

Windows Autopilot deployment for existing devices: Deploy Autopilot task sequence to collection in Configuration Manager

Autopilot user-driven Microsoft Entra join steps:

  • Step 7: Deploy Autopilot task sequence to collection in Configuration Manager

For an overview of the Windows Autopilot deployment for existing devices workflow, see Windows Autopilot deployment for existing devices in Intune and Configuration Manager.

Deploy Autopilot task sequence to collection in Configuration Manager

Once the Autopilot for existing devices task sequence and the collection with devices to deploy the task sequence to are created, the next step is to deploy the task sequence to the collection. To deploy the task sequence to the collection, follow these steps:

  1. On a device where the Configuration Manager console is installed, such as a Configuration Manager site server, open the Configuration Manager console.

  2. In the left hand pane of the Configuration Manager console, navigate to Software Library > Overview > Operating Systems.

  3. Expand Task Sequences and then locate the Autopilot for existing devices task sequence created in the Create Autopilot task sequence for existing devices in Configuration Manager step.

  4. Once the Autopilot for existing devices task sequence is located, select it and then on the ribbon, select Deploy. Alternatively, right-click on the Autopilot for existing devices task sequence and select Deploy.

  5. In the Deploy Software Wizard window that appears:

    1. In the General/Specify general information for this deployment page, configure the following settings:

      1. Next to Task Sequence:, the Autopilot for existing devices task sequence should already be selected.

      2. Next to Collection:, select the Browse button. In the Select Collection window that appears, under Select a collection:, select the collection created in the step Create collection in Configuration Manager, and then select the OK button.

      3. Select the Next > button.

    2. In the Deployment Settings/Specify settings to control this deployment page, configure the settings as desired:

      1. For Purpose:, normally Available is selected. Making the deployment available usually means that someone such as an admin or end-user has to manually trigger and start the deployment by selecting the task sequence through methods such:

        • The Configuration Manager Software Center.
        • Booting from a PXE enabled distribution point
        • Booting from task sequence bootable media.


        The deployment can instead be set to Required. Setting the deployment to Required causes the deployment to start automatically without any end-user intervention when the deployment assignment time is reached. However, Microsoft recommends not making a deployment required due to the potential destructive behavior that a required task sequence can have. For example, a required task sequence can unexpectedly wipe devices without any user interaction if:

        • The task sequence is accidentally deployed to the wrong collection.
        • The wrong devices are added to the collection that the task sequence is deployed to.

        If using the option of Required, do so with extreme caution making sure the task sequence is deployed to the correct collection that contains expected devices.

      2. Under Make available to the following:, select where the task sequence appears and when the task sequence can run:

        • Only Configuration Manager clients: The task sequence appears in the Configuration Manager Software Center on existing devices that has Windows already installed and has the Configuration Manager client installed. The task sequence doesn't appear when booting from a PXE enabled distribution point or when booting from task sequence bootable media.

        • Only media and PXE: The task sequence appears when booting from a PXE enabled distribution point or when booting from task sequence bootable media. The task sequence doesn't appear in the Configuration Manager Software Center on existing devices that has Windows already installed and has the Configuration Manager client installed.

        • Configuration Manager clients, media and PXE: The task sequence appears when booting from a PXE enabled distribution point or when booting from task sequence bootable media. It also appears in the Configuration Manager Software Center on existing client devices that has the Configuration Manager client installed.


        When the deployment is set to Required, the above options are the scenarios when the deployment can automatically run when the deployment assignment time is reached. For example, if the deployment is set to Required and Only media and PXE, the task sequence doesn't ever run automatically while in Windows. However, it runs automatically when the device is booted from a PXE enabled distribution point or when booted from task sequence bootable media.

      3. Select the Next > button.

    3. In the Scheduling/Specify the schedule for this deployment page, schedule when the deployment should occur:

      1. Select the checkbox next to Schedule when this deployment will become available: and then select a date and time. This date and time is the date and time that the task sequence starts to appear:

        • In the Configuration Manager Software Center.
        • When booting from a PXE enabled distribution point.
        • When booting from task sequence bootable media.
      2. If the deployment is required, next to Assignment schedule:, select the New button. In the Assignment Schedule window that appears, configure the settings as needed. The settings selected here determine when the task sequence runs automatically without end-user intervention. Once complete. Once complete, select the OK button.

      3. Select the Next > button.

    4. In the User Experience/Specify the user experience for the installation of this software page, select the options as desired, and then select the Next > button.

    5. In the Alerts/Specify Configuration Manager and Operations Manager page, select the options as desired, and then select the Next > button.

    6. In the Distribution Points/Specify how to run the content for this program page, select the options as desired, and then select the Next > button.

    7. In the Summary/Confirm the settings for this new deployment page, verify that everything is configured as desired, and then select the Next > button.

    8. When the Deploy Software Wizard completes with The task "Deploy Software Wizard" completed successfully message, select the Close button.

  6. If there are multiple task sequences with different Autopilot profiles, repeat the above steps for each task sequence.


The instructions in this step don't fully go into detail all of the options available when running the Deploy Software Wizard. For full details on the options available, see Deploy a task sequence.

Next step: Speed up the deployment process (optional)

If the preference is to use an unmodified out-of-box Autopilot task sequence created by the Create Task Sequence Wizard in Configuration Manager, then skip to Step 9: Run Autopilot task sequence on device.

For more information on deploying the Autopilot task sequence, see the following articles: