
Updated on 12/13/2010 -- Windows Azure AppFabric CTP December release – announcement and scheduled maintenance

The next update to the Windows Azure AppFabric LABS environment is scheduled for December 15, 2010 (Wednesday). Users will have NO access to the AppFabric LABS portal and services during the scheduled maintenance down time.    


    START: December 14, 2010, 12 pm (noon) PST

     END: December 15, 2010, 4 pm PST

Impact Alert:

The AppFabric LABS environment (Service Bus, Access Control, Caching, and portal) will be unavailable during this period. Additional impacts are described below.

Action Required:

 Existing accounts and Service Namespaces will be available after the services are deployed.

However, ACS Identity Providers, Relying Party Applications, Rule Groups, Certificates, Keys, Service Identities and Management Credentials will NOT be persisted and restored after the maintenance. The user will be responsible for both backing up and restoring any ACS entities they care to reuse after the Windows Azure AppFabric LABS December Release.

Cache users will see the web.config snippet on their provisioned cache page change automatically as part of this release. We advise Cache customers to redeploy their application after applying the new snippet from the provisioned cache page to their application

Thank you for working in LABS and giving us valuable feedback. Once the update becomes available, we'll post the details via this blog. 

Stay tuned for the upcoming LABS release!

The Windows Azure AppFabric Team