

Supported Personally Identifiable Information (PII) entity categories

Use this article to find the entity categories that can be returned by the PII detection feature. This feature runs a predictive model to identify, categorize, and redact sensitive information from an input document.

The PII feature includes the ability to detect personal (PII) and health (PHI) information.

Entity categories


To detect protected health information (PHI), use the domain=phi parameter and model version 2020-04-01 or later.

The following entity categories are returned when you're sending API requests PII feature.

Category: Person

This category contains the following entity:




Names of people. Returned as both PII and PHI.

To get this entity category, add Person to the piiCategories parameter. Person will be returned in the API response if detected.

Supported languages

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, af, ca, da, el, ga, gl, ku, nl, no, ss, ro, sq, ur, ar, bg, bs, cy, fa, hr, id, mg, mk, ms, ps, ru, sl, so, sr, sw, am, as, cs, et, eu, fi, he, hu, km, lo, lt, lv, mr, my, ne, or, pa, pl, sk, th, uk, az, bn, gu, hy, ka, kk, kn, ky, ml, mn, ta, te, ug, uz, vi

Category: PersonType

This category contains the following entity:




Job types or roles held by a person.

To get this entity category, add PersonType to the piiCategories parameter. PersonType will be returned in the API response if detected.

Supported languages

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, af, ca, da, el, ga, gl, ku, nl, no, ss, ro, sq, ur, ar, bg, bs, cy, fa, hr, id, mg, mk, ms, ps, ru, sl, so, sr, sw, am, as, cs, et, eu, fi, he, hu, km, lo, lt, lv, mr, my, ne, or, pa, pl, sk, th, uk, az, bn, gu, hy, ka, kk, kn, ky, ml, mn, ta, te, ug, uz, vi

Category: PhoneNumber

This category contains the following entity:




Phone numbers (US and EU phone numbers only). Returned as both PII and PHI.

To get this entity category, add PhoneNumber to the piiCategories parameter. PhoneNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

Supported languages

en, es, fr, de, it, zh-hans, ja, ko, pt-pt pt-br

Category: Organization

This category contains the following entity:




Companies, political groups, musical bands, sport clubs, government bodies, and public organizations. Nationalities and religions are not included in this entity type. Returned as both PII and PHI.

To get this entity category, add Organization to the piiCategories parameter. Organization will be returned in the API response if detected.

Supported languages

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, af, ca, da, el, ga, gl, ku, nl, no, ss, ro, sq, ur, ar, bg, bs, cy, fa, hr, id, mg, mk, ms, ps, ru, sl, so, sr, sw, am, as, cs, et, eu, fi, he, hu, km, lo, lt, lv, mr, my, ne, or, pa, pl, sk, th, uk, az, bn, gu, hy, ka, kk, kn, ky, ml, mn, ta, te, ug, uz, vi


The entity in this category can have the following subcategories.

Entity subcategory



Medical companies and groups.

To get this entity category, add OrganizationMedical to the piiCategories parameter. OrganizationMedical will be returned in the API response if detected.

Supported languages


Stock exchange

Stock exchange groups.

To get this entity category, add OrganizationStockExchange to the piiCategories parameter. OrganizationStockExchange will be returned in the API response if detected.



Sports-related organizations.

To get this entity category, add OrganizationSports to the piiCategories parameter. OrganizationSports will be returned in the API response if detected.


Category: Address

This category contains the following entity:




Full mailing address. Returned as both PII and PHI.

To get this entity category, add Address to the piiCategories parameter. Address will be returned in the API response if detected.

Supported languages

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, af, ca, da, el, ga, gl, ku, nl, no, ss, ro, sq, ur, ar, bg, bs, cy, fa, hr, id, mg, mk, ms, ps, ru, sl, so, sr, sw, am, as, cs, et, eu, fi, he, hu, km, lo, lt, lv, mr, my, ne, or, pa, pl, sk, th, uk, az, bn, gu, hy, ka, kk, kn, ky, ml, mn, ta, te, ug, uz, vi

Category: Email

This category contains the following entity:




Email addresses. Returned as both PII and PHI.

To get this entity category, add Email to the piiCategories parameter. Email will be returned in the API response if detected.

