

Linter rule - nested deployment template scoping

This linter rule triggers a diagnostic when a Microsoft.Resources/deployments resource using inner-scoped expression evaluation and contains any references to symbols defined in the parent template.

Linter rule code

Use the following value in the Bicep configuration file to customize rule settings:



The following example fails this test because fizz is defined in the parent template's namespace.

var fizz = 'buzz'

resource nested 'Microsoft.Resources/deployments@2024-03-01' = {
  name: 'name'
  properties: {
    mode: 'Incremental'
    expressionEvaluationOptions: {
      scope: 'inner'
    template: {
      '$schema': 'https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2019-04-01/deploymentTemplate.json#'
      contentVersion: ''
      resources: [
          apiVersion: '2024-03-01'
          type: 'Microsoft.Resources/tags'
          name: 'default'
          properties: {
            tags: {
              tag1: fizz // <-- Error! `fizz` is defined in the parent template's namespace

Next steps

For more information about the linter, see Use Bicep linter.