
Add single sign-on to a bot


This article shows how to use the single sign-on (SSO) feature in a bot. To do so, this feature uses a consumer bot—also known as the root or parent bot—to interact with a skill or child bot. This article uses the terms root bot and skill bot.

If you include SSO support, a user can sign into the root bot using an identity provider and won't need to sign in again when control passes to a skill.

The root and skill bots are separate bots, running on potentially different servers, each with its own separate memory and state. For more information about skills, see Skills overview and Implement a skill. For more information about user authentication, see Bot Framework authentication basics, User authentication, and Add authentication to a bot.


When you use Azure AI Bot Service authentication with Web Chat, there are some important security considerations you must keep in mind. For more information, see the security considerations section in the REST authentication article.


About the sample

This article references two bots: the RootBot and the SkillBot. The RootBot forwards activities to the SkillBot. They model this typical skill scenario:

  • A root bot calls one or more skill bots.
  • Both the root and skill bots implement the basic authentication described in the Add authentication to a bot article.
  • The user logs into root bot.
  • Because of the SSO and being already logged into the root bot, they're logged into the skill bot without requiring user interaction again.

For an overview of how the Bot Framework handles authentication, see User authentication. For SSO background information, see Single sign-on.

The RootBot supports SSO. It communicates with the SkillBot on behalf of the user, without the user being required to authenticate again into the _SkillBot.

For each project in the sample, you need the following:

  1. An Microsoft Entra ID application to register a bot resource in Azure.
  2. An Microsoft Entra ID identity provider application for authentication.


    Currently, only the Microsoft Entra ID identity provider is supported.

Create the Azure RootBot resource

  1. Create an Azure bot resource in the Azure portal for the RootBot. Follow the steps described in Create an Azure bot resource.
  2. Copy and save the bot registration app ID and the client secret.

Create the Microsoft Entra ID identity for RootBot

The Microsoft Entra ID is a cloud identity service that allows you to build applications that securely sign in users using industry standard protocols like OAuth2.0.

  1. Create an identity application for the RootBot that uses Microsoft Entra ID to authenticate the user. Follow the steps described in Create the Microsoft Entra ID identity provider.

  2. In the left pane, select Manifest.

  3. Set accessTokenAcceptedVersion to 2.

  4. Select Save.

  5. In the left pane, select Expose an API.

  6. In the right pane, select Add a scope.

  7. On the far right Add a scope section, select Save and continue.

  8. In the displayed window, under Who can consent?, select Admins and users.

  9. Enter the remaining required information.

  10. Select Add scope.

  11. Copy and save the scope value.

Create an OAuth connection setting for RootBot

  1. Create an Microsoft Entra ID connection in the RootBot bot registration and enter values as described in Microsoft Entra ID and the value described below.

  2. Leave the Token Exchange URL empty.

  3. In the Scopes box, enter the RootBot scope value you saved in the previous steps.


    Scopes contains the URL that the user initially signs in into the root bot, while token exchange URL is left empty.

    As an example, let's assume that the root bot appid is rootAppId and the skill bot appid is skillAppId. The root bot's scopes will look like api://rootAppId/customScope, which is used to login the user. This root bot's scopes is then exchanged with api://skillAppId/customscope during SSO.

  4. Copy and save the name of the connection.

Create the Azure SkillBot resource

  1. Create an Azure bot resource in the Azure portal for the SkillBot. Follow the steps described in Create an Azure bot resource.
  2. Copy and save the bot registration app ID and the client secret.

Create the Microsoft Entra ID identity for SkillBot

The Microsoft Entra ID is a cloud identity service that allows you to build applications that securely sign in users using industry standard protocols like OAuth2.0.

  1. Create an identity application for the SkillBot that uses Microsoft Entra ID to authenticate the bot. Follow the steps described in Create the Microsoft Entra ID identity provider.