Supported languages

en, es, fr, de, it, zh, ja, ko, pt-pt, pt-br, nl, sv, tr, hi

Category: URL

This category contains the following entity:




URLs to websites. Returned as both PII and PHI.

To get this entity category, add URL to the piiCategories parameter. URL will be returned in the API response if detected.

Supported languages

en, es, fr, de, it, zh, ja, ko, pt-pt, pt-br, nl, sv, tr, hi

Category: IP Address

This category contains the following entity:




Network IP addresses. Returned as both PII and PHI.

To get this entity category, add IPAddress to the piiCategories parameter. IPAddress will be returned in the API response if detected.

Supported languages

en, es, fr, de, it, zh, ja, ko, pt-pt, pt-br, nl, sv, tr, hi

Category: DateTime

This category contains the following entities:




Dates and times of day.

To get this entity category, add DateTime to the piiCategories parameter. DateTime will be returned in the API response if detected.

Supported languages

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, af, ca, da, el, ga, gl, ku, nl, no, ss, ro, sq, ur, ar, bg, bs, cy, fa, hr, id, mg, mk, ms, ps, ru, sl, so, sr, sw, am, as, cs, et, eu, fi, he, hu, km, lo, lt, lv, mr, my, ne, or, pa, pl, sk, th, uk, az, bn, gu, hy, ka, kk, kn, ky, ml, mn, ta, te, ug, uz, vi


The entity in this category can have the following subcategories.

Entity subcategory



Calender dates. Returned as both PII and PHI.

To get this entity category, add Date to the piiCategories parameter. Date will be returned in the API response if detected.

Supported languages

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, af, ca, da, el, ga, gl, ku, nl, no, ss, ro, sq, ur, ar, bg, bs, cy, fa, hr, id, mg, mk, ms, ps, ru, sl, so, sr, sw, am, as, cs, et, eu, fi, he, hu, km, lo, lt, lv, mr, my, ne, or, pa, pl, sk, th, uk, az, bn, gu, hy, ka, kk, kn, ky, ml, mn, ta, te, ug, uz, vi


Dates and times of day.

To get this entity category, add DateAndTime to the piiCategories parameter. DateAndTime will be returned in the API response if detected.

Supported languages

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, af, ca, da, el, ga, gl, ku, nl, no, ss, ro, sq, ur, ar, bg, bs, cy, fa, hr, id, mg, mk, ms, ps, ru, sl, so, sr, sw, am, as, cs, et, eu, fi, he, hu, km, lo, lt, lv, mr, my, ne, or, pa, pl, sk, th, uk, az, bn, gu, hy, ka, kk, kn, ky, ml, mn, ta, te, ug, uz, vi

Subcategory: Age

The PII service supports the Age subcategory within the broader Quantity category (since Age is the personally identifiable piece of information).

Entity subcategory




Supported languages

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, af, ca, da, el, ga, gl, ku, nl, no, ss, ro, sq, ur, ar, bg, bs, cy, fa, hr, id, mg, mk, ms, ps, ru, sl, so, sr, sw, am, as, cs, et, eu, fi, he, hu, km, lo, lt, lv, mr, my, ne, or, pa, pl, sk, th, uk, az, bn, gu, hy, ka, kk, kn, ky, ml, mn, ta, te, ug, uz, vi

Azure information

These entity categories include identifiable Azure information like authentication information and connection strings. Not returned as PHI.


Azure DocumentDB Auth Key


Authorization key for an Azure Cosmos DB server.

To get this entity category, add AzureDocumentDBAuthKey to the piiCategories parameter. AzureDocumentDBAuthKey will be returned in the API response if detected.

Supported languages

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

Azure IAAS Database Connection String and Azure SQL Connection String.

Connection string for an Azure infrastructure as a service (IaaS) database, and SQL connection string.

To get this entity category, add AzureIAASDatabaseConnectionAndSQLString to the piiCategories parameter. AzureIAASDatabaseConnectionAndSQLString will be returned in the API response if detected.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

Azure IoT Connection String

Connection string for Azure IoT.

To get this entity category, add AzureIoTConnectionString to the piiCategories parameter. AzureIoTConnectionString will be returned in the API response if detected.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

Azure Publish Setting Password

Password for Azure publish settings.

