

Queries for the ABAPAuditLog table

For information on using these queries in the Azure portal, see Log Analytics tutorial. For the REST API, see Query.

ABAP audit log multiple IP logons

Display multiple users login from the same ip.

let perIPLimit = 1;
| where MessageId == 'AUM'
| extend DetailsBy = pack("User", User, "Email", Email, "SystemId", SystemId, "ClientId", ClientId)
| summarize LoginbyIPAttempts = count(), Details = make_set(DetailsBy), StartTime = min(TimeGenerated), EndTime = max(TimeGenerated)
    by TerminalIpV6
| where LoginbyIPAttempts > perIPLimit
| mv-expand Details
| evaluate bag_unpack(Details, "Details_")

ABAP audit log file downloads

Display file downloads activities.

let TableAccessTcodes= dynamic(["SE16", "SE16N", "SE11", "SE16H", "SM30", "SE12", "SM31", "SE16H", "SE14", "SE54","SE17", "SE16T", "DB01", "DB02"]);
// get data read actions
    | where MessageID == "AU3"
    | where TransactionCode in (TableAccessTcodes) or Variable1 in (TableAccessTcodes)
    | summarize by TimeAccessed= bin(TimeGenerated, 1h), SystemId, ClientId, User, AbapProgramName