  2. In the left pane, select Manifest.

  3. Set accessTokenAcceptedVersion to 2.

  4. Select Save.

  5. In the left pane, select Expose an API.

  6. In the right pane, select Add a scope.

  7. In the far right Add a scope section, select Save and continue.

  8. In the displayed window, under Who can consent? select Admins and users.

  9. Enter the remaining required information.

  10. Select Add scope.

  11. Copy and save the scope value.

  12. Select Add a client application. In the far right section, in the Client ID box, enter the RootBot identity app ID you saved before. Make sure you use the RootBot identity and not the registration app ID.


    For client applications, Azure AI Bot Service does not support single sing-on with the Microsoft Entra ID B2C identity provider.

  13. Under Authorized scope, check the box by the scope value.

  14. Select Add application.

  15. In the navigation pane on the left, select API permissions. It's a best practice to explicitly set the API permissions for the app.

    1. In the right pane, select Add a permission.

    2. Select Microsoft APIs then Microsoft Graph.

    3. Choose Delegated permissions and make sure the permissions you need are selected. This sample requires the permissions listed below.


      Any permission marked as ADMIN CONSENT REQUIRED will require both a user and a tenant admin to login.

      • openid
      • profile
      • User.Read
      • User.ReadBasic.All
    4. Select Add permissions.

Create an OAuth connection setting for SkillBot

  1. Create an Microsoft Entra ID connection in the SkillBot bot registration and enter values as described in Microsoft Entra ID and the values described below.

  2. In the Token Exchange URL box, enter the SkillBot scope value you saved in the previous steps.

  3. In the Scopes box, enter the following values separated by blank space: profile User.Read User.ReadBasic.All openid.

  4. Copy and save to a file the name of the connection.

Test the connection

  1. Select on the connection entry to open the connection you created.
  2. Select Test Connection at the top of the Service Provider Connection Setting pane.
  3. The first time, this should open a new browser tab listing the permissions your app is requesting and prompt you to accept.
  4. Select Accept.
  5. This should then redirect you to a Test Connection to <your-connection-name> Succeeded page.

For more information, see the Microsoft Entra ID for developers (v1.0) overview and Microsoft identity platform (v2.0) overview. For information about the differences between the v1 and v2 endpoints, see Why update to Microsoft identity platform (v2.0)?. For complete information, see Microsoft identity platform (formerly Microsoft Entra ID for developers).

Prepare the samples code

You must update the appsettings.json file in both samples as described below.

  1. Clone the SSO with Simple Skill Consumer and Skill sample from the GitHub repository.

  2. Open the SkillBot project appsettings.json file. Assign the following values from the saved file:

        "MicrosoftAppId": "<SkillBot registration app ID>",
        "MicrosoftAppPassword": "<SkillBot registration password>",
        "ConnectionName": "<SkillBot connection name>",
        "AllowedCallers": [ "<RootBot registration app ID>" ]
  3. Open the RootBot project appsettings.json file. Assign the following values from the saved file:

        "MicrosoftAppId": "<RootBot registration app ID>",
        "MicrosoftAppPassword": "<RootBot registration password>",
        "ConnectionName": "<RootBot connection name>",
        "SkillHostEndpoint": "http://localhost:3978/api/skills/",
        "BotFrameworkSkills": [
                "Id": "SkillBot",
                "AppId": "<SkillBot registration app ID>",
                "SkillEndpoint": "http://localhost:39783/api/messages"

Test the samples

Use the following for testing:

  • RootBot commands

    • login allows the user to sign into the Microsoft Entra ID registration using the RootBot. Once signed in, SSO takes care of the sign-in into the SkillBot also. The user doesn't have to sign in again.
    • token displays the user's token.
    • logout logs the user out of the RootBot.
  • SkillBot commands

    • skill login allows the RootBot to sign into the SkillBot, on behalf of the user. The user isn't shown a sign-in card, if already signed in, unless SSO fails.
    • skill token displays the user's token from the SkillBot.
    • skill logout logs the user out of the SkillBot


The first time users try SSO on a skill, they may be presented with an OAuth card to log in. This is because they haven't yet given consent to the skill's Microsoft Entra ID app. To avoid this, they can grant admin consent for any graph permissions requested by the Microsoft Entra ID app.

If you haven't done so already, install the Bot Framework Emulator. See also Debug with the Emulator.