To get this entity category, add AzurePublishSettingPassword to the piiCategories parameter. AzurePublishSettingPassword will be returned in the API response if detected.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

Azure Redis Cache Connection String

Connection string for a Redis cache.

To get this entity category, add AzureRedisCacheString to the piiCategories parameter. AzureRedisCacheString will be returned in the API response if detected.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

Azure SAS

Connection string for Azure software as a service (SaaS).

To get this entity category, add AzureSAS to the piiCategories parameter. AzureSAS will be returned in the API response if detected.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

Azure Service Bus Connection String

Connection string for an Azure service bus.

To get this entity category, add AzureServiceBusString to the piiCategories parameter. AzureServiceBusString will be returned in the API response if detected.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

Azure Storage Account Key

Account key for an Azure storage account.

To get this entity category, add AzureStorageAccountKey to the piiCategories parameter. AzureStorageAccountKey will be returned in the API response if detected.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

Azure Storage Account Key (Generic)

Generic account key for an Azure storage account.

To get this entity category, add AzureStorageAccountGeneric to the piiCategories parameter. AzureStorageAccountGeneric will be returned in the API response if detected.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

SQL Server Connection String

Connection string for a computer running SQL Server.

To get this entity category, add SQLServerConnectionString to the piiCategories parameter. SQLServerConnectionString will be returned in the API response if detected.



Financial account identification

This entity category includes financial information and official forms of identification.

Category: ABA routing number

This category contains the following entity:


ABA routing number


American Banker Association (ABA) transit routing numbers. Also returned with domain=phi.

To get this entity category, add ABARoutingNumber to the piiCategories parameter. ABARoutingNumber will also be returned in the API response if detected.

Supported languages

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, af, ca, da, el, ga, gl, ku, nl, no, ss, ro, sq, ur, ar, bg, bs, cy, fa, hr, id, mg, mk, ms, ps, ru, sl, so, sr, sw, am, as, cs, et, eu, fi, he, hu, km, lo, lt, lv, mr, my, ne, or, pa, pl, sk, th, uk, az, bn, gu, hy, ka, kk, kn, ky, ml, mn, ta, te, ug, uz, vi

Category: SWIFT code

This category contains the following entity:


SWIFT code


SWIFT codes for payment instruction information. Also returned with domain=phi.

To get this entity category, add SWIFTCode to the piiCategories parameter. SWIFTCode will be returned in the API response if detected.

Supported languages

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, af, ca, da, el, ga, gl, ku, nl, no, ss, ro, sq, ur, ar, bg, bs, cy, fa, hr, id, mg, mk, ms, ps, ru, sl, so, sr, sw, am, as, cs, et, eu, fi, he, hu, km, lo, lt, lv, mr, my, ne, or, pa, pl, sk, th, uk, az, bn, gu, hy, ka, kk, kn, ky, ml, mn, ta, te, ug, uz, vi

Category: Credit card

This category contains the following entity:


Credit card


Credit card numbers. Also returned with domain=phi.

To get this entity category, add CreditCardNumber to the piiCategories parameter. CreditCardNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

Supported languages

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, af, ca, da, el, ga, gl, ku, nl, no, ss, ro, sq, ur, ar, bg, bs, cy, fa, hr, id, mg, mk, ms, ps, ru, sl, so, sr, sw, am, as, cs, et, eu, fi, he, hu, km, lo, lt, lv, mr, my, ne, or, pa, pl, sk, th, uk, az, bn, gu, hy, ka, kk, kn, ky, ml, mn, ta, te, ug, uz, vi

Category: International Banking Account Number (IBAN)

This category contains the following entity:


Credit card


IBAN codes for payment instruction information. Also returned with domain=phi.

To get this entity category, add InternationalBankingAccountNumber to the piiCategories parameter. InternationalBankingAccountNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

Supported languages

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, af, ca, da, el, ga, gl, ku, nl, no, ss, ro, sq, ur, ar, bg, bs, cy, fa, hr, id, mg, mk, ms, ps, ru, sl, so, sr, sw, am, as, cs, et, eu, fi, he, hu, km, lo, lt, lv, mr, my, ne, or, pa, pl, sk, th, uk, az, bn, gu, hy, ka, kk, kn, ky, ml, mn, ta, te, ug, uz, vi

Government and country/region-specific identification


The following financial and country/region-specific entities are not returned with the domain=phi parameter:

  • Passport numbers
  • Tax IDs

The following entities are grouped and listed by country/region:



Argentina National Identity (DNI) Number


Also returned with domain=phi.

