

Use self-managed shipping for Azure Data Box in the Azure portal

This article describes self-managed shipping tasks to order, pick up, and drop-off of an Azure Data Box device. You can manage the Data Box device using the Azure portal.


To get answers to frequently asked questions about Data Box orders and shipments, see Data Box FAQ.


Self-managed shipping is available as an option when you Order Azure Data Box.

Self-managed shipping is only available in the following regions:

Region Region Region Region Region
US Government United States United Kingdom Western Europe Japan
Singapore South Korea India South Africa Australia
Brazil Norway

Use self-managed shipping

When you place a Data Box order, you can choose the self-managed shipping option.

  1. In your Azure Data Box order, under the Contact details, select + Add Shipping Address.

    Self-managed shipping, Add Shipping Address

  2. When choosing a shipping type, select the Self-managed shipping option. This option is only available if you are in a supported region as described in the prerequisites.

  3. Once you've provided your shipping address, you'll need to validate it and complete your order.

    Self-managed shipping, validate and add address

  4. Once the device has been prepared and you receive an email notification for it, you can schedule a pickup.

    In your Azure Data Box order, go to Overview and then select Schedule pickup.

    Data Box order, Schedule pickup option

  5. Follow the instructions in the Schedule pickup for Azure.

    Before you can get your authorization code, you must email adbops@microsoft.com to schedule the device pickup from your region's datacenter.

    Schedule pickup for Azure instructions

    If you're returning a Data Box in Brazil, see Return Azure Data Box for detailed instructions.

    Subject: Request Azure Data Box Disk pickup for order: <ordername>
    - Order name
    - Company name
    - Company legal name (if different) 
    - CNPJ (Business Tax ID, format: 00.000.000/0000-00) or CPF (Individual Tax ID, format: 000.000.000-00)
    - Address
    - Country 
    - Phone number 
    - Contact name of the person who will pick up the Data Box Disk (A government-issued photo ID will be required to validate the contact’s identity upon arrival.)   
  6. After you schedule your device pickup, you can view your device authorization code in the Schedule pickup for Azure pane.

    Viewing your device authorization code

    Make a note of this Authorization code. The person who picks up the device will need to provide it.

    As per security requirements, at the time of scheduling pick-up, it's necessary to provide the name and details of the person who will be arriving for the pickup. You or the point of contact must carry a government-approved photo ID, which will be validated at the datacenter.

  7. Pick up the Data Box from the datacenter at the scheduled time.

    The person who is picking up the device needs to provide the following:

    • A copy of the email confirmation for visiting the datacenter from Microsoft Operations.

    • The authorization code. The reference number is unique for a pick-up or a drop-off and is validated at the datacenter.

    • Government-approved photo ID. The ID will be validated at the datacenter, and the name and details of the person picking up the device must be provided when the pickup is scheduled.


    If a scheduled appointment is missed, you'll need to schedule a new appointment.

  8. Your order automatically moves to the Picked up state once the device has been picked up from the datacenter.

    An order in Picked up state

  9. After the device is picked up, copy data to the Data Box at your site. After the data copy is complete, you can prepare to ship the Data Box. For more information, see Prepare to ship.

    The Prepare to ship step needs to complete without any critical errors. Otherwise, you'll need to run this step again after making the necessary fixes. After the Prepare to ship step completes successfully, you can view the authorization code for the drop-off on the device local user interface.


    Do not share the authorization code over email. This is only to be verified at the datacenter during drop off.

  10. If you've received an appointment for drop-off, the order should have Ready to receive at Azure datacenter status in the Azure portal. Follow the instructions under Schedule drop-off to return the device.

    Instructions for device drop-off

  11. After your ID and authorization code are verified, and you have dropped off the device at the datacenter, the order status should be Received.

    An order with Received status

  12. Once the device is received, the data copy will continue. When the copy finishes, the order is complete.

Next steps