
HPC Team announces Beta 2 of the Windows HPC Server 2008 R2 solution

About 4 months ago we released the first major pre-release build of the Microsoft HPC Pack 2008 R2 & Windows HPC Server 2008 R2 solution. Now we announce our second, Beta 2.  

There are a number of enhancements in this release, a couple of them are:

  • Support for Win7 desktops as computational nodes
  • A new 'node health' view so you can more quickly understand the state of your machines
  • E-mail notifications can be sent when jobs complete
  • And more, check out more by reading the 'What's New' document on TechNet.

This is one of your last chances to give us feedback on what we will ship later this year, so come and join our beta program to give it a try, and you can give us feedback (positive or negative) on it: https://connect.microsoft.com/HPC/content/content.aspx?ContentID=6923