To get this entity category, add ARNationalIdentityNumber to the piiCategories parameter. ARNationalIdentityNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

Supported languages

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk



Austria identity card


To get this entity category, add ATIdentityCard to the piiCategories parameter. ATIdentityCard will be returned in the API response if detected.

Supported languages

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

Austria tax identification number

To get this entity category, add ATTaxIdentificationNumber to the piiCategories parameter. ATTaxIdentificationNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

Austria Value Added Tax (VAT) number

To get this entity category, add ATValueAddedTaxNumber to the piiCategories parameter. ATValueAddedTaxNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk



Australia bank account number


To get this entity category, add AUBankAccountNumber to the piiCategories parameter. AUBankAccountNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

Also returned with domain=phi.

Supported languages

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

Australian business number

To get this entity category, add AUBusinessNumber to the piiCategories parameter. AUBusinessNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

Australia Company Number

To get this entity category, add AUCompanyNumber to the piiCategories parameter. AUCompanyNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

Australia driver's license

To get this entity category, add AUDriversLicenseNumber to the piiCategories parameter. AUDriversLicenseNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

Also returned with domain=phi.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

Australia medical account number

To get this entity category, add AUMedicalAccountNumber to the piiCategories parameter. AUMedicalAccountNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

Also returned with domain=phi.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

Australia passport number

To get this entity category, add AUPassportNumber to the piiCategories parameter. AUPassportNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

Australia tax file number

To get this entity category, add AUTaxFileNumber to the piiCategories parameter. AUTaxFileNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk



Belgium national number


To get this entity category, add BENationalNumber to the piiCategories parameter. BENationalNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

Also returned with domain=phi.

Supported languages

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

Belgium Value Added Tax (VAT) number

To get this entity category, add BEValueAddedTaxNumber to the piiCategories parameter. BEValueAddedTaxNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk



Brazil legal entity number (CNPJ)


To get this entity category, add BRLegalEntityNumber to the piiCategories parameter. BRLegalEntityNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

Also returned with domain=phi.

Supported languages

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

Brazil CPF number

To get this entity category, add BRCPFNumber to the piiCategories parameter. BRCPFNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

Also returned with domain=phi.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

Brazil National ID Card (RG)

To get this entity category, add BRNationalIDRG to the piiCategories parameter. BRNationalIDRG will be returned in the API response if detected.

Also returned with domain=phi.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk



Canada bank account number


To get this entity category, add CABankAccountNumber to the piiCategories parameter. CABankAccountNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

Also returned with domain=phi.

Supported languages

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

Canada driver's license number

To get this entity category, add CADriversLicenseNumber to the piiCategories parameter. CADriversLicenseNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

Also returned with domain=phi.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

Canada health service number

To get this entity category, add CAHealthServiceNumber to the piiCategories parameter. CAHealthServiceNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

Also returned with domain=phi.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

Canada passport number

To get this entity category, add CAPassportNumber to the piiCategories parameter. CAPassportNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

Canada Personal Health Identification Number (PHIN)

To get this entity category, add CAPersonalHealthIdentification to the piiCategories parameter. CAPersonalHealthIdentification will be returned in the API response if detected.

Also returned with domain=phi.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

Canada social insurance number

To get this entity category, add CASocialInsuranceNumber to the piiCategories parameter. CASocialInsuranceNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

Also returned with domain=phi.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk



Chile identity card number


To get this entity category, add CLIdentityCardNumber to the piiCategories parameter. CLIdentityCardNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

Also returned with domain=phi.

Supported languages

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk



China Resident Identity Card (PRC) number


To get this entity category, add CNResidentIdentityCardNumber to the piiCategories parameter. CNResidentIdentityCardNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

Also returned with domain=phi.

Supported languages

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

European Union (EU)


EU debit card number


To get this entity category, add EUDebitCardNumber to the piiCategories parameter. EUDebitCardNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

Also returned with domain=phi.