You'll need to configure the Emulator for the bot sample login to work. Use the steps below: as shown in Configure the Emulator for authentication.

After you've configured the authentication mechanism, you can perform the actual bot sample testing.

  1. In Visual Studio, open the SSOWithSkills.sln solution and configure it to start debugging with multiple processes.

  2. Start debugging locally on your machine. Notice that in theRootBot project appsettings.json file you've the following settings:

    "SkillHostEndpoint": "http://localhost:3978/api/skills/"
    "SkillEndpoint": "http://localhost:39783/api/messages"


    These settings imply that, with both RootBot and SkillBot are running on the local machine. The Emulator communicates with RootBot on port 3978 and RootBot communicates with SkillBot on port 39783. As soon as you start debugging, two default browser windows open. One on port 3978 and the other on port 39783.

  3. Start the Emulator.

  4. When you connect to the bot, enter your RootBot registration app ID and password.

  5. Type hi to start the conversation.

  6. Enter login. The RootBot will display a Sign In to AAD authentication card.

    Example of a sign-in card.

  7. Select Sign In. The pop-up dialog Confirm Open URL is displayed.

    Screenshot of the 'open URL' confirmation message.

  8. Select Confirm. You'll be logged in and the RootBot token is displayed.

  9. Enter token to display the token again.

    Example of a message displaying the root token.

    Now you're ready to communicate with the SkillBot. Once you've signed using the RootBot, you don't need to provide your credentials again until you sign out. This demonstrates that SSO is working.

  10. Enter skill login in the Emulator box. You'll not be asked to log in again. Instead the SkillBot token is displayed.

  11. Enter skill token to display the token again.

  12. Now you can enter skill logout to sign out of the SkillBot. Then enter logout to sign out of the SimpleRootBoot.

Additional information

The following time-sequence diagram applies to the samples used in the article and shows the interaction between the various components involved. ABS stands for Azure AI Bot Service.

Sequence diagram illustrating the skill token flow.

  1. The first time, the user enters the login command for the RootBot.
  2. The RootBot sends an OAuthCard asking the user to sign in.
  3. The user enters the authentication credentials that are sent to the ABS (Azure AI Bot Service).
  4. The ABS sends the authentication token, generated based on the user's credentials, to the RootBot.
  5. The RootBot displays the root token for the user to see.
  6. The user enters the skill login command for the SkillBot.
  7. The SkillBot sends an OAuthCard to the RootBot.
  8. The RootBot asks for an exchangeable token from ABS.
  9. SSO sends the SkillBot skill token to the RootBot.
  10. The RootBot displays the skill token for the user to see. Notice that the skill token was generated without the user having to sign in the SKillBot. This is because of the SSO.

The following example shows how the token exchange happens. The code is from the TokenExchangeSkillHandler.cs file.

private async Task<bool> InterceptOAuthCards(ClaimsIdentity claimsIdentity, Activity activity)
    var oauthCardAttachment = activity.Attachments?.FirstOrDefault(a => a?.ContentType == OAuthCard.ContentType);
    if (oauthCardAttachment != null)
        var targetSkill = GetCallingSkill(claimsIdentity);
        if (targetSkill != null)
            var oauthCard = ((JObject)oauthCardAttachment.Content).ToObject<OAuthCard>();

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(oauthCard?.TokenExchangeResource?.Uri))
                using (var context = new TurnContext(_adapter, activity))
                    context.TurnState.Add<IIdentity>("BotIdentity", claimsIdentity);

                    // AAD token exchange
                        var result = await _tokenExchangeProvider.ExchangeTokenAsync(
                            new TokenExchangeRequest() { Uri = oauthCard.TokenExchangeResource.Uri }).ConfigureAwait(false);

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result?.Token))
                            // If token above is null, then SSO has failed and hence we return false.
                            // If not, send an invoke to the skill with the token. 
                            return await SendTokenExchangeInvokeToSkill(activity, oauthCard.TokenExchangeResource.Id, result.Token, oauthCard.ConnectionName, targetSkill, default).ConfigureAwait(false);
                        // Show oauth card if token exchange fails.
                        return false;

                    return false;
    return false;