
How to Request Documentation for Configuring ISA Server with Internet-Based Site Systems

When customers have asked us for help with configuring ISA Server for Internet-based client management, this isn’t something that we could help them with, because our product group doesn't own the ISA Server product. As much as we want to help customers be successful with Internet-based client management and configure it in a secure manner, we're not the right people to document how ISA should be configured to best support this scenario.

For customers that have contacted me about this, I’ve been suggesting that they use the Microsoft ISA newsgroups. However, I’ve recently discovered that requests for ISA documentation should be e-mailed to isadocs@Microsoft.com.

Some customers have expressed concerns that the ISA team won’t understand the Configuration Manager requirements. My recommendation is to e-mail jointly isadocs@Microsoft.com and smsdocs@Microsoft.com – then you know that you have all the bases covered! If they have any questions about the request, they can ask us and we will put them in touch with the right people in the Configuration Manager product group.

- Carol Bailey

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