
November Windows Installer Chat Announced!

As part of the ongoing MSDN Communities effort, the Windows Installer team is
pleased to announce the next chat in the Windows Installer series. Members
of the Windows Installer team at Microsoft will be available to answer questions
about any MSI topic. The chat schedule and description are provided below. For
more information, chat instructions, and a complete chat schedule, please check
the MSDN Chats web page at https://msdn.microsoft.com/chats/.

    Windows Installer Chat: What's new in Windows Installer 4.0

    November 15, 2005

    11:00 A.M. Pacific Time

Join members of the Windows Installer Team as they answer your questions
about Windows Installer 4.0, the latest version of the Windows Installer
that will ship as part of Windows Vista. (For more information on Windows
Installer 4.0, refer to our presentation from the PDC. Simply go to
https://commnet.microsoftpdc.com/content/downloads.aspx and download the
slides for "FUN222".)

Chat URL:

For Outlook users, the following will add a reminder to your schedule:

[Author: Tyler Robinson]
