

Get standby pool and instance details (Preview)

This article discusses how to retrieve information about your standby pool and the container groups within it.

Standby pool details

Use the standby pool runtime view APIs to get the current status of your standby pool including how many container groups are available and their current provisioning state.

az standby-container-group-pool status --resource-group myResourceGroup --name myStandbyPool

  "id": "/subscriptions/401ef76a-dea9-45da-b19a-db3efced675b/resourceGroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.StandbyPool/standbyContainerGroupPools/myStandbyPool/runtimeViews/latest",
  "instanceCountSummary": [
      "instanceCountsByState": [
          "count": 5,
          "state": "Creating"
          "count": 20,
          "state": "Running"
          "count": 0,
          "state": "Deleting"
  "name": "latest",
  "provisioningState": "Succeeded",
  "resourceGroup": "myResourceGroup",
  "type": "Microsoft.StandbyPool/standbyContainerGroupPools/runtimeViews"

Next steps

Learn more about standby pools for Azure Container Instances.