

Allow the Azure portal URLs on your firewall or proxy server

To optimize connectivity between your network and the Azure portal and its services, you may want to add specific Azure portal URLs to your allowlist. Doing so can improve performance and connectivity between your local- or wide-area network and the Azure cloud.

Network administrators often deploy proxy servers, firewalls, or other devices, which can help secure and give control over how users access the internet. Rules designed to protect users can sometimes block or slow down legitimate business-related internet traffic. This traffic includes communications between you and Azure over the URLs listed here.


For help diagnosing issues with network connections to these domains, visit Self-diagnostics.

You can use service tags to define network access controls on network security groups, Azure Firewall, and user-defined routes. Use service tags in place of fully qualified domain names (FQDNs) or specific IP addresses when you create security rules and routes.

Azure portal URLs for proxy bypass

The URL endpoints to allow for the Azure portal are specific to the Azure cloud where your organization is deployed. To allow network traffic to these endpoints to bypass restrictions, select your cloud, then add the list of URLs to your proxy server or firewall. We do not recommend adding any additional portal-related URLs aside from those listed here, although you may want to add URLs related to other Microsoft products and services. Depending on which services you use, you may not need to include all of these URLs in your allowlist.


Including the wildcard symbol (*) at the start of an endpoint will allow all subdomains. For endpoints with wildcards, we also advise you to add the URL without the wildcard. For example, you should add both *.portal.azure.com and portal.azure.com to ensure that access to the domain is allowed with or without a subdomain.

Avoid adding a wildcard symbol to endpoints listed here that don't already include one. Instead, if you identify additional subdomains of an endpoint that are needed for your particular scenario, we recommend that you allow only that particular subdomain.


The service tags required to access the Azure portal (including authentication and resource listing) are AzureActiveDirectory, AzureResourceManager, AzureFrontDoor.Frontend, and AzureFrontDoor.FirstParty. Access to other services may require additional permissions, as described below.
However, there is a possibility that unnecessary communication other than communication to access the portal may also be allowed. If granular control is required, FQDN-based access control such as Azure Firewall is required.

Azure portal authentication



Depending on your environment, you may need to allow additional URLs related to authentication, such as those listed in sections 56, 59, and 97 of Microsoft 365 URLs and IP address ranges.

Azure portal framework


Account data


General Azure services and documentation

aka.ms (Microsoft short URL)
*.asazure.windows.net (Analysis Services)
*.azconfig.io (AzConfig Service)
*.aad.azure.com (Microsoft Entra)
*.aadconnecthealth.azure.com (Microsoft Entra)
ad.azure.com (Microsoft Entra)
adf.azure.com (Azure Data Factory)
api.aadrm.com (Microsoft Entra)
api.loganalytics.io (Log Analytics Service)
api.azrbac.mspim.azure.com (Microsoft Entra)
*.applicationinsights.azure.com (Application Insights Service)
appmanagement.activedirectory.microsoft.com (Microsoft Entra)
appservice.azure.com (Azure App Services)
*.arc.azure.net (Azure Arc)
asazure.windows.net (Analysis Services)
bastion.azure.com (Azure Bastion Service)
batch.azure.com (Azure Batch Service)
catalogapi.azure.com (Azure Marketplace)
catalogartifact.azureedge.net (Azure Marketplace)
changeanalysis.azure.com (Change Analysis)
cognitiveservices.azure.com (Cognitive Services)
config.office.com (Microsoft Office)
cosmos.azure.com (Azure Cosmos DB)
*.database.windows.net (SQL Server)
datalake.azure.net (Azure Data Lake Service)
dev.azure.com (Azure DevOps)
dev.azuresynapse.net (Azure Synapse)
digitaltwins.azure.net (Azure Digital Twins)
elm.iga.azure.com (Microsoft Entra)
eventhubs.azure.net (Azure Event Hubs)
functions.azure.com (Azure Functions)
gallery.azure.com (Azure Marketplace)
go.microsoft.com (Microsoft documentation placeholder)
help.kusto.windows.net (Azure Kusto Cluster Help)
identitygovernance.azure.com (Microsoft Entra)
iga.azure.com (Microsoft Entra)
informationprotection.azure.com (Microsoft Entra)
kusto.windows.net (Azure Kusto Clusters)
learn.microsoft.com (Azure documentation)
logic.azure.com (Logic Apps)
marketplacedataprovider.azure.com (Azure Marketplace)
marketplaceemail.azure.com (Azure Marketplace)
media.azure.net (Azure Media Services)
monitor.azure.com (Azure Monitor Service)
*.msidentity.com (Microsoft Entra)
mspim.azure.com (Microsoft Entra)
network.azure.com (Azure Network)
purview.azure.com (Azure Purview)
quantum.azure.com (Azure Quantum Service)
rest.media.azure.net (Azure Media Services)
search.azure.com (Azure Search)
servicebus.azure.net (Azure Service Bus)
servicebus.windows.net (Azure Service Bus)
shell.azure.com (Azure Command Shell)
sphere.azure.net (Azure Sphere)
azure.status.microsoft (Azure Status)
storage.azure.com (Azure Storage)
storage.azure.net (Azure Storage)
vault.azure.net (Azure Key Vault Service)
ux.console.azure.com (Azure Cloud Shell)


Traffic to these endpoints uses standard TCP ports for HTTP (80) and HTTPS (443).