Supported languages

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

EU driver's license number

To get this entity category, add EUDriversLicenseNumber to the piiCategories parameter. EUDriversLicenseNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

Also returned with domain=phi.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

EU GPS coordinates

To get this entity category, add EUGPSCoordinates to the piiCategories parameter. EUGPSCoordinates will be returned in the API response if detected.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

EU national identification number

To get this entity category, add EUNationalIdentificationNumber to the piiCategories parameter. EUNationalIdentificationNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

Also returned with domain=phi.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

EU passport number

To get this entity category, add EUPassportNumber to the piiCategories parameter. EUPassportNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

EU Social Security Number (SSN) or equivalent ID

To get this entity category, add EUSocialSecurityNumber to the piiCategories parameter. EUSocialSecurityNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

Also returned with domain=phi.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

EU Tax Identification Number (TIN)

To get this entity category, add EUTaxIdentificationNumber to the piiCategories parameter. EUTaxIdentificationNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk



France driver's license number


To get this entity category, add FRDriversLicenseNumber to the piiCategories parameter. FRDriversLicenseNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

Also returned with domain=phi.

Supported languages

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

France health insurance number

To get this entity category, add FRHealthInsuranceNumber to the piiCategories parameter. FRHealthInsuranceNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

France national ID card (CNI)

To get this entity category, add FRNationalID to the piiCategories parameter. FRNationalID will be returned in the API response if detected.

Also returned with domain=phi.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

France passport number

To get this entity category, add FRPassportNumber to the piiCategories parameter. FRPassportNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

France Social Security Number (INSEE)

To get this entity category, add FRSocialSecurityNumber to the piiCategories parameter. FRSocialSecurityNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

Also returned with domain=phi.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

France tax identification number (Numéro SPI)

To get this entity category, add FRTaxIdentificationNumber to the piiCategories parameter. FRTaxIdentificationNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

France Value Added Tax (VAT) number

To get this entity category, add FRValueAddedTaxNumber to the piiCategories parameter. FRValueAddedTaxNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk



German Driver's License Number


To get this entity category, add DEDriversLicenseNumber to the piiCategories parameter. DEDriversLicenseNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

Also returned with domain=phi.

Supported languages

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

Germany Identity Card Number

To get this entity category, add DEIdentityCardNumber to the piiCategories parameter. DEIdentityCardNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

Also returned with domain=phi.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

Germany passport number

To get this entity category, add DEPassportNumber to the piiCategories parameter. DEPassportNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

Germany Tax Identification Number

To get this entity category, add DETaxIdentificationNumber to the piiCategories parameter. DETaxIdentificationNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

Germany Value Added Tax Number


To get this entity category, add DEValueAddedNumber to the piiCategories parameter. DEValueAddedNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

Hong Kong Special Administrative Region


Hong Kong Identity Card (HKID) Number


To get this entity category, add HKIdentityCardNumber to the piiCategories parameter. HKIdentityCardNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

Also returned with domain=phi.

Supported languages

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk



Hungary Personal Identification Number


To get this entity category, add HUPersonalIdentificationNumber to the piiCategories parameter. HUPersonalIdentificationNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

Supported languages

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

Hungary Tax identification Number

To get this entity category, add HUTaxIdentificationNumber to the piiCategories parameter. HUTaxIdentificationNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

Hungary Value Added Tax Number

To get this entity category, add HUValueAddedNumber to the piiCategories parameter. HUValueAddedNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk



India Permanent Account Number (PAN)


To get this entity category, add INPermanentAccount to the piiCategories parameter. INPermanentAccount will be returned in the API response if detected.

Also returned with domain=phi.

Supported languages

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

India Unique Identification (Aadhaar) Number


To get this entity category, add INUniqueIdentificationNumber to the piiCategories parameter. INUniqueIdentificationNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

Also returned with domain=phi.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk



Indonesia Identity Card (KTP) Number


To get this entity category, add IDIdentityCardNumber to the piiCategories parameter. IDIdentityCardNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

Also returned with domain=phi.

Supported languages

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk



Ireland Personal Public Service (PPS) Number


To get this entity category, add IEPersonalPublicServiceNumber to the piiCategories parameter. IEPersonalPublicServiceNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

Also returned with domain=phi.

