

Restore an Azure Database for MySQL flexible server by using Azure Backup (preview)


The preview solution for protecting Azure Database for MySQL flexible servers using Azure Backup is currently paused. Please refrain from configuring new backups until further notice. Rest assured, all existing backup data remains safe and available for restore. In the meantime, you can refer to the blog post instructions to create long-term backups manually, ensuring compliance with your immediate needs.

This article describes how to restore your Azure Database for MySQL flexible server by using Azure Backup.

Learn more about the supported scenarios, considerations, and limitations.


Backup data is stored in the Backup vault as a blob within the Microsoft tenant. During a restore operation, the backup data is copied from one storage account to another across tenants. Ensure that the target storage account for the restore has the AllowCrossTenantReplication property set to true.

Restore an Azure Database for MySQL - Flexible Server database

To restore the database, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Backup vault, and then select Backup instances.

  2. Select Azure Database for MySQL - Flexible Server (preview) > Restore.

    Screenshot that shows how to go to a backup instance.

  3. Choose Select restore point, and then select the point in time that you want to restore.

    To change the date range, select Time period.

    Screenshot that shows the selection of a point-in-time recovery point.

  4. On the Restore parameters tab, select the Target Storage account and Target Container values, and then select Validate.

    The validation process checks if the restore parameters and permissions are assigned for the restore operation.

    Screenshot that shows the selection of restore parameters.

  5. When the validation is successful, select Restore.

    This action restores the selected database backups in the target storage account.

    Screenshot that shows how to trigger restore operation.

Next step