Queries for the OEWExperimentAssignmentSummary table
For information on using these queries in the Azure portal, see Log Analytics tutorial. For the REST API, see Query.
Variant assignment counts by features
List the total number of assignments for each variant in feature allocations.
// Variant assignment counts by features
| summarize
IsControlVariant = take_any(IsControlVariant),
AllocationPercentage = take_any(AllocationPercentage),
AssignmentEventCount = sum(AssignmentEventCount),
EarliestAssignment = min(MinTimeGenerated),
LatestAssignment = max(MaxTimeGenerated)
by FeatureName, AllocationId, Variant
| order by FeatureName asc, LatestAssignment desc, Variant asc
Latest scorecard metadata for a given feature
Query the latest experimentscorecard metadata for a given feature.
// Latest scorecard metadata for a given feature
// set the feature flag name to query
let QueryFeature = "MyFeatureFlag";
| where FeatureName == QueryFeature
| summarize MaxTimeGenerated=max(MaxTimeGenerated), Variants=make_set(Variant, 1000) by AllocationId
| summarize arg_max(MaxTimeGenerated, *)
| join kind=inner OEWExperimentScorecards on AllocationId
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, ScorecardId)
| project
FeatureName, AllocationId, Variants,
ScorecardId, AnalysisStartTime, AnalysisEndTime, Insights
Latest scorecard results for a given feature
Query the latest experiment scorecard result for a given feature.
// Latest scorecard results for a given feature
// set the feature flag name to query
let QueryFeature = "MyFeatureFlag";
| where FeatureName == QueryFeature
| summarize arg_max(MaxTimeGenerated, AllocationId)
| join kind=inner OEWExperimentScorecards on AllocationId
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, ScorecardId)
| join kind=inner OEWExperimentScorecardMetricPairs on ScorecardId
| project
ScorecardId, MetricId, MetricDisplayName, MetricKind, MetricTags,
TreatmentVariant, TreatmentCount, TreatmentMetricValue,
ControlVariant, ControlCount, ControlMetricValue,
TreatmentEffect, RelativeDifference, PValue, Insights