
Problems Opening Help Files After Copying From another Computer

Having been caught out by this myself yesterday, I thought I’d pass this little tip onto you. From time to time, you might want to copy help files to another computer, perhaps to look at a new version you’ve downloaded from the Web, or to copy the help file from a machine running the Configuration Manager console to a laptop to read at home.

Sometimes, when you copy chm files from one computer to another (or download them from the Web), you might find that when you open the file on the destination computer and click any item in the chm contents, a ‘page not found’ error is displayed.

This is due to a security feature in Windows XP and Windows Vista that might block content that has been copied from another computer. To unlock the file and see the content, right-click the file and select Properties. On the General tab of the file properties dialog box, click the Unblock button.

Hopefully, this helps out anyone who got caught out like I did!