

Visualize data from Azure Data Explorer in Tableau

Tableau is a visual analytics platform for business intelligence. To connect to Azure Data Explorer from Tableau and bring in data from a sample cluster, use the SQL Server Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) driver.


Visualize data in Tableau

Once you've finished configuring ODBC, you can bring sample data into Tableau.

  1. In Tableau Desktop, in the left menu, select Other Databases (ODBC).

    Connect with ODBC.

  2. For DSN, select the data source you created for ODBC, then select Sign In.

    ODBC sign-in.

  3. For Database, select the database on your sample cluster, such as TestDatabase. For Schema, select dbo, and for Table, select the StormEvents sample table. Once selected, Tableau shows the schema for the sample data.

    Select database and table.

  4. Select Update Now to bring the data into Tableau.

    Update data.

    When the data is imported, Tableau shows rows of data similar to the following image.

    Result set.

  5. Now you can create visualizations in Tableau based on the data you brought in from Azure Data Explorer. For more information, see Tableau Learning.