
Structured response template


Structured response templates let developers define a complex structure that supports the extensive functionality of Language generation (LG), like templating, composition, while leaving the interpretation of the structured response up to the caller of the LG library.

For bot applications, the following support is provided:

The Bot Framework activity template includes several customizable fields. The following properties are the most commonly used and are configurable via an activity template definition:

Property Use case
Text Display text used by the channel to render visually
Speak Spoken text used by the channel to render audibly
Attachments List of attachments with their type. Used by channels to render as UI cards or other generic file attachment types.
SuggestedActions List of actions rendered as suggestions to user.
InputHint Controls audio capture stream state on devices that support spoken input. Possible values include accepting, expecting, or ignoring.

There is no default fallback behavior implemented by the template resolver. If a property isn't specified, then it remains unspecified. For example, the Speak property isn't automatically assigned to be the Text property if only the Text property is specified.


Here's the definition of a structured template:

# TemplateName
> this is a comment
    Property1 = <plain text> .or. <plain text with template reference> .or. <expression>
    Property2 = list of values are denoted via '|'. e.g. a | b
> this is a comment about this specific property
    Property3 = Nested structures are achieved through composition

Here's an example of a basic text template:

# AskForAge.prompt
    Text = ${GetAge()}
    Speak = ${GetAge()}

# GetAge
- how old are you?
- what is your age?

Here's an example of text with a suggested action. Use | to denote a list.

> With '|' you are making attachments a list.
# AskForAge.prompt
    Text = ${GetAge()}
    SuggestedActions = 10 | 20 | 30

Here's an example of a Hero card definition:

# HeroCard
    title = Hero Card Example
    subtitle = Microsoft Bot Framework
    text = Build and connect intelligent bots to interact with your users naturally wherever they are, from text/sms to Skype, Slack, Office 365 mail and other popular services.
    images = https://sec.ch9.ms/ch9/7ff5/e07cfef0-aa3b-40bb-9baa-7c9ef8ff7ff5/buildreactionbotframework_960.jpg
    buttons = Option 1| Option 2| Option 3


LG provides some variability in card definition, which is converted to align with the SDK card definition. For example, both image and images fields are supported in all the card definitions in LG even though only images are supported in the SDK card definition.

The values defined in all of the image and images fields in a HeroCard or thumbnail card are combined and converted to an images list in the generated card. For the other types of cards, the last defined value in the template will be assigned to the image field. The values you assign to the image/images field can be a string, adaptive expression, or array in the format using |.

Below is the combination of the previous templates:

# AskForAge.prompt
    Text = ${GetAge()}
    Speak = ${GetAge()}
    Attachments = ${HeroCard()}
    SuggestedActions = 10 | 20 | 30
    InputHint = expecting

# GetAge
- how old are you?
- what is your age?

# HeroCard
    title = Hero Card Example
    subtitle = Microsoft Bot Framework
    text = Build and connect intelligent bots to interact with your users naturally wherever they are, from text/sms to Skype, Slack, Office 365 mail and other popular services.
    images = https://sec.ch9.ms/ch9/7ff5/e07cfef0-aa3b-40bb-9baa-7c9ef8ff7ff5/buildreactionbotframework_960.jpg
    buttons = Option 1| Option 2| Option 3

By default any template reference is evaluated once during evaluation of a structured template.

For example, # AskForAge.prompt returns the same resolution text for both the Speak and Text properties.

# AskForAge.prompt
    Text = ${GetAge()}
    Speak = ${GetAge()}

# GetAge
- how old are you?
- what is your age?

You can use <TemplateName>!() to request a new evaluation on each reference within a structured template.

In the example below, Speak and Text may have different resolution text because GetAge is re-evaluated on each instance.

    Text = ${GetAge()}
    Speak = ${GetAge!()}

# GetAge
- how old are you?
- what is your age?

Here's how to display a carousel of cards:

# AskForAge.prompt
> Defaults to carousel layout in case of list of cards
    Attachments = ${foreach($cardValues, item, HeroCard(item)}

# AskForAge.prompt_2
> Explicitly specify an attachment layout
    Attachments = ${foreach($cardValues, item, HeroCard(item)}
    AttachmentLayout = list

# HeroCard (title, subtitle, text)
    title = ${title}
    subtitle = ${subtitle}
    text = ${text}
    images = https://sec.ch9.ms/ch9/7ff5/e07cfef0-aa3b-40bb-9baa-7c9ef8ff7ff5/buildreactionbotframework_960.jpg
    buttons = Option 1| Option 2| Option 3

Use \ as an escape character.

> You can use '\' as an escape character
> \${GetAge()} would not be evaluated as expression, would be parsed as '${getAge()}' string
# AskForAge.prompt
        Text = \${GetAge()}
        SuggestedActions = 10 \| cards | 20 \| cards

Structured template composition

The following composition behavior is supported with structured templates:

  • Composition is structure context-aware. If the target template being referred is also a structured template, then the structure type must match. For example, an ActivityTemplate can be referred to in another ActivityTemplate.
  • References to simple or conditional response template can exist anywhere inside a structured template.

Suppose you have the following template:

# T1
    Text = ${T2()}
    Speak = foo bar ${T3().speak}

# T2
- This is awesome

# T3
    Speak = I can also speak!

A call to evaluateTemplate('T1') would result in the following internal structure:

    Text = This is awesome
    Speak = I can also speak!

Full reference to another structured template

You can include a reference to another structured template as a property in another structured template, or as a reference in another simple or conditional response template

Here's an example of full reference to another structured template:

# ST1
    Text = foo
# ST2
    Speak = bar

With this content, a call to evaluateTemplate('ST1') will result in the following internal structure:

    Text = foo
    Speak = bar

When the same property exists in both the calling template as well as the called template, the content in the caller will overwrite any content in the called template.

Here's an example:

# ST1
    Text = foo
# ST2
    Speak = bar
    Text = zoo

With this context, a call to evaluateTemplate('ST1') will result in the following internal structure:

    Text = foo
    Speak = bar

Note that this style of composition can only exist at the root level. If there is a reference to another structured template within a property, then the resolution is contextual to that property.

External file reference in attachment structured

There are two prebuilt functions used to externally reference files

  1. fromFile(fileAbsoluteOrRelativePath) loads a specified file. Content returned by this function will support evaluation of content. Template references, properties, and expressions are evaluated.
  2. ActivityAttachment(content, contentType) sets the contentType if it's not already specified in the content.

With these two prebuilt functions, you can pull in any externally defined content, including all card types. Use the following structured LG to compose an activity:

# AdaptiveCard
                Attachments = ${ActivityAttachment(json(fromFile('../../card.json')), 'adaptiveCard')}

# HeroCard
                Attachments = ${ActivityAttachment(json(fromFile('../../card.json')), 'heroCard')}

You can also use attachments, seen below:

# AdaptiveCard
    contenttype = adaptivecard
    content = ${json(fromFile('../../card.json'))}

# HeroCard
    contenttype = herocard
    content = ${json(fromFile('../../card.json'))}

Additional Information