

How to manage a Hyperscale database

Applies to: Azure SQL Database

The Hyperscale service tier provides a highly scalable storage and compute performance tier that leverages the Azure architecture to scale out storage and compute resources for an Azure SQL Database substantially beyond the limits available for the General Purpose and Business Critical service tiers.

This article links to important guides to carry out essential administration tasks for Hyperscale databases, including converting an existing database to Hyperscale, restoring a Hyperscale database to a different region, reverse migrating from Hyperscale to another service tier, and monitoring the status of ongoing and recent operations against a Hyperscale database.

Learn how to create a new Hyperscale database in Quickstart: Create a Hyperscale database in Azure SQL Database.

Monitor operations for a Hyperscale database

You can monitor the status of ongoing or recently completed operations for an Azure SQL Database using the Azure portal, the Azure CLI, PowerShell, or Transact-SQL.

Select the tab for your preferred method to monitor operations.

The Azure portal shows a notification for a database in Azure SQL Database when an operation such as a migration, reverse migration, or restore is in progress.

Screenshot of the overview panel of a database in Azure SQL Database. A notification of an ongoing operation appears in the notification area at the bottom of the panel.

  1. Navigate to the database in the Azure portal.
  2. In the left navigation bar, select Overview.
  3. Review the Notifications section at the bottom of the right pane. If operations are ongoing, a notification box appears.
  4. Select the notification box to view details.
  5. The Ongoing operations pane opens. Review the details of the ongoing operations.

View databases in the Hyperscale service tier

After migrating a database to Hyperscale or reconfiguring a database within the Hyperscale service tier, you might wish to view and/or document the configuration of your Hyperscale database.

The Azure portal shows a list of all databases on a logical server. The Pricing tier column includes the service tier for each database.

Screenshot of the overview panel of a logical server in Azure SQL Database, databases at the bottom of the panel.

  1. Navigate to your logical server in the Azure portal.
  2. In the left navigation bar, select Overview.
  3. Scroll to the list of resources at the bottom of the pane. The window displays the SQL elastic pools and databases on the logical server.
  4. Review the Pricing tier column to identify databases in the Hyperscale service tier.