphite | 4.1.1 |
io.dropwizard.metrics | metrics-healthchecks | 4.1.1 |
io.dropwizard.metrics | metrics-jetty9 | 4.1.1 |
io.dropwizard.metrics | metrics-jmx | 4.1.1 |
io.dropwizard.metrics | metrics-json | 4.1.1 |
io.dropwizard.metrics | metrics-jvm | 4.1.1 |
io.dropwizard.metrics | metrics-servlets | 4.1.1 |
io.netty | netty-all | 4.1.47.Final |
jakarta.annotation | jakarta.annotation-api | 1.3.5 |
jakarta.validation | jakarta.validation-api | 2.0.2 | | | 2.1.6 |
javax.activation | activation | 1.1.1 |
javax.el | javax.el-api | 2.2.4 |
javax.jdo | jdo-api | 3.0.1 |
javax.servlet | javax.servlet-api | 3.1.0 |
javax.servlet.jsp | jsp-api | 2.1 |
javax.transaction | jta | 1.1 |
javax.transaction | transaction-api | 1.1 |
javax.xml.bind | jaxb-api | 2.2.2 | | stax-api | 1.0-2 |
javolution | javolution | 5.5.1 |
jline | jline | 2.14.6 |
joda-time | joda-time | 2.10.5 |
log4j | apache-log4j-extras | 1.2.17 |
log4j | log4j | 1.2.17 |
net.razorvine | pyrolite | 4.30 |
net.sf.jpam | jpam | 1.1 |
net.sf.opencsv | opencsv | 2.3 |
net.sf.supercsv | super-csv | 2.2.0 |
net.snowflake | snowflake-ingest-sdk | 0.9.6 |
net.snowflake | snowflake-jdbc | 3.12.8 |
net.snowflake | spark-snowflake_2.12 | 2.8.1-spark_3.0 |
net.sourceforge.f2j | arpack_combined_all | 0.1 |
org.acplt.remotetea | remotetea-oncrpc | 1.1.2 |
org.antlr | ST4 | 4.0.4 |
org.antlr | antlr-runtime | 3.5.2 |
org.antlr | antlr4-runtime | 4.7.1 |
org.antlr | stringtemplate | 3.2.1 |
org.apache.ant | ant | 1.9.2 |
org.apache.ant | ant-jsch | 1.9.2 |
org.apache.ant | ant-launcher | 1.9.2 |
org.apache.arrow | arrow-format | 0.15.1 |
org.apache.arrow | arrow-memory | 0.15.1 |
org.apache.arrow | arrow-vector | 0.15.1 |
org.apache.avro | avro | 1.8.2 |
org.apache.avro | avro-ipc | 1.8.2 |
org.apache.avro | avro-mapred-hadoop2 | 1.8.2 |
org.apache.commons | commons-compress | 1.8.1 |
org.apache.commons | commons-crypto | 1.0.0 |
org.apache.commons | commons-lang3 | 3.9 |
org.apache.commons | commons-math3 | 3.4.1 |
org.apache.commons | commons-text | 1.6 |
org.apache.curator | curator-client | 2.7.1 |
org.apache.curator | curator-framework | 2.7.1 |
org.apache.curator | curator-recipes | 2.7.1 |
org.apache.derby | derby | | | api-asn1-api | 1.0.0-M20 | | api-util | 1.0.0-M20 | | apacheds-i18n | 2.0.0-M15 | | apacheds-kerberos-codec | 2.0.0-M15 |
org.apache.hadoop | hadoop-annotations | 2.7.4 |
org.apache.hadoop | hadoop-auth | 2.7.4 |
org.apache.hadoop | hadoop-client | 2.7.4 |
org.apache.hadoop | hadoop-common | 2.7.4 |
org.apache.hadoop | hadoop-hdfs | 2.7.4 |
org.apache.hadoop | hadoop-mapreduce-client-app | 2.7.4 |
org.apache.hadoop | hadoop-mapreduce-client-common | 2.7.4 |
org.apache.hadoop | hadoop-mapreduce-client-core | 2.7.4 |
org.apache.hadoop | hadoop-mapreduce-client-jobclient | 2.7.4 |
org.apache.hadoop | hadoop-mapreduce-client-shuffle | 2.7.4 |
org.apache.hadoop | hadoop-yarn-api | 2.7.4 |
