

Save on compute costs with Azure Reservations - Azure SQL Database & SQL Managed Instance

Applies to: Azure SQL Database Azure SQL Managed Instance

This article provides an overview of using Azure Reservations to save on compute costs for Azure SQL Database and Azure SQL Managed Instance. Azure Reservations are a billing discount that you can use to save money by committing to use compute resources at a discounted rate for a period of time.


Purchasing a reservation is a cost-saving mechanism that reserves a discounted price for compute resources, and does not pre-allocate or guarantee specific infrastructure resources (virtual machines or nodes) for use.

What are Azure Reservations?

With Azure Reservations, you commit to using Azure SQL resource for a period of one or three years to receive a significant discount on compute costs. To purchase a reservation, you need to specify the Azure region, deployment type, performance tier, and term.

You do not need to assign the reservation to a specific database or managed instance. Matching existing deployments that are already running, or ones that are newly deployed automatically, get the benefit. Hence, by purchasing a reservation, existing resources infrastructure would not be modified and thus no failover/downtime is triggered on existing resources. By purchasing a reservation, you commit to usage for the compute costs for a period of one or three years. As soon as you buy a reservation, the compute charges that match the reservation attributes are no longer charged at the pay-as-you-go rates.

A reservation applies to both primary and billable secondary compute replicas, but does not cover software, networking, or storage charges associated with the service. At the end of the reservation term, the billing benefit expires and the database or managed instance is billed at the pay-as-you-go price. Reservations do not automatically renew. For pricing information, see the reservation offering.

You can buy reservations in the Azure portal. Pay for the reservation up front or with monthly payments.

To buy a reservation:

  • You must have the Owner role or Reservation Purchaser role on an Azure subscription.
  • For Enterprise subscriptions, Add Reserved Instances must be enabled in the EA portal. Or, if that setting is disabled, you must be an EA Admin on the subscription.

For more information about how enterprise customers and pay-as-you-go customers are charged for reservation purchases, see Understand Azure reservation usage for your Enterprise enrollment and Understand Azure reservation usage for your pay-as-you-go subscription.


You can significantly save on Azure SQL Managed Instance costs by applying your reservations to an instance pool.

Determine the correct size before purchase

The size of reservation should be based on the total amount of compute used by the existing or soon-to-be-deployed database or managed instance within a specific region and using the same performance tier and hardware configuration.

For example, let's suppose that you are running:

  • 1 General Purpose, standard-series (Gen5) – 16 vCore elastic pool and
  • 2 Business Critical standard-series (Gen5) – 4 vCore single databases.

Further, let's suppose that you plan to deploy the following within the next month:

  • 1 additional General Purpose standard-series (Gen5) – 16 vCore elastic pool and
  • 1 business critical standard-series (Gen5) – 32 vCore elastic pool.

Also, let's suppose that you know that you will need these resources for at least 1 year. In this case, you should purchase a 32 (2x16) vCores 1-year reservation for single database/elastic pool General Purpose - standard-series (Gen5) and a 40 (2x4 + 32) vCore 1-year reservation for single database/elastic pool Business Critical - standard-series (Gen5).

Reservations for zone-redundant resources

When you enable zone-redundancy, resources are made available in multiple availability zones to provide high availability and fault tolerance.

Compute costs for the following zone-redundant resources include an extra charge for the zone-redundancy add-on, which is billed separately from standard compute:

Reservations can cover compute costs for both standard compute and the zone-redundancy add-on, but they need to be purchased as two separate reservation types:

  • vCore for standard compute
  • vCore ZR for the zone-redundancy add-on

The following lists the compute charges for different reservation scenarios:

  • No reservation: Pay-as-you-go price for both standard compute and the zone-redundant add-on.
  • Full reservation (vCore + vCore ZR type): Reservation discount applies to both standard compute and the zone-redundant add-on. This scenario is for when you want to fully cover compute costs for zone-redundant resources.
  • Reservation for standard compute (vCore type only): Reservation discount applies to standard compute only. This scenario is for when you lack zone-redundant resources, or are buying a new reservation for non-zone-redundant resources.
  • Reservation for zone-redundant add-on (vCore ZR type only): Reservation discount applies to the zone-redundant add-on only. This scenario is for when you already have an existing vCore reservation and are adding zone redundancy to one or more resources.

