
New Partnercast site for Partner Readiness


Central Region Partners,


I am excited to annouce the new site for Partnercasts. Please take a look and let me know what you think...


The Microsoft Partnercast Site: We’ve seen phenomenal growth with partnercasts. In response to this growth and positive uptick on this learning modality, we are expanding our site and adding several new features that will enhance Partner experience:

•Improved User Interface:  Thumbnail pictures of partnercasts creating a compelling environment to search for new partnercasts

•Smartphone Access:  Allows partners to search and download partnercasts on their mobile phones

•Zune Capability:  Receive/download partnercasts from RSS feeds to a mobile music device (coming soon!)

•Improved Search features:  Enables easier searching and subscribing to RSS feeds

•Supporting documents:  Download or view PowerPoint or PDF documents that accompany the partnercast

•Silverlight compatible:  Site will accommodate Silverlight hosted files

•Collaboration with Academy Mobile:  Look for more partner ready content shared from Academy Mobile

•Please note: RSS feed functionality is in process and will be coming shortly