

Support matrix for Azure Database for PostgreSQL- Flexible Server

You can use Azure Backup to protect Azure Database for PostgreSQL- Flexible Server. This article summarizes supported regions, scenarios, and the limitations.

Supported regions

Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Flexible server backup is generally available in the following regions: East Asia, Central India, Southeast Asia, UK South, and UK West. However, this feature is currently in preview for other regions.

Support scenarios

Consider the following support scenarios when you back up Azure Database for PostgreSQL – Flexible Server:

  • Vaulted backup restores are only available as Restore to Files in user specified storage containers. You can restore this data as a new PostgreSQL - flexible server with the database native tools.
  • Backups for the PostgreSQL server are supported when the Backup Vault is in the same or a different subscription as the database, provided they are within the same tenant and region. Restores are supported across regions (Azure Paired) and across subscriptions within the same tenant.
  • For vaulted backups, entire server is backed up with all databases. Backup of specific databases isn't supported.
  • Recommended limit for the maximum server size is 1 TB. While backups can be attempted on server size exceeding 1 TB, which aren't officially supported, and the success of vaulted backups for such server can't be guaranteed.
  • PostgreSQL - Flexible servers encrypted by Customer Managed Key are supported.
  • Private endpoint-enabled Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Flexible servers can be backed up by allowing trusted Microsoft services in the network settings.
  • Backups for PostgreSQL Flexible servers exclude databases owned by azuresu or azure_pg_admin, including the native PostgreSQL database. So, databases with these owners can't be backed up or restored.


Azure Database for PostgreSQL – Flexible Server backups include the following limitations:

  • Vaulted backup doesn't support storage in archive tier.
  • Vaulted backup isn't supported on replicas; backup can be configured only on primary servers.
  • For restore operation, item level recovery (recovery of specific databases) isn't supported.
  • Weekly backups are supported for only one day in the week on which backup is initiated.
  • Vaulted backups don't support tables containing a row with BYTEA length exceeding 500 MB.

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