org.apache.hadoop | hadoop-yarn-client | 2.7.4 |
org.apache.hadoop | hadoop-yarn-common | 2.7.4 |
org.apache.hadoop | hadoop-yarn-server-common | 2.7.4 |
org.apache.hive | hive-beeline | 2.3.7 |
org.apache.hive | hive-cli | 2.3.7 |
org.apache.hive | hive-common | 2.3.7 |
org.apache.hive | hive-exec-core | 2.3.7 |
org.apache.hive | hive-jdbc | 2.3.7 |
org.apache.hive | hive-llap-client | 2.3.7 |
org.apache.hive | hive-llap-common | 2.3.7 |
org.apache.hive | hive-metastore | 2.3.7 |
org.apache.hive | hive-serde | 2.3.7 |
org.apache.hive | hive-shims | 2.3.7 |
org.apache.hive | hive-storage-api | 2.7.1 |
org.apache.hive | hive-vector-code-gen | 2.3.7 |
org.apache.hive.shims | hive-shims-0.23 | 2.3.7 |
org.apache.hive.shims | hive-shims-common | 2.3.7 |
org.apache.hive.shims | hive-shims-scheduler | 2.3.7 |
org.apache.htrace | htrace-core | 3.1.0-incubating |
org.apache.httpcomponents | httpclient | 4.5.6 |
org.apache.httpcomponents | httpcore | 4.4.12 |
org.apache.ivy | ivy | 2.4.0 |
org.apache.orc | orc-core | 1.5.10 |
org.apache.orc | orc-mapreduce | 1.5.10 |
org.apache.orc | orc-shims | 1.5.10 |
org.apache.parquet | parquet-column | |
org.apache.parquet | parquet-common | |
org.apache.parquet | parquet-encoding | |
org.apache.parquet | parquet-format | 2.4.0 |
org.apache.parquet | parquet-hadoop | |
org.apache.parquet | parquet-jackson | |
org.apache.thrift | libfb303 | 0.9.3 |
org.apache.thrift | libthrift | 0.12.0 |
org.apache.velocity | velocity | 1.5 |
org.apache.xbean | xbean-asm7-shaded | 4.15 |
org.apache.yetus | audience-annotations | 0.5.0 |
org.apache.zookeeper | zookeeper | 3.4.14 |
org.codehaus.jackson | jackson-core-asl | 1.9.13 |
org.codehaus.jackson | jackson-jaxrs | 1.9.13 |
org.codehaus.jackson | jackson-mapper-asl | 1.9.13 |
org.codehaus.jackson | jackson-xc | 1.9.13 |
org.codehaus.janino | commons-compiler | 3.0.16 |
org.codehaus.janino | janino | 3.0.16 |
org.datanucleus | datanucleus-api-jdo | 4.2.4 |
org.datanucleus | datanucleus-core | 4.1.17 |
org.datanucleus | datanucleus-rdbms | 4.1.19 |
org.datanucleus | javax.jdo | 3.2.0-m3 |
org.eclipse.jetty | jetty-client | 9.4.18.v20190429 |
org.eclipse.jetty | jetty-continuation | 9.4.18.v20190429 |
org.eclipse.jetty | jetty-http | 9.4.18.v20190429 |
org.eclipse.jetty | jetty-io | 9.4.18.v20190429 |
org.eclipse.jetty | jetty-jndi | 9.4.18.v20190429 |
org.eclipse.jetty | jetty-plus | 9.4.18.v20190429 |
org.eclipse.jetty | jetty-proxy | 9.4.18.v20190429 |
org.eclipse.jetty | jetty-security | 9.4.18.v20190429 |
org.eclipse.jetty | jetty-server | 9.4.18.v20190429 |
org.eclipse.jetty | jetty-servlet | 9.4.18.v20190429 |
org.eclipse.jetty | jetty-servlets | 9.4.18.v20190429 |
org.eclipse.jetty | jetty-util | 9.4.18.v20190429 |
org.eclipse.jetty | jetty-webapp | 9.4.18.v20190429 |
org.eclipse.jetty | jetty-xml | 9.4.18.v20190429 |
org.fusesource.leveldbjni | leveldbjni-all | 1.8 |
