
Planning a Windows 7 Launch Event of your own, let us help.

Hey Partners-

What a day!! I just watched Steve B. with Matt Lauer on the Today Show discussing the Launch of Windows 7,  it was a cool showcase of the great new OS launching today!

Are you planning to leverage the momentum from today's launch buzz to drive marketing activity for your business? 

Check out these offers to help you with your Windows 7 Launch Marketing Plans.

TPM Funding

Offer Details



Launch in a Box offer

Register your event at www.microsoftpartnerevents.com and you could be eligible to receive a Launch in a Box kit containing evaluation forms, product brochures, customer giveaways and an event banner

Feb 1

Event must be created using one of the Ready-to-Go Sneak Peek or Launch campaigns (complete terms & conditions here)

Launch offer

Microsoft will match partners investment (up to $500) in RTG Campaigns, Services or Event costs

Dec 31

Partner must provide proof of purchase and submit reimbursement via rebate page.

Full list of Campaigns, Services and Event costs eligible here


Good Selling!