Supported languages

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk



Israel National ID


To get this entity category, add ILNationalID to the piiCategories parameter. ILNationalID will be returned in the API response if detected.

Supported languages

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

Israel Bank Account Number

To get this entity category, add ILBankAccountNumber to the piiCategories parameter. ILBankAccountNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

Also returned with domain=phi.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk



Italy Driver's License ID


To get this entity category, add ITDriversLicenseNumber to the piiCategories parameter. ITDriversLicenseNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

Also returned with domain=phi.

Supported languages

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

Italy Fiscal Code

To get this entity category, add ITFiscalCode to the piiCategories parameter. ITFiscalCode will be returned in the API response if detected.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

Italy Value Added Tax Number

To get this entity category, add ITValueAddedTaxNumber to the piiCategories parameter. ITValueAddedTaxNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk



Japan Bank Account Number


To get this entity category, add JPBankAccountNumber to the piiCategories parameter. JPBankAccountNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

Also returned with domain=phi.

Supported languages

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

Japan Driver's License Number

To get this entity category, add JPDriversLicenseNumber to the piiCategories parameter. JPDriversLicenseNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

Also returned with domain=phi.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

Japan "My Number" (personal)

To get this entity category, add JPMyNumberPersonal to the piiCategories parameter. JPMyNumberPersonal will be returned in the API response if detected.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

Japan "My Number" (Corporate)

To get this entity category, add JPMyNumberCorporate to the piiCategories parameter. JPMyNumberCorporate will be returned in the API response if detected.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

Japan Resident Registration Number

To get this entity category, add JPResidentRegistrationNumber to the piiCategories parameter. JPResidentRegistrationNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

Also returned with domain=phi.


Japan Residence Card Number

To get this entity category, add JPResidenceCardNumber to the piiCategories parameter. JPResidenceCardNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

Also returned with domain=phi.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

Japan Social Insurance Number (SIN)

To get this entity category, add JPSocialInsuranceNumber to the piiCategories parameter. JPSocialInsuranceNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

Also returned with domain=phi.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

Japan Passport Number

To get this entity category, add JPPassportNumber to the piiCategories parameter. JPPassportNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk



Luxembourg National Identification Number (Natural persons)


To get this entity category, add LUNationalIdentificationNumberNatural to the piiCategories parameter. LUNationalIdentificationNumberNatural will be returned in the API response if detected.

Supported languages

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

Luxembourg National Identification Number (Non-natural persons)

To get this entity category, add LUNationalIdentificationNumberNonNatural to the piiCategories parameter. LUNationalIdentificationNumberNonNatural will be returned in the API response if detected.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk



Malta Identity Card Number


To get this entity category, add MTIdentityCardNumber to the piiCategories parameter. MTIdentityCardNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

Supported languages

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

Malta Tax Identification Number

To get this entity category, add MTTaxIDNumber to the piiCategories parameter. MTTaxIDNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

New Zealand


New Zealand Bank Account Number


To get this entity category, add NZBankAccountNumber to the piiCategories parameter. NZBankAccountNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

Supported languages

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

New Zealand Driver's License Number

To get this entity category, add NZDriversLicenseNumber to the piiCategories parameter. NZDriversLicenseNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

New Zealand Inland Revenue Number

To get this entity category, add NZInlandRevenueNumber to the piiCategories parameter. NZInlandRevenueNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

New Zealand Ministry of Health Number

To get this entity category, add NZMinistryOfHealthNumber to the piiCategories parameter. NZMinistryOfHealthNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

Also returned with domain=phi.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

New Zealand Social Welfare Number

To get this entity category, add NZSocialWelfareNumber to the piiCategories parameter. NZSocialWelfareNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk



Philippines Unified Multi-Purpose ID Number


To get this entity category, add PHUnifiedMultiPurposeIDNumber to the piiCategories parameter. PHUnifiedMultiPurposeIDNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

Also returned with domain=phi.

Supported languages

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk



Portugal Citizen Card Number


To get this entity category, add PTCitizenCardNumber to the piiCategories parameter. PTCitizenCardNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

Also returned with domain=phi.