org.glassfish.hk2 | hk2-api | 2.6.1 |
org.glassfish.hk2 | hk2-locator | 2.6.1 |
org.glassfish.hk2 | hk2-utils | 2.6.1 |
org.glassfish.hk2 | osgi-resource-locator | 1.0.3 |
org.glassfish.hk2.external | aopalliance-repackaged | 2.6.1 |
org.glassfish.hk2.external | jakarta.inject | 2.6.1 |
org.glassfish.jersey.containers | jersey-container-servlet | 2.30 |
org.glassfish.jersey.containers | jersey-container-servlet-core | 2.30 |
org.glassfish.jersey.core | jersey-client | 2.30 |
org.glassfish.jersey.core | jersey-common | 2.30 |
org.glassfish.jersey.core | jersey-server | 2.30 |
org.glassfish.jersey.inject | jersey-hk2 | 2.30 | | jersey-media-jaxb | 2.30 |
org.hibernate.validator | hibernate-validator | 6.1.0.Final |
org.javassist | javassist | 3.25.0-GA |
org.jboss.logging | jboss-logging | 3.3.2.Final |
org.jdbi | jdbi | 2.63.1 |
org.joda | joda-convert | 1.7 |
org.jodd | jodd-core | 3.5.2 |
org.json4s | json4s-ast_2.12 | 3.6.6 |
org.json4s | json4s-core_2.12 | 3.6.6 |
org.json4s | json4s-jackson_2.12 | 3.6.6 |
org.json4s | json4s-scalap_2.12 | 3.6.6 |
org.lz4 | lz4-java | 1.7.1 |
org.mariadb.jdbc | mariadb-java-client | 2.1.2 |
org.objenesis | objenesis | 2.5.1 |
org.postgresql | postgresql | 42.1.4 |
org.roaringbitmap | RoaringBitmap | 0.7.45 |
org.roaringbitmap | shims | 0.7.45 |
org.rocksdb | rocksdbjni | 6.2.2 |
org.rosuda.REngine | REngine | 2.1.0 |
org.scala-lang | scala-compiler_2.12 | 2.12.10 |
org.scala-lang | scala-library_2.12 | 2.12.10 |
org.scala-lang | scala-reflect_2.12 | 2.12.10 |
org.scala-lang.modules | scala-collection-compat_2.12 | 2.1.1 |
org.scala-lang.modules | scala-parser-combinators_2.12 | 1.1.2 |
org.scala-lang.modules | scala-xml_2.12 | 1.2.0 |
org.scala-sbt | test-interface | 1.0 |
org.scalacheck | scalacheck_2.12 | 1.14.2 |
org.scalactic | scalactic_2.12 | 3.0.8 |
org.scalanlp | breeze-macros_2.12 | 1.0 |
org.scalanlp | breeze_2.12 | 1.0 |
org.scalatest | scalatest_2.12 | 3.0.8 |
org.slf4j | jcl-over-slf4j | 1.7.30 |
org.slf4j | jul-to-slf4j | 1.7.30 |
org.slf4j | slf4j-api | 1.7.30 |
org.slf4j | slf4j-log4j12 | 1.7.30 |
org.spark-project.spark | unused | 1.0.0 |
org.springframework | spring-core | 4.1.4.RELEASE |
org.springframework | spring-test | 4.1.4.RELEASE |
org.threeten | threeten-extra | 1.5.0 |
org.tukaani | xz | 1.5 |
org.typelevel | algebra_2.12 | 2.0.0-M2 |
org.typelevel | cats-kernel_2.12 | 2.0.0-M4 |
org.typelevel | machinist_2.12 | 0.6.8 |
org.typelevel | macro-compat_2.12 | 1.1.1 |
org.typelevel | spire-macros_2.12 | 0.17.0-M1 |
org.typelevel | spire-platform_2.12 | 0.17.0-M1 |
org.typelevel | spire-util_2.12 | 0.17.0-M1 |
org.typelevel | spire_2.12 | 0.17.0-M1 |
org.xerial | sqlite-jdbc | |
org.xerial.snappy | snappy-java | |
org.yaml | snakeyaml | 1.24 |
oro | oro | 2.0.8 | | JLargeArrays | 1.5 | | ion-java | 1.0.2 |
stax | stax-api | 1.0.1 |
xmlenc | xmlenc | 0.52 |