

Align responsibilities across teams

Learn to align responsibilities across teams. Align responsibilities by developing a cross-team matrix that identifies responsible, accountable, consulted, and informed (RACI) parties. This article provides an example RACI matrix for the organizational structures described in the Establish team structures article:

To track organizational structure decisions over time, download and modify the RACI template.

The examples in this article specify these RACI constructs:

  • The one team that is accountable for a function.
  • The teams that are responsible for the outcomes.
  • The teams that should be consulted during planning.
  • The teams that should be informed when work is completed.

The last row of each table (except the first) contains a link to the most-aligned cloud capability for additional information.

Cloud adoption team only

Team Solution delivery Business alignment Change management Solution operations Governance Platform maturity Platform operations Platform automation
Cloud adoption team Accountable Accountable Accountable Accountable Accountable Accountable Accountable Accountable

Best practice: Minimum viable product (MVP)

Team Solution delivery Business alignment Change management Solution operations Governance Platform maturity Platform operations Platform automation
Cloud adoption team Accountable Accountable Accountable Accountable Consulted Consulted Consulted Informed
Cloud governance team Consulted Informed Informed Informed Accountable Accountable Accountable Accountable
Aligned cloud capability Cloud adoption Cloud strategy Cloud strategy Cloud operations CCoE and cloud governance CCoE and cloud platform CCoE and cloud platform CCoE and cloud automation

Central IT team

Team Solution delivery Business alignment Change management Solution operations Governance Platform maturity Platform operations Platform automation
Cloud adoption team Accountable Accountable Responsible Responsible Informed Informed Informed Informed
Cloud governance team Consulted Informed Informed Informed Accountable Consulted Responsible Informed
Central IT team Consulted Informed Accountable Accountable Responsible Accountable Accountable Accountable
Aligned cloud capability Cloud adoption Cloud strategy Cloud strategy Cloud operations Cloud governance Central IT team Central IT team Central IT team

Strategic alignment

Team Solution delivery Business alignment Change management Solution operations Governance Platform maturity Platform operations Platform automation
Cloud strategy team Consulted Accountable Accountable Consulted Consulted Informed Informed Informed
Cloud adoption team Accountable Consulted Responsible Accountable Informed Informed Informed Informed
CCoE model RACI Consulted Informed Informed Informed Accountable Accountable Accountable Accountable
Aligned cloud capability Cloud adoption Cloud strategy Cloud strategy Cloud operations CCoE and cloud governance CCoE and cloud platform CCoE and cloud platform CCoE and cloud automation

Operational alignment

Team Solution delivery Business alignment Change management Solution operations Governance Platform maturity Platform operations Platform automation
Cloud strategy team Consulted Accountable Accountable Consulted Consulted Informed Informed Informed
Cloud adoption team Accountable Consulted Responsible Consulted Informed Informed Informed Informed
Cloud operations team Consulted Consulted Responsible Accountable Consulted Informed Accountable Consulted
CCoE model RACI Consulted Informed Informed Informed Accountable Accountable Responsible Accountable
Aligned cloud capability Cloud adoption Cloud strategy Cloud strategy Cloud operations CCoE and cloud governance CCoE and cloud platform CCoE and cloud platform CCoE and cloud automation

Cloud center of excellence (CCoE)

Team Solution delivery Business alignment Change management Solution operations Governance Platform maturity Platform operations Platform automation
Cloud strategy team Consulted Accountable Accountable Consulted Consulted Informed Informed Informed
Cloud adoption team Accountable Consulted Responsible Consulted Informed Informed Informed Informed
Cloud operations team Consulted Consulted Responsible Accountable Consulted Informed Accountable Consulted
Cloud governance team Consulted Informed Informed Consulted Accountable Consulted Responsible Informed
Cloud platform team Consulted Informed Informed Consulted Consulted Accountable Responsible Responsible
Cloud automation team Consulted Informed Informed Informed Consulted Responsible Responsible Accountable
Aligned cloud capability Cloud adoption Cloud strategy Cloud strategy Cloud operations CCoE and cloud governance CCoE and cloud platform CCoE and cloud platform CCoE and cloud automation

Next steps

To track decisions about organization structure over time, download and modify the RACI template. Copy and modify the most closely aligned sample from the RACI matrices in this article.