Supported languages

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

Portugal Tax Identification Number

To get this entity category, add PTTaxIdentificationNumber to the piiCategories parameter. PTTaxIdentificationNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

Also returned with domain=phi.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk



Singapore National Registration ID Card (NRIC) Number


To get this entity category, add PTTaxIdentificationNumber to the piiCategories parameter. PTTaxIdentificationNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

Supported languages

en, zh-hans

South Africa


South Africa Identification Number


To get this entity category, add ZAIdentificationNumber to the piiCategories parameter. ZAIdentificationNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

Also returned with domain=phi.

Supported languages

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

South Korea


South Korea Resident Registration Number


To get this entity category, add KRResidentRegistrationNumber to the piiCategories parameter. KRResidentRegistrationNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

Also returned with domain=phi.

Supported languages

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk



Spain DNI


To get this entity category, add ESDNI to the piiCategories parameter. ESDNI will be returned in the API response if detected.

Supported languages

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

Spain Social Security Number (SSN)

To get this entity category, add ESSocialSecurityNumber to the piiCategories parameter. ESSocialSecurityNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

Also returned with domain=phi.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

Spain Tax Identification Number

To get this entity category, add ESTaxIdentificationNumber to the piiCategories parameter. ESTaxIdentificationNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk



Swiss Social Security Number AHV


To get this entity category, add CHSocialSecurityNumber to the piiCategories parameter. CHSocialSecurityNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

Supported languages

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk



Taiwan National ID


To get this entity category, add TWNationalID to the piiCategories parameter. TWNationalID will be returned in the API response if detected.

Also returned with domain=phi.

Supported languages

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

Taiwan Resident Certificate (ARC/TARC)

To get this entity category, add TWResidentCertificate to the piiCategories parameter. TWResidentCertificate will be returned in the API response if detected.

Also returned with domain=phi.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

Taiwan Passport Number

To get this entity category, add TWPassportNumber to the piiCategories parameter. TWPassportNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

United Kingdom


U.K. Driver's License Number


To get this entity category, add UKDriversLicenseNumber to the piiCategories parameter. UKDriversLicenseNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

Also returned with domain=phi.

Supported languages

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

U.K. Electoral Roll Number

To get this entity category, add UKElectoralRollNumber to the piiCategories parameter. UKElectoralRollNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

Also returned with domain=phi.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

U.K. National Health Service (NHS) Number

To get this entity category, add UKNationalHealthNumber to the piiCategories parameter. UKNationalHealthNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

Also returned with domain=phi.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

U.K. National Insurance Number (NINO)

To get this entity category, add UKNationalInsuranceNumber to the piiCategories parameter. UKNationalInsuranceNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

Also returned with domain=phi.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

U.K. or U.S. Passport Number

To get this entity category, add USUKPassportNumber to the piiCategories parameter. USUKPassportNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.


U.K. Unique Taxpayer Reference Number

To get this entity category, add UKUniqueTaxpayerNumber to the piiCategories parameter. UKUniqueTaxpayerNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

United States


U.S. Social Security Number (SSN)


To get this entity category, add USSocialSecurityNumber to the piiCategories parameter. USSocialSecurityNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

Also returned with domain=phi.

Supported languages

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

U.S. Driver's License Number

To get this entity category, add USDriversLicenseNumber to the piiCategories parameter. USDriversLicenseNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

Also returned with domain=phi.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

U.S. or U.K. Passport Number

To get this entity category, add USUKPassportNumber to the piiCategories parameter. USUKPassportNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

U.S. Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN)

To get this entity category, add USIndividualTaxpayerIdentification to the piiCategories parameter. USIndividualTaxpayerIdentification will be returned in the API response if detected.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) Number

To get this entity category, add DrugEnforcementAgencyNumber to the piiCategories parameter. DrugEnforcementAgencyNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

Also returned with domain=phi.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

U.S. Bank Account Number

To get this entity category, add USBankAccountNumber to the piiCategories parameter. USBankAccountNumber will be returned in the API response if detected.

Also returned with domain=phi.

en, es, fr, de, it, pt-pt, pt-br, zh, ja, ko, nl, sv, tr, hi, da, nl, no, ro, ar, bg, hr, ms, ru, sl, cs, et, fi, he, hu, lv, sk, th, uk

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