Carefully evaluate your compute needs and reservation strategy to optimize costs and ensure efficient resource allocation.

Buy reservations

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal.

  2. Select All services > Reservations.

  3. Select Add and then in the Purchase Reservations pane,

    • Select SQL Database to purchase a new reservation for Azure SQL Database.
    • Select SQL Managed Instance to purchase a new reservation for Azure SQL Managed Instance.
  4. Fill in the required fields. Existing databases in SQL Database and SQL Managed Instance that match the attributes you select qualify to get the reservation discount. The actual number of databases or managed instances that get the discount depends on the scope and quantity selected.

    Screenshot before submitting the reservation purchase.

    The following table describes the required fields.

    Field Description
    Subscription The subscription used to pay for the reservation. The payment method on the subscription is charged the upfront costs for the reservation. The subscription type must be an enterprise agreement (offer number MS-AZR-0017P or MS-AZR-0148P) or an individual agreement with pay-as-you-go pricing (offer number MS-AZR-0003P or MS-AZR-0023P). For an enterprise subscription, the charges are deducted from the enrollment's Azure Prepayment (previously called monetary commitment) balance or charged as overage. For an individual subscription with pay-as-you-go pricing, the charges are billed to the credit card or invoice payment method on the subscription.
    Scope The vCore reservation's scope can cover one subscription or multiple subscriptions (shared scope). If you select

    Shared, the vCore reservation discount is applied to the database or managed instance running in any subscriptions within your billing context. For enterprise customers, the shared scope is the enrollment and includes all subscriptions within the enrollment. For pay-as-you-go customers, the shared scope is all pay-as-you-go subscriptions created by the account administrator.

    Single subscription, the vCore reservation discount is applied to the databases or managed instances in this subscription.

    Single resource group, the reservation discount is applied to the instances of databases or managed instances in the selected subscription and the selected resource group within that subscription.

    Management group, the reservation discount is applied to the matching resource in the list of subscriptions that are a part of both the management group and billing scope.
    Region The Azure region that's covered by the reservation.
    Deployment Type The SQL resource type that you want to buy the reservation for.
    Performance Tier The service tier for the databases or managed instances.
    Type The reservation type. Select vCore for standard compute or vCore ZR for the zone redundancy add-on. The vCore ZR reservation type is currently only available for the Azure SQL Database General Purpose service tier and Azure SQL Managed Instance Business Critical service tier.
    Term One year or three years.
    Quantity The number of vCores in the selected Azure region and service tier covered by the reservation. For example, if you run, or plan to run, multiple databases with a total compute capacity of standard-series (Gen5) 16 vCores in the East US region, then specify the quantity as 16 vCores to maximize the benefit for all the databases.
  5. Review the cost of the reservation in the Costs section.

  6. Select Purchase.

  7. Select View this Reservation to see the status of your purchase.

Cancel, exchange, or refund reservations

You can cancel, exchange, or refund reservations with certain limitations. For more information, see Self-service exchanges and refunds for Azure Reservations.

vCore size flexibility

vCore size flexibility helps you scale up or down within a performance tier and region, without losing the reservation benefit. Reservations also provide you with the flexibility to temporarily move your hot databases in and out of elastic pools (within the same region and performance tier) as part of your normal operations without losing the reservation benefit. By keeping an unapplied buffer in your reservation, you can effectively manage the performance spikes without exceeding your budget.


You cannot reserve DTU-based (basic, standard, or premium) databases in SQL Database. Reservation pricing is only supported for features and products that are in General Availability state.

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Next steps

The vCore reservation discount is applied automatically to the number of databases or managed instances that match the reservation scope and attributes. You can update the scope of the reservation through the Azure portal, PowerShell, Azure CLI, or the API.

To learn more, see manage reservations.

To learn about Azure Reservations, see the following articles: