

Queries for the WVDConnectionNetworkData table

For information on using these queries in the Azure portal, see Log Analytics tutorial. For the REST API, see Query.

Average round-trip time over time

Display a graph of round-trip time (in Milliseconds) across all connections in 10 min intervals at the 10th, 50th, and 90th percentiles.

| summarize percentiles(EstRoundTripTimeInMs, 90, 50, 10) by bin(TimeGenerated,10m)
| render timechart

Average BW across all connections

Displays a graph of bandwidth (in Kilobytes per second) across all connections over 10 min intervals at the 10th, 50th, and 90th percentiles.

| summarize percentiles(EstAvailableBandwidthKBps, 90, 50, 10) by bin(TimeGenerated,10m)
| render timechart

Top 10 users with the highest round-trip time

Returns a list of the top 10 users with the highest average round-trip time (in Milliseconds).

| join kind=leftouter 
    | where State == "Completed"
    | distinct CorrelationId, UserName
) on CorrelationId
| summarize AvgRTT=round(avg(EstRoundTripTimeInMs)), RTT_P95=percentile(EstRoundTripTimeInMs, 95) by UserName
| top 10 by AvgRTT desc

Top 10 users with lowest bandwidth

Returns a list of the top 10 users with the lowest average bandwidth (in Kilobytes per second).

| join kind=inner 
    | where State == "Completed"
    | distinct CorrelationId, UserName
) on CorrelationId
| summarize AvgBW=avg(EstAvailableBandwidthKBps), BW_P95=percentile(EstAvailableBandwidthKBps,95) by UserName
| top 10 by AvgBW asc

Summary of Round-trip time and bandwidth

Returns the 90th percentiles for round-trip time (in Milliseconds) and bandwidth (in Kilobytes) for each connection along with additional connection details.

| summarize RTTP90=percentile(EstRoundTripTimeInMs,90), BWP90=percentile(EstAvailableBandwidthKBps,90), StartTime=min(TimeGenerated), EndTime=max(TimeGenerated) by CorrelationId
| join kind=inner
    | where State == "Connected"
    | extend Protocol = iif(UdpUse in ("0", "<>"), "TCP", "UDP")
) on CorrelationId
| project CorrelationId, StartTime, EndTime, UserName, SessionHostName, RTTP90, BWP90, Protocol, ClientOS, ClientType, ClientVersion, ConnectionType, ResourceAlias, SessionHostSxSStackVersion